Conceiving the Plan: Nuance and Intimacy in the Construction of Civic Space

An April exhibition at Cooper's School of Architecture "Conceiving the Plan: Nuance and Intimacy in the Construction of Civic Space" inaugurates a dialogue with the legacy of the late architect and longtime Cooper Professor Diane Lewis AR'76. The exhibition was conceived by Yael Hameiri Sainsaux AR'10, and contributors and advisors include Matthew Hitscherich AR'12 and David Huber AR'10. An accompanying symposium was held in April, and symposium participants include Elena Fanna AR'03, Peter Lynch AR'84, Laila Seewang AR'05, Uri Wegman AR'08, Sotirios Kotoulas AR'03, Mersiha Veledar AR'03, Holger Kleine AR'90 and Anna Kostreva AR'09. For more information, click here and here.