Scholarship Giving

What does it take to make a Cooper student’s dreams reality?
The tuition cost of a Cooper education is currently $44,550 per year. Each student receives at least $22,275 (50%) annually in tuition scholarships from The Cooper Union. Additional financial aid is dependent on the generosity of our donors.
Provided we meet the financial targets of our ten-year plan to reinstate full-tuition scholarships, Cooper will continue increasing scholarship coverage until all students are able to attend tuition-free. As a result of donor giving, The Cooper Union is currently able to cover, on average, 85% of students' tuition, and nearly half of our student body receives full-tuition scholarships, as Peter Cooper intended.
We’re proud of our progress, and with your support we can do even better!
Make a gift today and help us provide more full-tuition scholarships for our students.
A gift of $250,000 or more is required to create a named endowed, unrestricted scholarship fund, and $500,000 for a named endowed, restricted scholarship at The Cooper Union. A minimum of $25,000 is required to create a named current use scholarship. Contact us to learn how you or a loved one can establish a new named scholarship, or support an existing one, today.
We are deeply grateful for the family of supporters who have contributed to Annual Fund Scholarships over the years as well as those who have established or supported the scholarships listed below.
The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture
Abhiraj Bhoyar Scholarship
Estate of Francis Black Endowed Scholarship
Gus and Helen Condaris Scholarship
Ismar David Scholarship
Sue Ferguson Gussow Scholarship
Robert E. Hawks Scholarship
John Q. Hejduk Scholarship
Hewitt 80th Birthday Scholarship
IDC Foundation Innovation Fellowship
Alice Keteltas Scholarship
George and Selma Klett Scholarship
Beth Kramberg and Arthur Kramberg Endowed Scholarship
Bill Lacy Scholarship
Jack and Lewis Rudin Endowed Scholarship
Mari Souval Architecture Scholarship
Parvaneh Tehrani Scholarship
Anonymous Architecture Scholarship
The School of Art
2023 Anonymous Donor Scholarship
Danny Arje Memorial Scholarship
Daniel Arsham A’03 Scholarship
Daniel Arsham and StockX Next Generation Scholarship
Alice Nobel Ball & Francis M. Ball Sr. Scholarship
Bileck & Nelligan Scholarship
Booth Ferris Scholarship
Ruth Light Braun Scholarship
William and Mary Jane Brinton Scholarship
Frank Chesek Memorial Scholarship
Mary Walter Cooper Scholarship
Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation Scholarship
Arthur & Isabella Corwin Scholarship
James E. Craig Scholarship
Arlene Poling D’Arienzo ‘56 Scholarship
Paul Dandwerth Family Scholarship
Ismar David Scholarship
Jane E. and Donald W. Deed Art School Scholarship
Pearl Dorn Endowed Art Scholarship
The Alice T. DuBois Scholarship, in honor of her father, James Trimble
Edward Durbin Scholarship
Antonya Eisen Memorial Scholarship
Roberta S. Feuerlicht & Herbert A. Feuerlicht Scholarship
Loring Eutemy Scholarship
Barbara White Fishman Scholarship
Grace Diller Gibbs Scholarship
Evelyn Graber Scholarship
Jeffrey & Paula Gural Scholarship
William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship
Abraham Hersh Art Scholarship
Eleanor G. Hewitt Memorial Scholarship
Charles Ingraham Student Aid
Elizabeth D'Hauteville Kean Scholarship
Alice Keteltas Scholarship
George and Selma Klett Scholarship
Richard Knox Scholarship
Mollie Levenstein Scholarship
Laura Miller Margolius '42 Memorial Scholarship
Sylvia Drucker Mavis Endowed Scholarship
Alphonse Normandia Scholarship
Rosemary Okun Scholarship
Peter Ostuni Scholarship
Reader’s Digest Foundation Scholarship
Hazel A. Robinson Scholarship
Louis Roeth Scholarship
Lillyan deCaro Santo Scholarship
School of Art Tuition Scholarship
Estate of Harold Sosnow Art Scholarship / Sosnow Family Endowment
C.V. Starr Scholarship
Solon E. Summerfield Foundation Scholarship
Russell, Elsie, and Donald Sweet Memorial Scholarship
Until All Are Free Scholarship
Irma Weiss Tuition Aid Scholarship
Henry Wolf Foundation Scholarship
Women’s Centennial Union Scholarship
The Albert Nerken School of Engineering
Jerome L. Ablon Scholarship
Arcement Family Fund Scholarship
Bank of N.Y. Minority Scholarship
Edward J. Barlow Scholarship
Robert W. Bassemir Scholarship
Dean Eleanor Baum Scholarship
H. Carl Bauman Scholarship
Meredith B. Blaustein Memorial Scholarship
Helen Janet Bliss Scholarship
Kenneth Bridbord and Maryanne Lachat Endowed Scholarship
Catherine E. Campbell Scholarship
Leon Chernick Scholarship
Tunny Chin Memorial Scholarship
John and Fedora Chironna Memorial Scholarship
Class of 1995 Engineering Scholarship
Horacio Cundari Scholarship
Walter J. Dauksher EE’51 Scholarship
Jane E. and Donald W. Deed Engineering School Scholarship
Dr. Franklin W. Diederich Memorial Scholarship
Frank J. Donovan Scholarship
Margaret and Frederick Dornheim Scholarship
Edward Durbin Scholarship
Herbert E. Ennis Engineering Scholarship
The Forte Construction Corp. Scholarship
Alan Fortier CHE'79 Scholarship
Margaret Lappin Fich Scholarship
Mary Jane and Frederick W. Gettler, Jr. Scholarship
Roger Gilmont Scholarship
Robert Greenwald Memorial Scholarship
William Grimshaw Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Michael S. Gross Scholarship
Elizabeth and Robert Hammond Engineering Scholarship
Paul Heller ME’51 Scholarship
Julian Hirsch Scholarship
IDC Foundation Innovation Fellowship
Irving Karp Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
Fanny & Irving Katz Memorial Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Laudy Scholarship
Ilan Levi ’65 Endowed Scholarship
Raymond Luke Scholarship
Henry & Gertrude Mankin Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
Enio F. Minervini ME 1960 Scholarship
Robert P. Muhlsteff Scholarship
Pio Nardone Scholarship
John O’Rourke Scholarship
William H. Okun Scholarship
The Alfred G. (ME’54) and Thelma L. Osterlund Memorial Scholarship
Emil J. Pansky Engineering Scholarship
Emil Parente Scholarship
Oscar Parr CHE’43 Memorial Scholarship
William F. Partridge Scholarship
John F. & Olga Petrowsky Memorial Scholarship
Radio Club Scholarship
Rafal Chemical Engineering Scholarship
Carmin R. and Adrienne Rosato Scholarship
Jack and Lewis Rudin Endowed Scholarship
Emanuel Salma Memorial Scholarship
William H. Sandholm Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Walter L. Schwartz Scholarship
Dr. Max Solomon Shapiro Scholarship
Richard Slember ME’55 Engineering Scholarship
The Spater Family Endowed Scholarship
C.V. Starr Scholarship
C.V. Starr Scholarship in Engineering
Sol Tanne Scholarship
Arlene and Irving Tashlick Endowed Scholarship
Jesse & Nina Tegethoff Scholarship
Peter Torraco Biomedical Engineering Scholarship
Ralph Torraco Student Aid
Martin Trust ME’56 Scholarship
Frederick Urban Memorial Scholarship
Clyde H. Walker Family Scholarship
Dale Zand Family Endowment Scholarship
Dale & Charlotte Zand Scholarship
David D. Ackerman Scholarship
Irwin & Lillian Appel Endowment for Financial Aid
Henry Arnold Scholarship
Abdul Azimi Memorial Scholarship
Leonard W. Beck Endowed Scholarship
Jacqueline Bernstein and Marvin Weiner Scholarship
Frances & Max Birnbaum Scholarship
Robert C. Bosch Scholarship
Robert Byrd Scholarship
Catherine E. Campbell & Maria L. Campbell Scholarship
Grace, Bruna, Lutfi Celkupa, and Marie Hudak Celkupa Scholarship
The Chubb Corporation Scholarship
Myron Coe Scholarship
Cooper Together Scholarship
William Cordiano Scholarship
Julius Dingenthal Scholarship
Abraham Drabkin Student Aid
Estate of Kathleen Gerla Scholarship
Samuel & Sally Gilman Scholarship
Estate of Joseph N. Golding Scholarship
Salvatore & Tina Guzzardi Scholarship
Hearst Foundation Scholarship
Marilyn Hoffner Scholarship
Samuel J. Jaffe Scholarship
Benedict A. Joffe 1912 Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Peter Kabasakalian Scholarship
Maurice Kanbar Scholarship
Seymour D. Lester Memorial Scholarship
John Marion Liptay Scholarship
Arthur F. Loewe Trust Scholarship
Estate of Charles E. Luffman Endowed Scholarship
Leonard R. Luke Scholarship
Estelle & Daniel Maggin Scholarship
John and Mary Manuck Scholarship
Benjamin Menschel Multidisciplinary Scholarship
Michael A. Rampino Financial Aid
Leo Raywid Memorial Scholarship
Benjamin Reich Memorial Scholarship
Charles Lowry Robertson Student Aid
Michael F. Roberti Scholarship
Charles Ruby Scholarship
Rudolph H. Schultz Scholarship
Marvin A. Schwam Memorial Scholarship
Emil Schweinberg Scholarship
Sheridan Family Fund Scholarship
Laura Sparks Scholarship
C.V. Starr Financial Aid
Charles Stumpp Scholarship
Leonard E. Trentin Student Aid
Clifford A. Warren Scholarship
Bert Weinstein Memorial Scholarship
Irma Giustino Weiss '45 Scholarship