Fall 2021 All School Assembly

Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 1 - 4pm

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Convocation | School of Architecture Deans, Faculty and Staff: Fall 2021 All School Assembly

Convocation | School of Architecture Deans, Faculty and Staff: Fall 2021 All School Assembly

To welcome the School of Architecture's new and returning faculty, staff and students and to launch the new semester, there will be an ALL SCHOOL ASSEMBLY on the second day of classes.

The convocation will take place in-person in the Great Hall at 1PM starting with an introduction by Dean Nader Tehrani followed by respective faculty and staff presentations on the Fall 2021 semester public programming, design studios and elective courses.  

Faculty who cannot attend in person and are expected to give a presentation and/or attend, may register for the Zoom broadcast here


Welcome and introduction by Dean Nader Tehrani (1:00PM - 1:15PM)

Upcoming lectures and exhibitions: Professor Nora Akawi; Steven Hillyer, Director of the Architecture Archive (1:16PM - 1:26PM)

Architectonics: presented by Ted Baab, Rychiee Espinosa, Mersiha Veledar (1:27PM - 1:32PM)

Design II: presented by Nima Javidi, Julian Palacio, Ryan Brooke Thomas (1:33PM - 1:38PM)

Design III: presented by Samuel Anderson, Daisy Ames, Pamela Cabrera, Thorsten Helbig, Elisa Iturbe, James Lowder, Florian Meier (1:39PM - 1:44PM)

Design IV: Option Studios presented by Diana Agrest (1:45PM - 1:50PM), Gary Bates (1:51PM - 1:56PM), Susannah Drake/Nadege Giravdet (1:57PM - 2:02PM), Alysen Hiller Fiore/Joshua Ramus (2:03PM - 2:08PM)

Thesis: presented by Nora Akawi, Benjamin Aranda, Hayley Eber (2:09PM - 2:14PM)

Graduate Design(returning students): Michael Young (2:15PM - 2:20PM)

Graduate Design (new students): Guido Zuliani (2:21PM - 2:26PM)

Building Technology/Construction Management/Professional Practice: presented by Sam Anderson, Jon 
Maass, Michael Samuelian (2:27PM - 2:32PM)

Elective Courses: 

Nora Akawi (2:33PM - 2:38PM)
Daisy Ames/Ife Salema Vanable (2:39PM - 2:44PM)
Zulaikha Ayub (2:45PM - 2:50PM)
Anna Bokov (2:51PM - 2:56PM)
Eva Franch i Gilabert (2:57PM - 3:02PM)
Sue Ferguson Gussow (3:03PM - 3:08PM)
Lydia Kallipoliti (3:09PM - 3:14PM)
Mae-ling Lokko (3:15PM - 3:20PM)
Joan Ockman (3:21PM - 3:26PM)
Julian Palacio (3:27PM - 3:32PM)
Linda Pollak (3:33PM - 3:38PM)
Brad Samuels [FA 327] (3:39 - 3:44)
Austin Wade Smith (3:45 - 3:50)

Update from Architecture Administrative Co-Chairs about 2021-2022 Architecture Student Council elections (3:51 - 4:00)


Please join us in welcoming the exceptional architects and scholars who will join the School of Architecture faculty as part-time and visiting faculty to teach courses and studios this academic year. They include
 new arrivals:

Zulaikha Ayub, Fall 2021, EVT elective/Grad seminar        
Stella Betts, Spring 2022, Design IV        
Pamela Cabrera, Fall 2021, EVT
Esther Choi, Fall 2021, Hist Arch II
Brad Cloepfil, Spring 2022, Design IV                
Dionisio Cortes, Fall 2021, Representation IV            
Susannah Drake, Fall 2021, Design IV    
Nadege Giravdet, Fall 2021, Design IV        
Rychiee Espinosa, Fall 2021, Architectonics
Alysen Hiller Fiore, Fall 2021, Design IV
Eva Franch i Gilabert, Fall 2021, Advanced Topics/grad seminar
Mae-ling Lokko, Fall 2021, Crossings/Grad seminar    
Thomas Phifer, Spring 2022, Feltman Seminar
Joshua Ramus, Fall 2021, Design IV
Danniely Staback, Spring 2022, Design II
Ryan Brooke Thomas, Fall 2021, Design II
Matthew Waxman, Fall 2021 Representation III
Christina Yessios, Fall 2021 Representation I

The School of Architecture has, for decades, been a place of exploration and debate and we look forward to the conversations that will emerge with these new faculty and the ideas and practices they will bring to the studios and classrooms.

This event is open to current Cooper Union students, faculty, and staff. 

Located in The Great Hall, in the Foundation Building, 7 East 7th Street, between Third and Fourth Avenues

  • Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

  • From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.

  • Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action.


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