Senior Yuval Philipson ME'21 Wins First Place in the Physical Acoustics Technical Committee Student Paper Competition
POSTED ON: March 10, 2021

Yuval Philipson, a senior mechanical engineering student, won first place in the Physical Acoustics Technical Committee student paper competition. His paper and presentation for the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America was advised by Professor Martin Lawless.
The Physical Acoustics Technical Committee judged papers based on technical content, writing quality, and overall excellence, as well as the delivery of the presentation. Yuval took first place among very few undergraduates competing for the award. The field of award applicants included primarily master’s and Ph.D. students.
Yuval’s paper titled the “Application of a dual stage exhaust system using expansion chambers for Formula SAE” has been published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America and can be accessed here.
More information on the competition can be found here.