Summer Art Intensive Policies

Requesting to Withdraw from a Class

If you need to withdraw from a course, you must notify the Office of Continuing Education in writing. No full or partial refund can be granted without a written request.

Failure to complete a course, ceasing to attend class, notifying the instructor of your desire to withdraw, or general dissatisfaction with a course does not constitute a withdrawal and does not entitle you to a refund. Instructors are not permitted OR able to process withdrawals, transfers or refunds. Withdrawals, transfers and refunds are available only through The Cooper Union Continuing Education Office by written request. Change of instructors in itself will not be considered reasonable cause for withdrawal from the program. 

To submit a written request to withdraw, students may send an email with subject heading as 'WITHDRAW' to Please include the following information in your request:

  1. The Continuing Education course you are withdrawing from
  2. Your first and last name
  3. Your telephone number
  4. Reason for withdrawal

Refund Deadlines

Refunds are granted if your written request to withdraw is received by our office as per the schedule listed below. Requests sent by mail will be considered by the date they are postmarked. Please note that during June, July and August the office is closed on Friday. Therefore, in summer Fridays are not considered a business day.

In case of withdrawal due to medically certified illness, appeals to the refund policy will be assessed on a case by case basis. No refund is guaranteed. 

Refunds are processed in the order they are received and may take 8-10 business days to be processed.

Non-refundable Registration Fee: $270

If you withdraw: you will receive

  • 5 business days before the first class session: The student will receive a 100% tuition refund.
  • 4 business days before the start of class to before the second class session: The student will receive a 50% tuition refund.
  • After the second class session: No refund.

If you paid by:

You will be refunded by:

  • Credit card: Credit card
  • Check: Check
  • Cash or Money Order: Check
  • Combination of payment types: Check


Proof of Course Completion

Requests for proof of course completion must be made in writing within one year of course completion and must include a $10 service fee for each class record requested. Please allow two weeks to process.

The Cooper Union Summer Art Intensive does not provide housing on campus, meal plans, or college credits. The program can provide a letter of completion upon request.  

  • Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

  • From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.

  • Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action.


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