Roundtable Discussion | Drawing Conversations
Thursday, February 2, 2023, 6:30 - 8:30pm

Image courtesy of Perry Kulper.
This lecture will be conducted in-person in The Cooper Union Library and through Zoom.
For Zoom attendance, please register in advance here.
For In-Person attendance, please register in advance here.
What is a drawing? Over the past few decades, drawing has died, concluded, been popped, sampled, cartooned, montaged, turned (more than once), and digitized as image. Yet, drawing is still the term architects use to describe the representations they make, regardless of the technology of production or method of presentation. Within the discipline of architecture, a drawing often refers to representation that belongs to a trajectory of evolving ideas or a system capable of rendering subject matter that is complex or even ephemeral. As such, it is not the material or technique of the representation itself that matters as much as the exchange of knowledge that takes place on the drawing surface.
How these exchanges take place at different times and in different contexts requires the conventions of drawing to be questioned; traces of future practice lie in probing disciplinary transformations and current debates.
This event includes participants Bryan Cantley, Mark Dorrian, Riet Eeckhout, Adrian Hawker, Arnaud Hendrickx, Perry Kulper, Nada Subotincic, Mark West, and Michael Young.
Moderated by Ashley Simone.
The format for the event is a roundtable discussion in the library of the Cooper Union Foundation building. Participants will respond to a series of prompts by the moderator before the conversation opens to include the audience. The ambitions for the evening are to look at drawings and engage the larger architectural community in dialog about the contemporary constitution of drawings and drawings.
Bryan Cantley is a Professor of Design Theory at California State University Fullerton and owner of Form:uLA.
Mark Dorrian is Forbes Chair in Architecture at the University of Edinburgh, Co-Director of Metis, and editor of Drawing Matter Journal.
Riet Eeckhout is Guest Professor at KU Leuven.
Adrian Hawker is MArch Programme Director at the University of Edinburgh and Co-Director of Metis
Arnaud Hendrickx is Associate Professor and program director Master of Architecture at KU Leuven.
Perry Kulper is an architect and Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Michigan.
Nada Subotincic After 32 years of teaching, Natalija Subotincic's research on Sigmund Freud's Cabinet continues to unfold within Ceci n'est pas un musée, a small house museum being created in Montreal, Canada.
Mark West (Montreal, Canada, and Spruce Island, Maine) is a builder, artist, ex-teacher, pilgrim, currently working at Atelier Surviving Logic.
Michael Young is an Associate Professor at the Cooper Union and partner at Young & Ayata.
Ashley Simone is an Associate Professor at Pratt Institute School of Architecture and the founding director of EDITRIX:.
Located at 7 East 7th Street, between Third and Fourth Avenues