Real Estate, Construction, and Design (RECD)
The Cooper Union Real Estate, Construction, and Design (RECD) Affinity Group consists of students, alums, and friends of Cooper working in these various industries. Our affinity group events are both in person and virtual. They provide great opportunities for networking among peers and are beneficial to our students as they contemplate their career paths after graduation.
The first of its kind at Cooper, this affinity group aims to foster a dialogue about real estate development, architectural trends and property management among Cooper Union alumni and friends; present networking opportunities across disciplines and fields; and inspire conversations about real estate and related fields in New York and around the world.
Steering Committee:
Bobby Chen, AR'01
Jonathan Huang, CHE'14
Elizabeth Graziolo AR'95, Former Trustee
Jimmy Kwong CHE'80
Chris Lasky AR'92
Alexis Markant CE'05
Brian Steinwurtzel, Trustee
Jan Voitehovich, AR'13
Marty Zubatkin CE'77
Our first kickoff event took place on November 6, 2023 with a hard hat tour of the newly renovated One Madison Avenue building followed by a happy hour (pictured). For more information, or to be added to the email list, please contact