Cosmas Tzavelis

Professor of Civil Engineering
George Fox Chair of Civil Engineering

Dr. Cosmas Tzavelis is a Professor and George Fox Chair of Civil Engineering at The Cooper Union. He has been teaching the Structural Analysis and Design classes such as Introduction to Engineering Design, Structural Analysis I and II, Solid Mechanics, Steel and Concrete Design, Experimental Projects and Senior Design projects. He is the Faculty Advisor of the student ASCE club and has been recognized by the Cooper Union students for his passion and dedication towards their education.

Prof. Tzavelis has obtained his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics from Columbia University with his dissertation entitled "Seismic Reliability of Rigid Frame Structures”.  His research interests include Information Management in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (BIM etc), Innovative Bridge Design and learning from Nature as well as Structural Analysis of the human skeleton and joints.

Prof. Tzavelis is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of New York and consults local firms in Building Information Management and Structural Steel design. In the past he was involved in the Rehabilitation of the bottom lateral system of the Queensboro Bridge in NY, the issue of guidelines for the Inspection, Evaluation and Repair of the Bridges of New York City,  and the Design of the Day Center and Student Housing of the University of West Indies in Trinidad.

He has been elected to the Who’s Who Among American Teachers publication, nominated by the National Dean’s List students, honoring those special teachers who “took time to lead, inspire and demand excellence”. He  was Honorablly  mentioned and received an award for the design of the Bridge of the Future, at the Great Seto Bridge Memorial Center in Japan and received a Prize from the American Aluminum Association for the design of a prefabricated aluminum partitioning system.

Selected publications and Master’s thesis supervised include:  "An object-oriented xml database to share engineering data" ,  “Giving Meaning to Design Data Using XML” , “A Structural Engineer’s guide to using Revit Structures”,  "Effects of pre-stressing on the Structural Behavior of Stress-Ribbon Bridges”,  “A new approach in structural analysis using 3-d moment distribution and visual basic” , "An object oriented database management system for sharing engineering data", "An object-oriented approach to establish relationships between civil engineering building objects".

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