The 2013 Saturday Program Annual Exhibition
Sat, Apr 6, 12am - Fri, Apr 12, 2013 12am

Crowds gather at a previous Saturday Program annual exhibition
Open to the public from April 6 until April 12, the Annual Exhibition of the Saturday Program showcases works by artistically inclined New York City high school students who receive free classes to supplement the ever-dwindling public school arts funding. The works of over two hundred students run the gamut of media including drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, graphic design, and even a spoken word.
"The exhibition celebrates the culmination of two semesters-worth of art work by New York City public high school students", Marina Gutierrez (A'81), Director of the Saturday Program, says. She described the opening as a happy "mob scene" where, "kids who may not otherwise have received a lot of encouragement in creative fields have a moment of affirmation and pride. They run around with friends and family pointing out their work. You see people from communities that are not normally art-focused." Wall texts identifying the artists add a prized note of authenticity.