Dual Degree FAQ
Dual Degree FAQ
What is the dual degree program? The dual degree program is when a student receives both their bachelor's degree and master's degree within four (4) years of study at Cooper Union.
If you would like to take part in the dual degree program, you must fill out a notification form. This form is available from Beth Slack who will need to know the names of your undergraduate academic advisor, graduate thesis advisor and the chair of the department in which you are pursuing your master's degree. Please note that you should fill out only this form if you wish to be part of the dual degree program. DO NOT fill out the master's program application through admissions.
When do you fill out this form? This form should be submitted in the spring semester of your junior year. The notification form for students intending to graduate in spring of 2025 is due March 18, 2025.
Do I need to submit anything other than the form to take part in the program? Yes. Along with the completed form, you must submit a copy of your transcript, a degree audit completed with your adviser and a proposed thesis focus.
How many credits do I need to complete both my bachelor's and master's degrees? To earn a bachelor's degree, students must complete 135 credits. A master's degree is 30 additional 400-level credits, inclusive of 6 credits for the thesis.
Does it matter in what order I take the courses? YES. In order to maintain eligibility to receive federal financial aid as a full-time student, you must register for at least 12 credits towards your undergraduate degree every semester. Moreover, in order to meet the residence study requirement you must register for at least 12 credits towards your undergraduate degree during the academic year immediately preceding the granting of the degree (http://cooper.edu/
Can I do the non-thesis option as part of the Dual Degree program? No. You may only do the thesis option as part of the dual degree program.