Jonathan Pedoeem EE'20 Presents at Symposium for NSF REU Research Symposium in Data Science, Systems, and Security, 2018
POSTED ON: December 13, 2018

YOLO-LITE demonstration and Jonathan Pedoeem (EE'20) presenting at the symposium
Jonathan Pedoeem EE'20 attended the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data in Seattle, WA on December 10-13, 2018. This past summer, he participated in the REU program at University of North Carolina Wilmington, where he researched and optimized a real-time object detection algorithm, YOLO-LITE, which would run on portable devices such as a laptop or cellphone lacking a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). He presented his paper on YOLO-LITE at the Symposium for NSF REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security, co-located with the IEEE Conference on Big Data on December 10, 2018.