It's in the Syllabus
POSTED ON: October 28, 2020

Syllabus: The Remarkable, Unremarkable Document That Changes Everything (Princeton University Press), by William Germano and Kit Nicholls, was published this month and has been getting rave reviews. Germano is a professor and former dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science. Nicholls is the director of the Center for Writing.
Part of the publisher's Skills for Scholars series, the book's primary audience is working academics, although that has not limited coverage to solely higher education press.
"Germano and Nicholls’s gently polemical, deeply romantic book regards the syllabus, and the work that goes into constructing one, as an opportunity to ponder the possibilities and pathways of the classroom," writes Hua Hsu for The New Yorker.
Kirkus gave it a starred review, calling the book, "A thoughtful, provocative collection of well-tested teaching strategies and philosophies that work across the curriculum."
On October 28 the co-authors led a symposium on the subject for fellow Cooper Union faculty.