Updates from the Health and Safety Committee -- July 7, 2020
To all members of the Cooper Union Community:
We hope everyone is safe and enjoyed the Independence Day Weekend. As the summer progresses, we plan to send weekly updates so that everyone is informed and can prepare accordingly. For the latest information, please visit our Fall 2020 Info Hub page.
Currently, Cooper Union is closed to all non-essential personnel and is complying with New York State higher education policies. New York City is scheduled to begin Phase 4 (which includes educational institutions) on July 20. We will continue to monitor the situation and update you as necessary.
We are currently working on a detailed manual with information regarding our campus plan for faculty, students and staff when we return to campus. This will include information about any necessary quarantines, social distancing protocols in the building, COVID-19 testing, and how to arrange for access to lab and studio spaces. We plan to have this ready by the beginning of August and appreciate your patience as we develop this plan.
Wishing all the best for our community,
The Health and Safety Committee