
Cost: $785.00
10 In-Person Sessions
Wednesdays, February 26–April 30, 2025
6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Registration opens January 2, 2025
This course encourages students to develop a broad visual vocabulary of imagery, material, and mark through observational drawing. As you draw primarily from life, you will also incorporate found imagery and material play as you feel your way towards visual surprises. Beginners learn basic tools and principles of observation, and more advanced students build on those tools to expand their understanding of what observing might mean. Class assignments will range from fast exercises to projects spanning multiple days. We’ll often start by looking at art historical works that frame the assignment, and we will also engage in regular group discussions about your developing drawings. You will work in charcoal, pencil, ink, collage, and marker. The goal is to learn how to use drawing in order to observe the world and also react to it: we allow the drawings to guide us towards unpredictable visual conclusions.
Required Materials
- 18 x 24 drawing paper pad
- 9 x 12 sketchbook
- vine charcoal, compressed charcoal (box of each)
- prismacolor ebony pencil
- ink (like Blick Black Cat)
- brushes (at least 3, small medium and large ranging anywhere from #2 - #10, brush tip
doesn’t matter - paint brushes that you already have work fine) - eraser (pink pearl or staedtler)
- glue (elmers, glue stick - glue that you already have works fine)
- plastic cups or containers for water, ink, glue (could be yogurt containers, cans, etc ..)
- roll masking tape
- scissors (any pair you own will work)
- sharpie
Optional Materials
- assortment of graphite pencils – feel free to bring anything you have
- rag (like an old tshirt) for rubbing/ smearing
Course Code: Drawing
Instructor(s): Tess Bilhartz