Special Projects Grant Application Process
Applicants must submit a proposal that includes the following information:
- Name of Project
- Name of Applicant and School / Department Affiliation
- Name of Project Leader
- List of Advisors / Partners / Students & their school affiliation (specify potential and/or actual)
- Project Summary (500 words or less)
- Describe the current critical need your solution addresses.
- Describe how your strategy and approach responds to key social, cultural, economic, ecological, and technological issues that shape the condition you are seeking to transform.
- Describe what sets your initiative apart from those doing similar work.
- Describe in what ways the project aims to promote inter-disciplinary process
Please include as additional pages:
- Images to help illustrate & support the project. (max 20, jpegs, max 800x800 pixels, 72dpi)
- Project Timeline. In addition, please describe what phase the project is currently in.
- Itemized Budget. In addition, please list current allocated funds and funding sources and describe what range of additional funding is needed to bring your project to fruition and from where you anticipate funding will come.
- Please provide any additional materials or URLs that directly support your application and/or independently corroborate your claims.
Please send digital submissions in pdf form to isd@cooper.edu