Lois Dodd A'48
Lois Dodd A'48 in her East Village apartment with her painting “Eli In Apple Tree” (1965) above the table. Photo Credit: Vincent Tullo for The New York Times Lois Dodd's exhibition "Lois Dodd: Natural Order" is on display at the Bruce Museum in Greenwich Connecticut from April 2, 2023 - May 28, 2023. The exhibition was featured in an article in The New York Times on March 31, 2023. To read The New York Times' article about Lois Dodd A'48 and her exhibition "Lois Dodd: Natural Order", please click here.
Joe Lawrance AR'10
Manhattan & Me: Photo by Joe Lawrence AR'10 From Indianapolis Monthly: “JoeWill: BetterTogether” Art Exhibit Opens The Indianapolis Art Center opens an exhibit honoring the lives of Joe Lawrance AR'10 and Will Lawrance. MARK AND JAN Lawrance knew their identical twin sons had special talents when they saw the cartoon caricatures and 3-D sketches the boys were churning out in grade school. As Jan says, they were “just a little more advanced” than their classmates. Could mom be a bit biased? Absolutely. But it turns out she was right.
Norma Minkowitz A'58
Norma Minkowitz A'58, An artist and a world-class runner: "A World-Class Artist Is Now A World-Class Runner By Ray Glier Her father was a concert pianist. Her mother a singer. Norma Minkowitz doesn’t seem to have the latent athleticism that would lead to a world-record in the 400. Maybe not, but she has a virtue much more vital. It is what scientists label “internal locus of control”, which is a personal orthodoxy that outcomes are within your control and determined by your hard work, or decisions. It is a brazen belief that “I got this”, which is how Norma ignored the soreness of a Baker’s Knee and the anxiety of her first race on a high-banked indoor track and set that world record on February 25 in Staten Island, N.Y.
Meredith Bergmann A'77
Meredith Bergmann A'77 has the honor of being chosen to sculpt a bust of the late US Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for installation in the staircase of the NYS Capitol Building in Albany, New York. To read more about Meredith Bergmann's sculpture of Ruth Bader Ginsburg for the NYS Capitol Building, please click here.