Lothar Osterburg Exhibitions and Screenings
POSTED ON: January 13, 2012

School of Art faculty member Lothar Osterburg has several events upcoming:
January 15 - March 31, 2012
Group show, Beyond the Lens
Traywick Contemporary, Berkeley CA
February 1 - March 4, 2012
Solo show, New Images from "Library Dreams" and "Yesterday's City of Tomorrow"
Lesley Heller Workspace, New York City
(Artist's Talk March 3rd, 4:30pm)
Two premiere screenings of A Bookmobile for Dreamers (TRAILER & INFO),
"A multimedia chamber opera for theremin, electronic sound and video, inspired by the joy of browsing and celebrating the imagination as inspired by the printed word":
Sunday April 29th, 8pm
Greenwich House Music School, New York City
Thursday May 24th
Buch und Kunst, Braunschweig, Germany