End of Year Show 2023: Photos from Opening Night
Each year before Commencement, students from all three schools of The Cooper Union mount an expansive, campus-wide exhibition of their artworks, models, projects, and research. Opening night of the 2023 End of Year Show was on May 23 and welcomed friends, family members, Cooper alumni, and the public to explore student work and celebrate the culmination of the academic year.
These photos are a sampling of the breadth and variety of this year's exhibition. As in past showcases, works from the School of Art are identified by the author; works from The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture are identified by the studio.
Photos by João Enxuto / The Cooper Union unless otherwise noted.
End of Year Show attendees review projects by students in the Albert Nerken School of Engineering
Close up of Checkmate - Voice Controlled Chess, a senior engineering project Eugene Jeong ME'23, Husam Almanakly EE ’23, and Michael Bentivegna EE'23
The Cooper Union Steel Bridge team members Avery Kugler CE’23, Philip Ramirez CE'25, and Eddie Jacob Zlotskiy CE’23 demo a build-out
Members of Cooper E-Cycles with their poster (pictured clockwise: Aidan Bowman ME'23, JP Patton ME'23, Reid Chambers ME'23, Isabella Graziolo ME’23, and Zachary Potoskie ME'23.
Additional student collaborators for the project that are not pictured include Ginger Lau ME'23, Eugene Jeong ME'23, Ezra Sardes ME'23, Sarah Heejeong Yang ME'24, Yaccov Davidowitz ME'23, Logan Villano ME'23, and Pia Roels ChE'23
Design IV: Spring 2023
Design III: Fall 2022
Thesis: Fall 2022-Spring 2023
Thesis: Fall 2022-Spring 2023
Design III: Fall 2022
Thesis: Fall 2022-Spring 2023
Graduate Research Design Studio I: Fall 2022
Michelle Lee
Kit Edwards A’23
Rachel Wolf A’23
Advanced Drawing: Frankie Lo, Jessie Salinas A’23, Marsden Joy A’23, Rita Ross, Mason Webb, and Penelope Stryjewski
Regev Haim Pardo (left), Ruth Plumb (center), Claire Merkle A’23 (right)
Jonelle Austin