Academic Advising & Off-Campus Programs FAQ
Who is my advisor?
Transfer students in the BFA program are advised by the Director of Academic Advising from admission through graduation. Other BFA students are advised by the Assistant Dean and Director up until April of sophomore year, at which time they are assigned to a faculty advisor. Faculty advisor assignments are communicated by email.
Where can I find information about classes?
For information about all offered courses, see the course listings. If you are a matriculated student you may also log into the Student Self-Service Portal to find general information about many past, present, and future classes.
If you are planning your schedule, consult the School of Art class schedule and the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences class schedule.
Ask your advisor for details of architecture and engineering classes that are open to art students. See also the cross-disciplinary course listings.
How do I register for classes?
If you are attending college for the first time, we will register you for your first two semesters. If you are a transfer student, we will register you for your first semester. After that, you will work with the Office of Academic Advising to make a plan, then register yourself online. If you are an exchange student, we will consult with you about your interests and will then register you.
How do I make a change to my schedule?
Add/drop takes place at the beginning of each semester. The Office of Academic Advising sends detailed instructions by email. Please note, Foundation section assignments are final and may only be changed under extraordinary circumstances.
Can I take a class in the School of Architecture or the School of Engineering?
Yes, so long as you have the necessary skills, a seat is available, and you have permission from the instructor and/or the appropriate administrator. Your advisor will inform you of specific classes that are open to Art students and the process to request a seat. You can also take the initiative to seek out other classes aligned with your interests.
What are the requirements for the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree?
After you review the curriculum and the academic standards and regulations, reach out to your advisor with any questions.
Can I earn a minor?
School of Art students may apply to earn a minor through the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences (FHSS). See the FHSS site for details.
Can I take a class at another college after coming to Cooper?
Yes, you are free to take a class elsewhere. However, if you want the credits to transfer onto your Cooper record, there are additional steps. You will need to obtain preapproval from the appropriate faculty advisor, earn a B or higher, and have an official transcript sent to Cooper. Contact the faculty advisor in the School of Art for preapproval of classes in the categories of contemporary art issues, science, or free electives. Contact the faculty advisor in the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences for preapproval of classes in other humanities or social science areas.
Can I take a leave of absence from school?
The answer is usually (although not always) yes.
If you need time away because of a medical issue, you should request a medical leave. Read the full medical leave policy and contact the Dean of Students with any questions.
If you need time away because of a non-medical issue, you may request a discretionary leave. Read the full leave-of-absence policy and contact your advisor with any questions.
How can I get a transcript?
Current students may access their unofficial transcripts via the Student Self-Service Portal. Official transcripts require a formal request for transcript.