New-Student Resources


As you begin to actively plan for your arrival on campus, we’d like to provide you with some resources that focus on the transition from high school to college through the lens of your well-being. Topics to consider are the changes in your relationships with your family and friends from high school, building new relationships, forging new friendships, managing your personal physical and mental health needs as you transition into collegiate learning, understanding independence, developing and maintaining healthy habits, and managing college-level academic pressures. 

The Cooper Union has partnered with the Jed Foundation (JED) and is a proud member of the JED Campus Program. As part of our work with JED, we ask that all of our incoming students review the materials provided as part of JED’s Set To Go program. This program provides a series of topics for students and their families to discuss and review as they plan for the transition from high school to college. 


The Residence Hall move in day is always the first day of Welcome Week. Questions about housing should be sent to

Student Health Insurance

Information about Cooper Union’s student health insurance plan will come out later this summer. All students must have health insurance that is valid and usable in New York City and compliant within the provisions of the Affordable Care Act. If you have your own coverage and wish to waive the Cooper Union coverage, you will be provided instructions on how to do so in late July / early August. Students can view more information about the student health insurance plan at

Student Health Forms

The Cooper Union requires all students to complete a number of health forms. The required health forms packet includes a personal medical history, physician medical clearance, record of vaccinations and immunizations, disabilities self-identification form, as well as an emergency action plan form. All forms must be completed & submitted by the determined deadline. More information, a list of the forms, and the due date information bcan be found by visiting or emailing the Health Forms team at


Student ID Cards

You must provide your own ID photo. The photo format should be passport-style and meet the following requirements:

  • The photo should be a color, jpg, or jpeg file
  • The photo is for identification purposes and must clearly identify you
  • The background should be uniform and light-colored
  • You must be facing forward, with your head and shoulders clearly visible
  • Photos should not include other people or animals—no group photos
  • No hats, sunglasses, jewelry, or garments of any sort that obstruct the view of your face
  • The file cannot exceed 100k in size and must be saved as follows: “firstname-lastname.jpg or jpeg”

A photo taken with a smartphone is sufficient.

ID photos should be emailed to before Welcome Week. ID cards will be preprinted and distributed during orientation. 

IT Services

The IT website is the primary place to locate IT information. 

Students are expected to use Microsoft Outlook and Teams for communication, along with any other Office365 applications that support their learning. Academic Software Resources and links to connect with our IT staff are also available on the IT website. If there is software or hardware you need for coursework that you cannot currently access, you can request access by emailing for assistance. 

We look forward to working with you and supporting your learning experience at The Cooper Union. 

Please feel free to contact IT with any questions by emailing us at

Fall Course Selection and Schedule 

New students will have their fall academic schedule generated automatically. Schedules are made available via the Student Self-Service Portal in late summer. Academic questions should be addressed as follows: 


If a student lives in the residence hall, mail should be addressed to them at

Cooper Union
29 3rd Avenue 
Apt. #
New York, NY 10003

If a student does not live in the residence hall and wishes to have mail sent to them at The Cooper Union, they must use the centralized mail address:

Student Name
Cooper Union
7 East 7th Street
New York, NY 10003
Student email address

Students will be notified by email when an item arrives. Items must be picked up during mail room service hours (usually Monday – Friday, 9 am – 6 pm, Foundation Building, lower-level room B00A). If items are not picked up after seven business days, they will be sent back to the return address unless other arrangements have been made.


The library offers resources and services ranging from books, films, and research consultations to puzzles, games, and meeting spaces. Learn more about what the library has to offer - including how to unlock your free student NYT subscription - via the Libguide for New Students.

  • Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

  • From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.

  • Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action.


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