Two Dogs on a Leash: Work by Ezekiel Binns, AR’23 & Juan Cardona, AR’21
POSTED ON: August 6, 2020

Architecture students Ezekiel Binns and Juan Cardona recently spoke with Maya Kotomori of Serving the People™ (stp)—an online platform for creative inquiry and experimentation—about their collaborative practice, Two Dogs on a Leash.
Binns and Cardona, who began collaborating roughly five years ago while attending the same magnet design high school in Miami, discussed their work, interests, and their recent submission to stp’s 2020 BFA Show, noting:

As noted in a recent Cooper news article, both Serving the People and the BFA Show, which was initiated to showcase student artwork during the pandemic, are the work of School of Art graduates.
For the BFA Show, Two Dogs on a Leash submitted Untitled 2018 from a previous project addressing communal living, which they describe as akin to a “Christian kibbutz idea of multiple pods that aggregate together, each with an individual function, with a kind of hillside topography.” As an expression of their interest in the blurred distinctions between art and architecture, the project prompted the question: “How do you take architectural representation and push it more towards a scenographic experience? In a way, even though this isn't really a painting, we've always called it that. If you zoom in close enough, you can actually see a figure entering a home, and what entering that home would be like, pushing the walls in together.”