Lecture by Oliver Kruse
Thursday, April 23, 2015, 6:30 - 8:30pm
Oliver Kruse will introduce the Insel Hombroich Foundation and discuss his work at this leading German cultural institution, committed to architecture, landscape and fine art. A visit to this site is a journey, perhaps even a pilgrimage, inspiring our exploration of art and a new appreciation of nature as opposed to the artificial world in which we currently live in.
Oliver Kruse received his Master of Arts from Chelsea College of Art, London in 1992. He is a visual artist and has been teaching at Peter Behrens School of Architecture in Germany, as a tenured professor since 2005. He is president of the board of Insel Hombroich Foundation and a board member of Architecture Omi in Upstate N.Y. His recent work includes large scale architecture-related sculpture as well as groundbreaking computer-generated, site-specific projects.
Located in Rm 315F
This lecture is part of ARCH 185.06: Intersections Within Art, Architecture & Landscape, taught by Rikke Jorgensen and Oliver Kruse.
Open only to current students, faculty and staff of The Cooper Union.