The National Electrical Code (NEC) and Its Applications
The course will be taught from the perspective of a consulting/specifying engineer, however, the material covered will benefit individuals involved in a wide range of employment positions; from the technician doing installations and/or maintenance to the engineer designing AC powered equipment, a working knowledge of the code is essential. We will explore all aspects of the code starting with a brief history of the code and discuss how it has evolved into its current issue NFPA 70 2014. Even though the current version of the NEC is 2014, each municipality may choose which version they will adopt. In New York City we follow the 2008 version of the NEC and as such this is the version that we will focus on. The course will concentrate on establishing a firm grasp of the definitions contained in the code, as it is crucial to understand what the code actually says. We will then progressively work through the articles covering everything from general wiring and protection, wiring methods, and life safety to special conditions and occupancies. Along the way, we will work through numerous calculations to determine feeder sizes, voltage drops, conduit fill, etc. and learn how to utilize the many tables contained within the code. Exercises involving building plans will be used to help the student apply his knowledge to actual real world conditions. While the course is not an exam-prep per se, one wishing to pursue a master’s electrician’s license or a professional engineer’s license, should be better prepared upon completion of the course.
Required Text: The most recent edition of The National Electrical Code Handbook.
Instructor: Raymond Prucha
The Retraining program is made possible through generous donations from the Robin Hood Foundation and Con Edison. The Retraining Program would also like to thank our individual donors for support.