Cooper Union Climate Initiative

The Cooper Union Climate Initiative (CUCI) is a new network of Cooper Alumni who seek to inform each other on the climate crisis and strategize ways in which they can have a positive influence on the environment. It will also help current Cooper Union students understand what career opportunities exist and, if interested, to enter fields engaged in solving the climate crisis.
For more information on participating in CUCI, please register through this form. All alumni with an interest in climate change issues are welcome to join the group. Those with experience in this work may be particularly helpful to Cooper students.
Steering Committee:
Lynn Lander ChE'60
Marshall Rafal ChE'63
A message from the Steering Committee.
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Cooper Union Climate Initiative (CUCI) is:
- To encourage Cooper Union alumni to become knowledgeable about climate change/global warming which is causing a climate crisis and to provide strategies by which all alumni can have a positive impact on the situation and not feel they are helpless.
- To become an advocacy group for consideration of climate and climate change in all aspects of everything we do.
- To provide alumni-based resources to encourage Cooper students, of all three Schools, to understand what career opportunities exist and, if interested, to enter fields engaged in solving the climate crisis.
You can now find additional resources about climate change, including book recommendations, podcast episodes, and newspaper articles in our Climate Library. The library is updated periodically.
For more information, please contact