Parallel City
This slideshow is part of: Master of Architecture II Thesis 2012
Parallel City
Seongmo Ahn
In 2011, the Egyptian revolution emerged not by a hero but by a mass of peers. Facebook made their gathering and sharing of ideas and ideals possible. Collective opinions triggered the actual revolution through the physical city, Cairo. During the protest, people mobilized through Twitter, informing their actions to the world via Youtube. The shutdown of the Internet three days later by the Mubarak Government was the strongest indication of the power of the “cloud,” the parallel city. Presently, we exist not only in the actual city, but also, simultaneously, in the virtual city through the use of the Internet in its various forms. This creates parallel cities that reflect and influence each other. Through their interplay, our perception of time, space and the city itself has been changed. My thesis is the exploration of the nature of this phenomenon by reading this invisible city through drawings focusing on the recent Egyptian revolution in Cairo.