Substance Abuse and Addiction Resources
Stress can sometimes manifest itself in unhealthy decisions and behaviors. Students who are struggling should contact the Student Care Coordinator, Cassandra Jolicoeur, in the Office of Student Affairs at or at 212.353.4006.
Additionally, here are some additional substance abuse and addiction resources for students in New York City:
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. has a 24 hotline that provides referrals for substance abuse and alcoholism. They also have a line that will provide information and assistance on family interventions. They can be reached at 1.800.622.2255.
The OASAS Hopeline (Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services) for New York State provides information and referrals for alcohol and substance abuse treatment as well as problem Gambling programs in all of New York State. OASAS can be reached at 1.877.846.7369.