Fall 2023 All School Assembly
Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 2 - 5pm

To welcome the School of Architecture's new and returning faculty, staff and students and to launch the new academic year, there will be a School of Architecture Assembly on Tuesday 29 August (the second day of classes).
The convocation will begin at 2PM with a introduction by Acting Dean Hayley Eber followed by respective faculty and staff presentations on the Fall 2023 semester public programming, design studios and elective courses.
This is an in-person event with Zoom participation by faculty whose availability may not permit attendance otherwise.
Registration is required. You may register here.
Welcome by Acting Dean Hayley Eber and introduction to Mokena Makeka (2:00PM - 2:15PM)
Upcoming lectures and exhibitions: Professors James Lowder and Michael Young (2:16PM - 2:21PM); Steven Hillyer, Director of the Architecture Archive (2:22PM - 2:27PM)
NAAB preparations this academic year (new syllabus template, student work collection, materials for APR): Distinguished Professor Adjunct Elizabeth O’Donnell, Acting Dean Hayley Eber (2:28PM - 2:33PM)
Architectonics: presented by Mersiha Veledar, Amina Blacksher, Samantha Josaphat, Frederick Rapp (2:34PM - 2:39PM)
Electives: Nora Akawi/Ninad Pandit/Guillermo Ruiz de Teresa (2:40PM - 2:45PM), Esther Choi (2:46PM - 2:51PM)
Design II: presented by Nima Javidi, Elizabeth O’Donnell, Julian Palacio, Ryan Brooke Thomas (2:52PM - 2:57PM)
Electives: Yoonjai Choi (2:58PM - 3:03PM), Susannah Drake (3:04PM - 3:09PM)
Design III: presented by Benjamin Aranda, Daisy Ames, Sam Anderson, Pamela Cabrera, Thorsten Helbig, Florian Meier, Lorena del Rio, Nader Tehrani (3:10PM - 3:15PM)
Electives: Sue Ferguson Gussow (3:16PM - 3:21PM), Lydia Kallipoliti (3:22PM - 3:27PM)
Design IV Option Studios presented by:
Diana Agrest/Yunru Chen (3:28PM - 3:33PM)
Behnaz Assadi (3:34PM - 3:39PM)
James Lowder (3:40PM - 3:45PM
Electives: Owen Nichols/Clara Syme (3:46PM - 3:51PM), Julian Palacio (3:52PM - 3:57PM)
Thesis: presented by Nora Akawi, Hayley Eber, Brad Samuels, Anthony Vidler (3:58PM - 4:03PM)
Electives: Tyler Putnam/Gjergji Shkurti (4:04PM - 4:09PM), Linda Pollak (4:10PM - 4:15PM)
Graduate Thesis (returning students): Guido Zuliani (4:16PM - 4:21PM)
Graduate Design (new students): Michael Young (4:26PM - 4:31PM)
Update from Architecture Administrative Co-Chairs about 2023-2024 Arch Student Council election (4:32PM - 4:37PM)
Please join us in welcoming the exceptional architects and scholars who will join the School of Architecture faculty as part-time and visiting faculty to teach courses and studios this fall semester. They include:
Behnaz Assadi, teaching ARCH 141A Design IV
Yunru (Daisy) Chen, teaching ARCH 141A Design IV
Yoonjai Choi, teaching ARCH 205 Advanced Concepts/ARCH 485 Grad Seminar
Justin Den Herder, teaching ARCH 152 Structures IV/ARCH 482 Grad Seminar
Samantha Josaphat, teaching ARCH 111A Architectonics
A83 Gallery; Owen Nichols/Clara Syme, teaching ARCH 205 Advanced Concepts/ARCH 485 Grad Seminar
Tyler Putnam/Gjergji Shkurti, teaching ARCH 177 Computer Applications/ARCH 482 Grad Seminar
Frederick (Didi) Rapp, teaching ARCH 111A Architectonics
Guillermo Ruiz de Teresa, teaching ARCH 225 Advanced Topics/ARCH 485 Grad Seminar
The School of Architecture has, for decades, been a place of exploration and debate and we look forward to the conversations that will emerge with these new faculty and the ideas and practices they will bring to our studios and classrooms.
This event is open to current Cooper Union students, faculty, and staff.
Located in the Frederick P. Rose Auditorium, at 41 Cooper Square (on Third Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets)