Summer Writing Program

This summer, The Cooper Union Center for Writing and Learning offers five socially-distanced learning options:
The Cooper Union Summer Writing Program prepares you for college by giving you the writing and thinking tools you need. Our program are designed for rising high school seniors and incoming first-year college students; however, they are open to all high school students. Participants who complete all assigned work and attend all sessions earn a non-credit bearing Certificate of Completion
Real-Time Learning: We have two synchronous options: an in-person section that meets for four hours/day, and an online real-time class that meets for two hours daily through video conference. In our online sections, instructors conference one-on-one with each student once/week. Real-time sections are limited to ten students, and each class session typically includes discussion about the day’s reading, pre-writing discussion and exercises, skill practice, and instructor feedback.
Self-Paced Online Learning: Our self-paced courses are available to students anytime, anywhere. Students watch recorded “short writing talks” and complete a series of online exercises before video conferencing one-on-one with an instructor at the end of each unit. These one-hour meetings provide an opportunity for the student to ask questions, receive verbal feedback, and learn individually-tailored strategies for moments in the unit students found particularly challenging.
One-On-One Writing Support: In these live, video or in-person sessions, students work one-on-one with an experienced Cooper Union Writing Associate. Each curriculum is designed to meet the specific needs of the individual student to develop a series of strategies and tools to address a range of reading assignments and writing prompts.
Friday Writing Workshops: Our synchronous workshops invite participants to focus on specific aspects and genres of writing. Each two-hour workshop introduces the field, presents students with a series of strategies and approaches pertinent to the field, provides students hands-on experience with methods, and offers a range of resources to help support students in the future. Students meet with workshop instructors through live video conferencing. Friday workshops can be taken as a series, individually, or added to any other program option. For a description of the workshops, the workshop schedule, and pricing information, please visit the Friday Writing Workshops page.
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