Humanities and Social Sciences Minor

Photo by Mario Margado / Cooper Union
Humanities and Social Sciences Minor
The Faculty of HSS offers students Minors in various fields and topics in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Art History. Students from all three schools may apply for an HSS Minor after consulting the HSS Academic Advisor.
In order to qualify for an HSS Minor, students must complete the HSS Core (HSS-1 - 4) and then complete a predetermined number of credits. Please see below the relevant links for more information about credit requirements for your school.
A student’s fourth semester is the best time to start an HSS Minor. Please set up a meeting with Professor Ninad Pandit, HSS Academic Advisor.
Please use this link to sign up for a meeting with Ninad.
(You will need to be signed in on with your Cooper credentials for the link to work)
Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture students in good academic standing (3.0 GPA or better) who complete a minimum of 15 elective credits (in addition to the HSS-1 - 4 core sequence) in a specific field of HSS may qualify for a Minor in that field. Students must earn a B or better grade in these elective courses.
Architecture students entering in AY 2024 - 2025 and onwards must complete a minimum of 12 elective credits for these Minors. All other criteria remain the same.
Architecture students may apply for HSS Minors in the following fields:
- Art History
- Economics and Public Policy (see note below)
- History and Society
- Literature
- Science, Technology, and Society.
A student’s fourth semester is the best time to start an HSS Minor. Please set up a meeting with Professor Ninad Pandit, HSS Academic Advisor, to start the process.
Please use this link to sign up for a meeting with Ninad.
(You must use your Cooper credentials for the link to work)
DOWNLOAD: HSS Minor Worksheet for Architecture Students
Please complete and return the worksheet to the HSS Academic Advisor, Professor Ninad Pandit:
- Students must apply in their fourth year at the latest to be considered for the Minor. HSS will not accept requests after this time.
- Double Minors are permitted and encouraged.
- Economics and Public Policy: Coursework for this Minor must include both SS-334 (Microeconomics) and SS-347 (Macroeconomics).
- Transfer Credits: Upon approval, up to 3 transfer credits from another institution may be applied towards an HSS Minor.
- Approval from the Dean of the School of Architecture is required for the Minor.
- If awarded, the Minor will be designated on student transcripts at graduation.
Albert Nerken School of Engineering students in good academic standing (3.0 GPA or better) who complete a minimum of 12 elective credits (in addition to the HSS-1 - 4 core sequence) in a specific field of HSS may qualify for a Minor in that field.
School of Engineering students may apply for HSS Minors in the following fields:
- Art History (12 credits—see notes below)
- Literature (12 credits—read on for permitted sequences)
- The Classics: 9 credits in Greek, Roman, or in non-Western classical literature and 3 credits in a post-classical literature through the Renaissance
- The Moderns: 6 credits from courses on Prose and 6 credits from courses on Poetry
- Theater and Cinema Studies:6 credits from courses on Theater and 6 credits from courses on Cinema
- Economics and Public Policy (12 credits—see notes below)
- Philosophy, History and Society (12 credits—read on for permitted sequences)
- Philosophy: 3 credits in ancient or Eastern philosophy, 6 credits in modern and contemporary philosophy, 3 credits in aesthetics or in cultural studies
- History: 6 credits in pre-20th century history and 6 credits in 20th century–present history
- Political Sciences: 6 credits in sociological studies and 6 credits in political sciences
- Interdisciplinary Studies (12 credits—see notes below)
A student’s fourth semester is the best time to start an HSS Minor. Please set up a meeting with Professor Ninad Pandit, HSS Academic Advisor, for HSS to start the process.
Please use this link to sign up for a meeting with Ninad.
(You must use your Cooper credentials for the link to work)
DOWNLOAD: HSS Minor Worksheet for Engineering Students
Please complete and return the worksheet to the HSS Academic Advisor, Professor Ninad Pandit:
- Students must apply at the latest in their third year to be considered for the Minor. HSS will not accept requests after this time.
- Double Minors are permitted, and students are encouraged to try and double Minor in HSS.
- Art History: HTA-101 and HTA-102 are allowed as part of the Art History Minor for students in the School of Engineering.
- Economics and Public Policy: Coursework for this Minor must include both SS-334 (Microeconomics) and SS-347 (Macroeconomics).
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Interdisciplinary Studies Minor is only available with explicit approval from the HSS Academic Advisor. Students will need to submit a 250-word proposal for a specific and clearly articulated Interdisciplinary research project that they expect to complete for this Minor. School of Engineering Students interested in an Interdisciplinary Minor must apply to the HSS Academic Advisor in their second year at Cooper for approval.
- If awarded, the Minor will be designated on student transcripts at graduation.
School of Art students in good academic standing (3.0 GPA or better) who complete a set number of elective credits (in addition to the HSS-1 - 4 core sequence and HTA-101 - 102) in a specific field of HSS may qualify for a Minor in that field. Please note, only HSS courses may count towards an HSS Minor.
Students must earn a B or higher in all courses for them to be considered for the HSS Minor.
Art students may apply for HSS Minors in the following fields:
- Literature and Philosophy (12 credits)
- History and Society (12 credits)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (12 credits—see note below)
- History and Theory of Art (14 credits—see note below)
- Economics (12 credits—see note below)
A student’s fourth semester is the best time to start an HSS Minor. Please set up a meeting with Professor Ninad Pandit, HSS Academic Advisor, to start the process.
Please use this link to sign up for a meeting with Ninad.
(You must use your Cooper credentials for the link to work)
DOWNLOAD: HSS Minor Worksheet for Art Students
Please complete and return the worksheet to the HSS Academic Advisor, Professor Ninad Pandit:
- Students must apply in their third year at the latest to be considered for the Minor. HSS will not accept requests after this time.
- Double Minors are permitted and encouraged.
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Interdisciplinary Studies Minor is only available with explicit approval from the HSS Academic Advisor. submit a 250-word proposal for a specific and clearly articulated interdisciplinary research project that they expect to complete for this Minor. School of Art Students interested in an Interdisciplinary Minor must apply with the HSS Academic Advisor in their second year at Cooper for approval.
- History and Theory of Art: 14 credits. Both HTA-101 - 102 are required courses for School of Art students and do not count towards HSS Minors.
- Economics: Coursework for this Minor must include both SS-334 (Microeconomics) and SS-347 (Macroeconomics).
- Students may use up to 1 approved independent study with an HSS Faculty (maximum 2 credits) for a Minor.
- If awarded, the Minor will be designated on student transcripts at graduation.