Joe Lawrance AR'10

Manhattan & Me: Photo by Joe Lawrence AR'10
From Indianapolis Monthly:
“JoeWill: BetterTogether” Art Exhibit Opens
The Indianapolis Art Center opens an exhibit honoring the lives of Joe Lawrance AR'10 and Will Lawrance.
MARK AND JAN Lawrance knew their identical twin sons had special talents when they saw the cartoon caricatures and 3-D sketches the boys were churning out in grade school. As Jan says, they were “just a little more advanced” than their classmates. Could mom be a bit biased? Absolutely. But it turns out she was right.
A new exhibit showcasing the extraordinary works of Joe and Will Lawrance opened Monday at the Indianapolis Art Center (IAC). JoeWill: BetterTogether features more than 100 pieces—paintings, sketches, sculptures, mixed media, and architectural drawings from the twins’ days at North Central High School through post-college.
The exhibit "JoeWill: BetterTogether", commemorating the lives and works of Joe Lawrance AR'10 and Will Lawrance runs from April 3, 2023 – May 28, 2023 at The Indianapolis Art Center located at 820 E 67th St., Indianapolis, IN 46220
To read the Indianapolis Monthly article which discusses the exhibition, please click here. To read about the exhibition on the website for The Indianapolis Art Center, please click here.