Spring 2021 All School Assembly
Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 1 - 5pm

Convocation | School of Architecture Deans, Faculty and Staff: Spring 2021 All School Assembly
To welcome the School of Architecture's new and returning faculty, staff and students and to launch the new semester, there will be an ALL SCHOOL ASSEMBLY on the second day of classes.
The program will be preceded by a broadcast of President Biden’s inauguration starting at 11:45AM. All are welcome to join the call early and witness this important event in community.
The convocation proper will begin at 1PM with an introduction by Dean Nader Tehrani followed by respective faculty and staff presentations on the Spring 2021 semester public programming, design studios and elective courses.
You must register in advance. Please register here.
Welcome and introduction by Dean Nader Tehrani
Upcoming lectures and exhibitions: Professor Lydia Kallipoliti; Steven Hillyer, Director of the Architecture Archive
Architectonics: presented by James Lowder, Michael Jefferson, Kayla Montes de Oca, Elizabeth O’Donnell
Design II: presented by Bryan Young, Benjamin Aranda, Ife Vanable
Design III: presented by Nima Javidi, Daisy Ames, Samuel Anderson, Thorsten Helbig, Mokena Makeka, Florian Meier, Ashok Raiji, Mersiha Veledar
Design IV: Option Studios presented by David Gersten, Lesley Lokko, Tamar Zinguer
Thesis: presented by Nora Akawi, Hayley Eber, Stephen Rustow, Michael Young
Graduate Design: presented by Diana Agrest
Building Technology/Construction Management/Professional Practice: presented by Sam Anderson, Jon Maass, Michael Samuelian
Elective Courses:
Nora Akawi
Benjamin Aranda
Gary Bates
Anna Bokov
David Gersten
Lydia Kallipoliti
Farzin Lotfi-Jam
Gina Morrow and Xiaoxiao Wu
Anthony Vidler
Tamar Zinguer
Please join us in welcoming the exceptional architects and scholars who will join the School of Architecture faculty as part-time and visiting faculty to teach courses and studios this Spring semester. They include:
New Arrivals:
Daisy Ames, teaching in ARCH 131B Design III
Gary Bates, teaching ARCH 225 Advanced Topics
Lesley Lokko, teaching ARCH 141B Design IV
Recently Arrived and Returning:
Michael Jefferson, teaching ARCH 111B Architectonics and ARCH 117B Representation IV
Mokena Makeka, teaching ARCH 131B Design III
Kayla Montes de Oca, teaching ARCH 111B Architectonics
Gina Morrow, teaching ARCH 225 Advanced Topics (with Xiaoxiao Wu)
Ife Vanable, teaching ARCH 121B Design II
Xiaoxiao Wu, teaching ARCH 225 Advanced Topics (with Gina Morrow)
Bryan Young, teaching ARCH 121B
The School of Architecture has, for decades, been a place of exploration and debate and we look forward to the conversations that will emerge with these new faculty and the ideas and practices they will bring to the virtual studios and classrooms.
This event is open to current Cooper Union students, faculty, and staff.
View the full Spring 2021 Lectures and Events List.