Research & Scholarship: News

2021 | 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | MEDIA


March 2021 - Anna Joselle Lomboy, ChE'18 ChE'20, and Professor Robert Q. Topper Publish Paper on Proton Transfer and Hydrogen Bonds Within Aerosol Nanoparticles

January 2021 – Year-in-Review: 2020 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Town Halls


December 2020 – Harry Wei ME’21 and Vincent Bianco ME’18 Publish Research in the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

December 2020 – Prof. Yecko and Kevin Yao ME’18 ME’20 Presented Research at the 2020 ASP Division of Fluid Dynamics Conference

December 2020 – The Physics Department developed a new joint Physics Tenure-Track Faculty position 

December 2020 – Dean Barry Shoop will participate in a discussion on innovation and entrepreneurship in developing nations

November 2020 – Dean Barry Shoop selected to the 2020 WEF Meta-Council on Emerging Technologies

November 2020 – Professor Amanda Simson co-authors papers in Biomass and Bioenergy and Energy

November 2020 – School of Engineering receiving $1.6M Grant for Bioengineering

November 2020 – Chemical Engineering Faculty and Students present research at AIChE

October 2020 – Professor Melody Baglione as the the keynote speaker for UC Davis’ 2nd Global Energy Mangers Workshop 

September 2020 – Professors Leonid Vulakh and Alan Wolf have retired 

April 2020 -- Prof. Robert Topper co-authors Paper in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B

April 2020 -- Prof. Martin Lawless Co-authors Paper in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

April 2020 --  Chemical Engineering Faculty Explores Online Teaching Methods

March 2020 -- Prof. Robert Dell Presents at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

March 2020 -- Academic Promotion of Professors Davis, Keene, and Lima

February 2020 -- Cooper Students and Faculty Attend AlChE Annual Student Conference

January 2020 -- Prof. Robert Dell in Two Published Books and MIT Special Collections


December 2019 -- Engineering with a Conscience

December 2019 -- Prof. Robert Topper Presents Lecture at New Jersey Institute of Technology

December 2019 -- Prof. Luchtenburg and Three ME Students Co-Author "Modelling the Motion of a 2-Arm ROV"

June 2019 -- Prof. Yecko and Graduate Student Kevin Yao ME'18, Meng'20 present research at the 2019 Siam Snowbird Conference

May 2019 -- Cooper Co-Develops Plasma Blaster

April 2019 -- Prof. Sam Keene named 2019 C.V. Starr Distinguished Professor of Engineering

February 2019 -- Dean Shoop Inducted into National Academy of Engineering

January 2019 -- Prof. Mili Shah Will Solve Your (Math) Problems


December 2018 -- Jonathan Pedoeem (EE'20) presents at a symposium at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data

November 2018 -- Prof. Cataldo receives grant for further research on green roof at Javits Center

November 2018 -- Two undergrad and one grad CE students receive 2018 Moles Scholarships

November 2018 -- Peter Zhao (ChE'20) presents at 2018 AIChE Annual Student Conference

October 2018 -- Grad student, Monica Abdallah (ChE'17, ME'19) presents at 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting

October 2018 -- Prof. Raja co-authors publication on convention formation in networks in a highly ranked journal in AI

October 2018 -- Grad student, Catherine Wolfe (CE'17, ME'19) receives Thornton Tomasetti Foundation Fellowship

September 2018 -- Prof. Mintchev presents at the Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting of AMS

September 2018 -- Prof. Lepek co-authors published textbook on transport and separation processes

August 2018 -- Invention Factory 2018 announces "Twist Talk" as the winning invention

July 2018 -- Prof. Dell and Prof. Wei co-author paper published in the Proceedings of the 18th ICEM 2018

May 2018 -- Three CE students receive four industry scholarships

May 2018 -- Prof. Lepek presents poster at 8th World Congress on Particle Technology

May 2018 -- Grad student, Anna Lomboy (ChE'18, ME'20), presents research at NYC American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Symposium

May 2018 -- Olivia Heuiyoung Park (ME'20) wins STEM grant for women.

March 2018 -- Two teams of EE students win first and second prizes in the annual IEEE regional Undergraduate Student Paper Contest

March 2018 -- Prof. Kwong co-authors two conference papers

March 2018 -- Prof. Kwong publishes paper in Earthquake Spectra journal

February 2018 -- Skylar Eiskowitz (ME'19) wins a spot in the 2018 Brooke Owens Fellowship


December 2017 -- Two sophomores win grant at MedTech Challenge with invention from Invention Factory 2017

December 2017 -- Prof. Simson co-authors WIRED.COM article

December 2017 -- Cooper Union receives major grant from NYS Energy Research and Development Authority for energy efficient projects

December 2017 -- Students and faculty present research at Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society division of Fluid Dynamics

November 2017 -- Peter Zhao (ChE'20) presents poster at 2017 Pan-American Nanotechnology Conference

November 2017 -- Students and faculty present and compete at the 2017 Chemical Engineering Conference

October 2017 -- Multiple healthcare-focused student works win prizes

October 2017 -- Prof. Luchtenburg chairs a session and ME master student, David Shekhtman, presents their joint research at ASME DSCC 2017 Conference 

October 2017 -- 2015 Invention Factory second-prize invention, TrioCup, wins $100,000 as part of the New Plastics Economy Innovation Prize

September 2017 -- Prof. Topper coauthors a publication on machine learning in chemistry in Physical Review Letters

September 2017 -- Prof. Cataldo coauthors a paper on green roof thermal buffering published in the Energy and Buildings journal

August 2017 -- Invention Factory 2017 announces "Hid-In" as the winning invention

June 2017 -- Prof. Wootton wins Fulbright research grant to study abnormal thorax biomechanics in children with Thoracic Insufficiency Syndrome (TIS)

June 2017 -- EE student, Tom Koch, receives 2017 Tau Beta Pi scholarship

May 2017 -- Prof. Delagrammatikas receives La Salle Academy's 2017 Educator of the Year Award

May 2017 -- 2015 Invention Factory winning invention, QuickStitch, chosen as finalist in MGH's Competition

May 2017 -- ChE graduate student, Tiffany Tang receives NSF 2017 Graduate Research Fellowship

May 2017 -- Prof. Raja coauthors a blog titled "Coming Together to Help Amputees in Uganda" on The Doctor's Tablet about Fall 2016 EID 101 project

May 2017 -- Prof. Mintchev presents paper titled "Generation of Stable Traveling Waves in Unidirectional Chains of Idealized Neural Oscillators" at the 2017 SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (SIAM DS17)

May 2017 -- Civil Engineering student team wins 2017 Regional Steel Bridge Competition qualifying for the 2017 National competition

May 2017 -- ASCE Student chapter receives the Distinguished Chapter Award

April 2017 -- Chemical Engineering student team places second in 2017 Regional ChemE Car Competition

April 2017 -- Prof. Keene and EE undergraduate students Brenda So, Cory Nezin, and Vishnu Kaimal coauthor IGARSS 2017 paper

April 2017 -- Prof. Baglione and ME graduate student Michael Pimpinella coauthor paper published in the Journal of Voice

April 2017 -- Prof. Luchtenburg and ME undergraduate student Yeeho Song (ME'17) publish ICRA 2017 paper

March 2017 -- Profs. Dell, Wei and Sidebotham receive patent for their invention: Thermoelectic Power Generation Device

January 2017 -- Prof. Lima and Cooper alumnus Lee Kim (ME'00) host Design Thinking Boot Camp

January 2017 -- Prof. Lima receives VentureWell Faulty Grand Award for enhanced mechanical engineering course


December 2016 -- Prof. Keene and four undergraduate students, Jessica Marshall (EE'17), Emily Adamo (A'17), Stephanie Restrepo (AR'17), and Monica Abdallah (ChE'17), exhibit the brewing elements, equipment, and beer from their independent study course, "The Science and Art of Brewing"

December 2016 -- Invention Factory winners continue to publicize their inventions to larger audiences

November 2016 -- Prof. Keene and two EE students, Alexander Serrano (EE'16) and Hetian Wu (EE'16, ME'18) are co-authors of a paper published at the International Conference in Renewable Energy Research and Applications

November 2016 -- Profs. Dell, Wei, and three ME graduate students, Anthony Edward Morris (ME'14), William Foley and Nicholas Mitchell (ME'15), co-author six accepted GRC and ASME Papers

September 2016 -- Prof. Raja and EE  undergraduate Students Tom Koch (EE'18) and Alex Rybchuk (ME'17) co-author paper titled "Using Kernal Methods and Model Selection for Prediction of Preterm Birth" at MLHC 2016

September 2016 -- Prof. Topper coauthors paper titled “Energetics, Thermodynamics, and Hydrogen Bonding Diversity in Ammonium Halide Clusters” published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry, September 2016

September 2016 -- Prof. Raja and Eliyahu Friedman (EE'16) co-author  IEEE ITSC 2016 Paper  titled "A Multiagent Solution to Overcome Selfish Routing in Transportation Networks"

September 2016 -- Prof. Fontaine is panelist for "Steps to Success" webinar series

September 2016 -- Collegiate Inventors Competition finalists announced

September 2016 -- Prof. Yecko receives NSF grant: "Three-Dimensional Multiphysics Simulation of Multi-phase Flows with Magnetic Fluids"

October 2016 -- Prof. Wootton joins NIH grant sponsored project team, providing expertise in MRI analysis and bioengineering

August 2016 -- Max Howald (EE'16) co-author award-winning IEEE Paper titled "Verfiable ASICs"

July 2016 -- Nautilus article "Noise Is a Drug and New York Is Full of Addicts" features Jackie Le (ME'16) and Matthew Palmer (ME'16) and their research project on noise and our bodies' reaction to it

July 2016 -- Invention Factory 2016 Winners Announced [NYDailyNews][NY1][KoreaTimes]

June 2016 -- Tom La Porta (EE'86), the William E. Leonhard Chair Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Penn State, has been named the director of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

June 2016 -- Prof. Topper gives talk titled "Mag-walking Monte Carlo and quantum mechanics preditiongs of structures and interaction energies of ammoniuim halide clusters" at MARM 2016

June 2016 -- Prof. Yecko along with Oded Regev and Orkan Umurhan co-authors Springer Verlag textbook titled  "Modern Fluid Dynamics for Physics and Astrophysics

June 2016 -- Prof. Raja presents poster titled "Accurate Crowd-labeling using Item Response Theory"  at Collective Intelligence 2016 held at the NYU Stern School of Business

May 2016 -- Prof. Lepek is an editor for the journal Advanced Powder Technology published by Elsevier

May 2016 -- Fullbright Scholar Prof. Lepek gives an invited open-air talk on particle technology at the Institute of Process and Particle Engineering, TU Graz

May 2016 -- Prof. Mintchev gives talk on "Robust traveling waves in chains of simple neural oscillators" at the Biology and Medicine through Mathematics (BAMM 2016) conference at Virginia Commonwealth University.

May 2016 -- Prof. Raja presents paper titled "Modeling Uncertainty and Its Implications in Complex Interdependent Networks" at the 13th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterery CA.

May 2016 -- Robot Sumo Event, the mechantronics' final project exhibition, featured in Scientific American, Vice and Ars Technica for student innovation and design skills.

May 2016 -- EE Seniors Eugene Sokolov, Harrison Zhao and Sheryan Resutov win 10K in "Dream It. Code It. Win it." for Wi-less Gauss, a glove that allows a user to perform the same functionality as a computer mouse using hand gestures.

April 2016 -- Cooper Union's American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) student chapter selected to receive a letter of Honorable Mention for its outstanding activities as recorded in the 2015 Chapter annual report.

April 2016 -- Civil Engineering student team wins 2016 Regional Steel Bridge Competition qualifying for the 2016 National competition, to be held May 27-28 in Brigham Young University.

April 2016 – Prof. Dell appears in documentary: This House Matters by Tina Traster, which focuses on the successes and failures of an attempt to preserve and restore four historic houses, and its panel discussion.

April 2016 -- Bushwick Daily article "Bushwick's Own Candy Chemist Eugene J. is Cooking Up Something Sweet" introduces alumnus Eugene J. (ChE '05) and his candy store, Eugene J. Candy Co., in which he is trying to incorporate his chemist skills into cooking/baking.

April 2016 -- Alumni Justin Weinberg (ChE '12) and Igor Belyayev (ME '12) are in the process of developing an interactive mobile software called 101, aimed for college math and science students. This is following their success with a previous mobile app called Chem Pro, developed in 2010 for chemistry students.

April 2016 -- Paper titled "Wave generation in unindirectional chains of idealized neural oscillators" co-authored by Prof Mintchev and B. Fernandez published in The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, vol 6:5.

March 2016 -- The Department of Mathematics continues tradition of preparing engineering students for graduate studies at top-tier institutions. Over the last four years, Cooper Union alumni Veronika Shalotenko (UVA), Ryan Ronan (CUNY Graduate Center), Michael Kumaresan (CUNY Graduate Center), and Marcus Michelen (University of Pennsylvania) have commenced Ph.D. degree programs, with the goal of pursuing careers in research. This year, they will be joined by Tensae Andargachew (NJIT) and Peter Morfe (University of Chicago); both students will be pursuing graduate studies in mathematics.

March 2016 -- Prof. Yecko co-authors paper titled "VOFI - A library to initialize the volume fraction scalar field" in Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 200, 291-299.

March 2016 -- ASME Newsletter article "Graduating Female Engineer Looks to a Future in the Racecar Field" features ME Senior Amy Chambers and her new job as a design and validation engineer at General Motors.

February 2016 -- Prof. Wootton has been named the C. V. Starr Distinguished Professor of Engineering [News Story]

February 2016 -- "From the Lab" Engineering Series highlighting interdisicplinary research launched with Bioengineering as the inaugral theme. [News Story]

February 2016 -- Prof. Baglione and graduate student Michael Pimpinella (ME'16) are co-authors on a journal publication titled “The Use of Sound Level Meter Apps in the Clinical Setting” in the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Vol. 25, 14-28.

February 2016 -- Prof. Delgrammatikas (Mechanical Engineering) talks about "Breaking Barriers for New York City High School Students" as part of  Cooper to Cooper: Conversations Across Disciplines.

January 2016-- EE Seniors Alex Serrano and Eli Friedman are recipients of inaugural Howard Flagg memorial Prize for outstanding research in Electrical Engineering [News Story]

January 2016 -- Prof. Delgrammatikas hosts STEM days during winter break.


December 2015 -- Paper titled "Establishing Cooperation in Highly-Connected Networks Using Altruistic Agents" co-authored by Prof. Raja presented at  the IEEE/WIC/ACM Intelligent Agent Technology Conference 2015, December 6-9, 2015, Singapore.

November 2015 --  Prof. Baglione served as invited panelist  on The Built Environment at   the 3rd Annual Sustainable Energy and Design Conference, Bronx Community College.

November 2015 -- Paper titled "Visualization of pulsatile flow for magnetic nanoparticle based therapies" co-authored by Andrew Wentzel (ME'16) and Prof. Yecko presented at American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics 68th Annual Meeting, Boston MA.

November 2015 -- Prof. Dell gives an invited talk on "Geothermal micro climate at Keilir" at Keilir Atlantic Center of Excellence, Iceland.

November 2015 -- Prof. Lepek delivers talk: "No Exams, No Graded Homework, No Lectures: Adventures in Active Learning, Peer Instruction, and Flipping the Classroom", University College, London. (Invited Talk)

October 2015 -- Prof. Cumberbatch presents "The Social Meaning of Light" at the Waste Not Lecture Series, Parsons School of Constructed Environments, New York, NY.

October 2015 -- William Folley (Research Associate) and Prof. Dell win the Geothermal Research Council's Best Presentation award for their work on  Heated Garden Research.

September 2015 -- Cooper Union IGEM team advised by Prof. Medvedik receives gold medal placement at IGEM 2015!

August 2015 -- Prof. Cataldo discusses green roof research on NY1.

July 2015 -- Bioengineering SURF 2015 launched - our first 10 week Research Experiences for Undergraduates program is in progress. See web article here.

April 2015 -- Prof. Yecko receives NSF grant: "Collaborative Research: Improved Vehicle Autonomy in Geophysical Flows"

April 2015 -- Prof. Lepek has been awarded the prestigious Fulbright Scholar grant to lecture and do research at Graz University of Technology in Austria during the 2015-2016 academic year.

April 2015 -- Prof. Lepek is the recipient of the American Society for Engineering Education 2015 Ray W. Fahien Award for outstanding teaching effectiveness and educational scholarship.

April 2015 -- Prof. Sidebotham authors  "Heat Transfer Modeling: An Inductive Approach", a textbook  published by Springer.

March 2015 -- Prof. Wolf's  classic paper in Chaos Theory continues to be widely cited - 6000+ citations and counting! Wolf, A., Swift, J. B., Swinney, H. L., & Vastano, J. A. (1985). Determining Lyapunov exponents from a time series. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 16(3), 285-317.

March 2015 -- Professor del Cerro Santamaría is the Guest Editor and co-author of the Special Issue on Technological Futures, recently published (March 2015) in the International Journal Technology in Society.

February 2015 -- Prof. Raja co-authors a paper accepted to AAAI-15, a tier 1 conference in Computer Science. Fast Convention in Dynamic Networks using Topological Knowledge, Mohammad Hasan, Anita Raja and Ana Bazzan.

February 2015 -- Prof. Raja receives NPS grant to investigate  "Modeling Uncertainty and its Implications in Complex Interdependent Networks".

January 2015 --  Prof. Mintchev co-authors a journal paper on feedforward chains: Lanford III, O.E. and Mintchev, S.M. Stability of a family of traveling wave solutions in a feedforward chain of phase oscillators. Nonlinearity 28: 237-261, 2015.

January 2015 --  Prof. Dell is a Technical Consultant for  the United States Department of Energy for the SBIR/STTR Phase 0  Assistance Program.

January 2015 -- Prof. Raja gives a talk about "Coordinating Actions Across Agent Boundaries" at IIT Chennai, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.


November 2014 -- Prof. Savizky speaks about “Characterization of the binding medium used in Roman encaustic paintings on wall and wood”, 55th Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, NJ.

November 2014 -- Prof. Dell receives Outstanding Presentation Award from the Geothermal Resources Council annual meeting’s session on Direct Use/Heat Pump session for paper on heated ground agriculture research and development in Iceland.

September 2014 -- Prof. Topper gives invited talk on Nanoparticles at Queensborough Community College

September 2014:   Profs. Robert Dell, Stan Wei and George Sidebotham were awarded United States patent  US 8,829,326 B2. The Thermoelectric power generation device is owned by the Cooper Union.

September 2014 -- Prof. Raja awarded NSF grant EAGER: Collaborative Research: Advanced Machine Learning for Prediction of Preterm Birth

August 2014 -- Prof. del Cerro Santamaría was designated Visiting Scholar in the Graduate School of Architecture and Planning at Columbia University (2014-15), where he undertakes research on Urban Megaprojects and Sustainability.

July 2014 -- Prof. Yecko receives NSF grant: RUI: Transport of inertial particles in time-dependent and inertial flows

May 2014 -- Prof. Ahmad publishes paper, In-Stream Hydrokinetic Power: A Review and Appraisal, Ahmad J., et al., Journal of Energy Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers

March 2014 -- Prof.Mintchev presents poster on “Generation and stability of traveling wave solutions in unidirectional chains of phase oscillators,” at the Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Methods: From  Neuroscience to Other Biological Applications conference at the University of  Pittsburgh


November 2013 --   The “Robert Dell papers”, a research holding of the Smithsonian Archives of American Art was established for Prof. Dell's contributions as a "major American artist.." and a "progenitor of sustainable art" . 


2012 -- Prof. Yecko awarded NSF grant: MRI: Acquisition of an Imaging System for the Study of Complex Fluids


2010 -- Prof. Lay named Senior Investigator on NSF Center for Chemical Innovation: Center for Nanostructured Electronic Materials

2010 -- Prof. Tzavelis leads Cooper student group to AISC Steel Bridge competition

2010 -- Prof. Smyth receives patent for SO3 input device


May 2016 -- Robot Sumo Event, the mechantronics' final project exhibition, featured in Scientific American, Vice and Ars Technica.

March 2016 -- ME Senior Amy Chambers featured in ASME Newsletter article.

August 2015 -- Prof. Cataldo discusses green roof research on NY1.

October 2014 -- Prof. Raja interviewed for NBC Tech Innovation article on Smart Homes

June 2014 -- Adjunct Prof. Marano interviewed for CCTV America’s article on “Major U.S. Companies improving cyber security

May 2013 -- Prof. Lay’s work featured on, "Metallic-to-semiconducting nanotube conversion greatly improves transistor performance"

February 2010 -- Prof. Savizky interviewed by ABC News with Diane Sawyer and Metro NY regarding chemical analysis of chocolate

  • Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

  • From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.

  • Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action.


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