Toshiko Mori AR'76
Toshiko Mori AR'76 was profiled in T Magazine as part of a series "24 Hours in the Creative Life" of artists. For more information and to read the feature, click here.
Adriana Farmiga A'96
Adriana Farmiga A'96 helped curate and co-organize an event "Ukrainians on Ukraine" hosted by The Brooklyn Rail in April. For more information and to watch a recording of the event, click here.
Edward Ott EE'63
The National Academy of Sciences elected Edward Ott EE'63, a distinguished university professor from the University of Maryland to its 2022 class of 120 members and 30 international members in recognition of their exceptional and continuing achievements in original research. For more information, click here.
Nadia Jarrett AR'96 & Margaret Matz AR'83
Nadia Jarrett AR'96 and Margaret Matz AR'83, as part of a team directed by Nadia, were awarded the YC DDC ‘Outstanding Project Award’ by Commissioner Thomas Folley.