Robert Godkin ChE’18, MChE’19 Presents Poster at the Orthopaedic Research Society’s Annual Meeting
POSTED ON: February 13, 2020

Image of Robert Godkin ChE’18, MChE’19
Over the weekend, Cooper engineering alumnus Robert Godkin ChE’18, MChE’19, presented his masters project with the help of recent graduate, Iram Rahman ChE’19, at the Orthopaedic Research Society’s (ORS) Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.
The ORS is an international hub for biologists, engineers, clinicians, surgeon-scientists, orthopaedic surgeons, veterinarians, and those in the field of musculoskeletal science and orthopaedic care. The 2020 annual meeting offered numerous opportunities to present current work, establish collaborations, and engagement with colleagues.
At the meeting, Robert presented “Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations for Validation of Air Flow Studies in Operating Rooms (ORs),” in collaboration with Professor of Chemical Engineering Jennifer Weiser and Dr. Mitchel Weiser, Instructor of Orthopedic Surgery at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.