Lunchtime Lecture | Ángel Martínez García-Posada: Transfers
Tuesday, September 18, 2018, 12 - 1:30pm

Sketch for Bonjour Tristesse. Berlin. Alvaro Siza.
From Angel Martínez: “Walking around several samples taken from several fields of artistic creation I would like to propose an approach to an architectural project or architectural research as an exchanging process. We, architects, get things from a theme or a place, while we offer other things in compensation, books, relations, interpretations, proposals. An architectural project could be thought as the exchanging between abstract and specific, as it happens with poetry, and also between our body and the place, as it happens when we draw, the secret and silent communication between hand and mind, even between conscious and subconscious, the dream of leaving traces as if we were a seismograph and adding our proper personality to the result at the same time. We never draw alone, what other people draw or think, maybe in part due to us, or through us, give us other traces, every creation works in feed back. Every education, and in symmetry, every learning, is also a story of transfers. We are always at both sides of these lines, like playing to cross frontiers every time, performing the role of instigators or mediums. Projects should always be threads in time and space between our tables and landscapes, among human beings and the world.”
Ángel Martínez García-Posada has been a professor in the Department of Architectonic Projects of the Universidad de Sevilla and a member of the project and heritage research group since 2005. He has worked in the editorial field since 2002 on various projects. He was codirector of Neutra, the magazine for the College of Architects of Seville, from 2002 to 2005; coeditor of Cuaderno Rojo (University of Seville, 2010) and Acciones Comunes (Recolectores Urbanos, 2015); and a finalist in the 2015 FAD International Award in Thought and Criticism in Architecture.
He is also the author of various books, including Sueños y polvo. Cuentos de tiempo sobre arte y arquitectura (Lampreave, 2009); Tiempos de Central Park (IUACC, 2011); Paseos en espiral (Lugadero, 2013), awarded in the XIII Spanish Biennale of Architecture, or Círculos en la tierra (Vibok, 2017). He has published numerous articles in architecture magazines and has participated in various research projects. He was part of the scientific commitee of the Spanish Pavilion at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale awarded with the Golden Lion Prize, and coeditor of its catalogue Unfinished (Actar, 2018).
Martínez García-Posada earned a degree in architecture from the School of Seville in 2001 and a Ph.D. in 2008.
This lecture will take place in room 315F and is open to current Cooper Union students, faculty and staff.
View the full Fall 2018 Lectures and Events List.
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