Professor Brian Swann Authors New Transatlantic Novel
POSTED ON: September 17, 2021

Professor Brian Swann, August 2016. Photo by Marget Long/The Cooper Union
Brian Swann, professor of humanities, has a new novel due out from MadHat Press on November 1st, adding to his extensive list of publications. Set in the 17th century, Huskanaw is a "transatlantic" novel that follows the life of a young man, John Crowe, from the Cambridgeshire fens to Powhatan’s Virginia.
Professor Swann's longstanding scholarship on, and advocacy for, Native American cultures and literatures inspires much of his work, and it also animates this newest work. Novelist and essayist Scott Sanders says of Huskanaw: "Brian Swann deploys all his gifts—as poet, translator, linguist, and scholar of Native American cultures—to create a gripping, masterful work of art."
Huskanaw is available for pre-order from MadHat Press.