Data Architecture Principles, Data Structure and SQL
This course will cover different types of Data Structures, different Organizations of Databases including Operational Datastores, Data Warehouses and Data Marts, Data Modelling and Data Mining Concepts, Industry Best Practices, and the SQL Language.
Particularly this course covers the concepts and architecture of database systems, including different types of data models and relational databases. Students learn data normalization and denormalization, as well as logical and physical data modeling. We examine CASE tools for data modeling, data warehouses, and datamarts. Other topics include multi-dimensional databases, star-schema and snowflake structures, data visualization, data mining, and database design project lifecycle. Among the tools considered are OLAP/ROLAP/MOLUP. The course also covers SQL core, dialects, and components. Students learn about multi-table queries, summary queries, sub-queries, and major SQL implementations. Other topics include database objects, database modifications, data integrity, data consistency, and locking mechanisms. Finally, the course considers database dictionaries and security concepts.
Instructor: Gary Yurkovsky
Day/Time: Monday 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
The Retraining program is made possible through generous donations from the Robin Hood Foundation and Con Edison. The Retraining Program would also like to thank our individual donors for their support.