Faculty News 2025
- March 26
The Cooper Union Joins NORDTECH as an Initial Member
The Cooper Union is excited to announce its participation as an initial member of the Northeast Regional Defense Technology Hub (NORDTECH). This collaboration positions the institution within a dynamic network of academia, government organizations, and industry partners, fostering innovation and workforce development in the semiconductor sector.
Faculty: News
- March 04
In Memoriam: Anson Rabinbach
- March 04
Coco Fusco Elected to American Academy of Arts & Letters
Coco Fusco, professor in the School of Art, has been elected a member of the American Academy of the Arts.
Faculty: News
- February 27
NEA Grant for Myths and Migrations
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) was selected to receive a National Endowment for Arts Grants for Arts Projects award in support of a new solo-exhibition of work by Professor William Villalongo A'99.
Faculty: News
- February 25
Introducing our Newest Staff Members
- February 20
Center for Writing and Learning Debuts New Journal
The Cooper Union's Center for Writing & Learning debuts the first issue of its new eponymous, biannual journal, an online space for the community—faculty, staff, and students—to share and discuss the difficult and inspiring work of teaching and learning.
- February 07
Professor Robert Q. Topper Receives Teaching Award from the New York American Chemical Society
The chemistry professor received the 2024 Outstanding Four-Year Undergraduate College and University Chemistry Faculty Teaching Award
Faculty: News
- December 09
New Research on How Ammonium Nitrate Forms Atmospheric Aerosols
A paper describing research led by Professor of Chemistry Robert Topper has been published online in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A. The first author of the paper is undergraduate chemical engineering student Ubaidullah Hassan ChE’25, and the work included a collaboration with chemical engineering alumnus Miguel Amat ChE’01.
Faculty: News
- November 22
Assistant Professor Michelle Rosen Presents Innovative Soft Robotic Actuator Design at IROS'24
Last month, Michelle Rosen, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, presented research at the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) in Abu Dhabi. The paper, “A Circular Soft Pneumatic Actuator with Bi-Directional Bending Behavior,” was co-authored with senior electrical engineering students, Isaiah Rivera and Ani Vardanyan, alumni Jeannette Circe ME’22 M.Eng’24 and Brandon Bunt BSE’22 M.Eng’24, and Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Lab Technician, Michael Giglia.
- November 13
Cooper Engineering Students Attend 13th Naval Academy Science and Engineering Conference
Four Cooper Union engineering students Allen Rakhamimov ChE’26, Sreevarshini Karthikeyan CE’25, Abduhla Ali EE’25, and Amelia Roopnarine ME’25, and assistant professor of civil engineering, Cynthia Lee, attended the 13th Annual Naval Academy Science and Engineering Conference (NASEC) held at the United States Naval Academy (USNA) in Annapolis, Maryland.
Faculty: News
- November 13
Transformation in the Making
To mark five years of progress toward the Plan to Return to Full-Tuition Scholarships, we spoke with various community members who have contributed to Cooper's positive transformation.
- November 12
Cooper Awarded Teagle Grant to Reimagine HSS Core
The Cooper Union receives a $25,000 grant to reimagine the HSS curriculum as part of the Teagle Foundation's Cornerstone initiative.
- November 11
Chemical Engineering Students and Faculty Present at the 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
- October 23
Honoring Professor Fred Fontaine's Elevation to IEEE Senior Member
Jesse Sherman Professor and Chair of Electrical Engineering, Fred Fontaine, has been elevated to the rank of IEEE Senior Member. This significant honor is held by only eight percent of the IEEE’s approximately 428,000 members worldwide.
Faculty: News
- October 23
Three Questions for the New VP for Enrollment
Troy Cogburn joins Cooper as the new vice president for enrollment, overseeing admissions, financial aid, international student management, and the registrar’s office.
- October 03
In Memoriam: Professor Constantine Yapijakis
The Cooper community mourns the passing of Constantine Yapijakis, a beloved professor of environmental engineering in the Civil Engineering Department who taught at the institution since 1986.
- October 01
Faculty Collaboration Explores Algorithms in Creative Practice
A new article by professors Benjamin Aranda and Sam Keene presents a teaching model for exploring creative practice through generative algorithms.
- September 17
Coco Fusco Video Debuts in Union Square
Coco Fusco's Everyone Who Lives Here is a New Yorker, a video that engages public perception of migrants in New York City, will be featured on select LinkNYC screens leading up to this year's presidential election.
Faculty: News
- September 10
Meet Emily Palmer, Visiting Professor, Physics
Joining the Albert Nerken School of Engineering this fall is Emily Palmer, a visiting professor in the Department of Physics.
- August 19
Prof. Sam Keene to Lead New Computer Science Department
Professor Keene will serve as the first chair of Cooper's new computer science program. We asked him to weigh in on his plans for the department.
Faculty: News
- August 14
Writing Associate Liza St. James Receives NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship
She is one of 15 recipients for fiction
Faculty: News
- August 12
Meet Abhishek Sharma, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
Faculty: News
- August 09
Assistant Professor Ja-Beom Koo Presents Research at NORDTECH
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Ja-beom Koo, recently participated in the NORDTECH Workforce Development Summit held in Troy, NY. At the summit, he presented his research titled “Developing Microelectronics and VLSI Field Education for the Potential Workforce,” which was published in the 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Faculty: News
- July 08
Yuri Masnyj Named Asst Dean of School of Art
- May 24
Assistant Professor Abigail Raz Co-Authors Paper Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics
- May 20
End of Year Message from Acting Dean Eber
Faculty: News
- May 20
Assistant Professor Cynthia Lee Co-Authors Paper Featured in Sustainable And Resilient Infrastructure
- May 17
Associate Professor Stanislav Mintchev Co-Published In Mathematical Modelling Of Natural Phenomena
Associate Professor of Mathematics Stanislav Mintchev has co-published in Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (Vol. 19, 2024). The paper delves into the topic of “Emergent properties in a V1-inspired network of Hodgkin–Huxley neurons.”
Faculty: News
- May 17
Cooper Students Compete in the 2024 AIAA Design/Build/Fly Competition
Cooper engineering students and their faculty advisor, Dirk M. Luchtenburg, professor of mechanical engineering, competed in the 2024 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Design/Build/Fly competition hosted by Textron Aviation in Wichita, Kansas
Faculty: News
- May 16
Cooper’s Solar Decathlon Team at the 22nd Solar Decathlon Design Challenge Final Competition
Engineering students Larry Zheng CE’26, Amelia Roopnarine ME’25, Lawrence Zeng CE’26, Mizanul Hoque ME’, and Vito Di Gregorio CE’26, alongside architecture students Abraham (Bram) Cherner ARCH’26, Kyle Ku ARCH’26, and Miao (Miles) Xue ARCH’26, showcased their project at the 2024 Solar Decathlon Design Challenge Final Competition held at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado.
Faculty: News
- May 07
Meet the New Saturday Program Staff
We spoke with José Ortiz, the new director of The Cooper Union Saturday Program, and Ciana Malchione A'21, who was recently promoted to assistant director.
- April 16
Meet New STEM Outreach Director, Yvonne Thevenot
The Cooper Union welcomes Yvonne Thevenot as the new director of STEM Outreach, which offers a host of educational programs to New York City high school students.
Faculty: News
- April 12
Introducing our Newest Staff Members
Blair Ribeiro, Lizbeth Soto, and Jake Zweiback have joined Albert Nerken School of Engineering Dean’s Office
- April 03
Assistant Professor of Art Fia Backström Receives the Borlem Prize
Faculty: News