NYT, Jezebel & Others Praise "We Dissent"
POSTED ON: November 26, 2018

"We Dissent" installation view by Marget Long
We Dissent, the exhibition in 41 Cooper Square Gallery featuring feminist ephemera, has gotten significant media coverage in the past weeks. The New York Times features it as one of 10 Under-the-Radar Art Shows to See Now. Roberta Smith, co-chief art critic of the Times, calls it "intimate and inspiring."
Haley Mlotek went for a tour with co-curators Stéphanie Jeanjean and Alexander Tochilovsky, writing about her experience in a personal essay for Jezebel titled, 'We Dissent' and the Making of Feminist Memory.
AIGA Eye on Design likewise features the co-curators in a piece called The Revolution Will Be Archived
The exhibition, free and open to the public, closes Sunday, December 2.