Master of Engineering Theses Archive

SPRING 2024 FALL 2023 | SPRING 2023 | FALL 2022 | SPRING 2022FALL 2021SPRING 2021 | FALL 2020SPRING 2020FALL 2019 | SPRING 2019FALL 2018 | SPRING 2018 | FALL 2017 | SPRING 2017 | FALL 2016 | SPRING 2016 | FALL 2015 | SPRING 2015 | FALL 2014 SPRING 2014 | SPRING 2013 | FALL 2012 | SPRING 2011

*Dual Degree Recipients

Spring 2024

Chemical Engineering

Model Development and Simulated Annealing Monte Carlo Optimization of Fullerene Nanoparticles
Jillian Frost ChE'24
Prof. Robert Q. Topper, Advisor

Electrical Engineering

A 60GHz On-Chip Antenna and Artificial Magnetic Conductor for TSMC’s 65-Nanometer Process
Anthony Belladonna EE'24
Prof. Jabeom Koo, Advisor

Staring Bias in the Face: Investigating Emotional Variations in Faces Generated by Text-to-Image Diffusion Models Across Race and Gender
Ayden Shankman EE'24
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

Machine Learning Based Approach for High Frequency Equities Trading
Benjamin Kaplan EE'24
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor

Using Task Similarity to Overcome Data Scarcity in Deep Learning Based Object Detection
Colin Hwang* EE'24
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

Full Search Motion Compensation Algorithm Implemented on an Integrated Circuit
Daniel Kim EE'24
Prof. Jabeom Koo, Advisor

Improving Remote Sensing-Based Semantic Segmentation by Adapting Pre-Trained Vision Transformers for Multispectral Data
Dhvanil Shah EE'24
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

ApolloSim: A Lidar Simulator With Calibrated Sensor Noise
Gavri Kepets EE'24
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

A High-Speed Integrator Design for the Charge Pump of a 7G WiFi Phase-Locked Loop
Jaewon Sohn EE'24
Prof. Jabeom Koo, Advisor

Predicting the Success of Stock Trading Strategies Using Machine Learning
Rebecca Gartenberg EE'24
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

A Novel Inductorless Low-Powered Quadrature Phase Generator for High-Frequency Communications
Xue Ru Zhou EE'24
Prof. Jabeom Koo, Advisor

Mechanical Engineering

Development of Low Cost Apparatuses for Measuring Thermal Conductivity of Natural and Synthetic Materials Using Steady-State Methods 
Brandon Kiau Bunt ME'24
Prof. Kamau Wright, Advisor & Prof. Benjamin Davis, Advisor

Development and Characterization of a Circular Soft Pneumatic Actuator with Bi-Directional Bending Behavior
Jeannette Circe ME'24
Prof. Michelle Rosen, Advisor

The Development of an Open Source Physics Simulation for Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicles
Netanel Fiorino ME'24
Prof. Dirk M. Luchtenburg, Advisor & Prof. Michelle Rosen, Advisor

Fall 2023

Chemical Engineering

Design of a Novel Inquiry Based Direct Air Capture Laboratory Experiment
Iram Rahman ChE'24
Prof. Amanda Simson, Advisor & Prof. Benjamin Davis, Advisor

Concentrated Solar Power for Small-Scale Biochar Production
Renata Ashapatov ChE'24
Prof. Amanda Simson, Advisor

Electrical Engineering

A Quadrature PLL with Novel Charge Pump Architecture
Bezalel Pittinsky EE'24
Prof. Ja-beom Koo, Advisor

Optimization of SAR Water Segmentation Models Using Despeckle Preprocessing
Thodori Kapouranis EE'24
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

Mechanical Engineering

Computational Modeling of Injector Response Times for Rotating Detonation Engines
Christopher Mignano ME'24
Prof. George Sidebotham, Advisor & Dr. Fabian Chacon, Advisor

Experimental Study of Injector Response for Rotating Detonation Engines
Gary Go ME'24
Prof. George Sidebotham, Advisor & Dr. Fabian Chacon, Advisor

High Through-Put Image-Based Modeling of Upper Airway Pressures Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Neural Networks
Jun Tao Cui ME'24
Prof. David M. Wootton, Advisor

Spring 2023

Chemical Engineering

Fabrication of Electrospun Polystyrene-Polyethylenimine Fibers for Direct Capture of CO2 from Ambient Air
Edward Huang ChE'23
Prof. Jennifer Weiser, Advisor & Prof. Amanda Simson, Advisor

Analysis of the Gas Products During Biomass Pyrolysis
David Jiang ChE'23
Prof. Amanda Simson, Advisor

Civil Engineering

Superfund-Mega-Potential: The Extraordinary Co-Benefits of New York City’s Hazardous Waste Sites
Friederike M. B. Burckhardt CE'23
Prof. Constantine Yapijakis, Advisor

Comparative Analysis of Triangular and Rectangular Structural Steel Modules for High-Rise Building Design
Jacob Boxer CE'23
Prof. Cosmas Tzavelis, Advisor

Using Programmatic Methods to Enhance the Interoperability of Architectural and Structural Models
Illias Proko CE'23
Prof. Cosmas Tzavelis, Advisor

Electrical Engineering

Exploring Cosmology and Cosmic Voids using Graph Neural Networks and Symbolic Regression
Bonny Y. Wang EE'23
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

A Semi-Supervised Learning Approach to Classifying Pathological Images of Heart Tissue for the Presence of Intercellular Junctions
Esther Whang EE'23
Prof. Fred L. Fontaine, Advisor

Predicting Isotopologue Counts from Bulk Unlabeled Metabolomics Data
Ravindra Bisram EE'23
Prof. Samuel Keene, Advisor, Dr. Ed Reznik, Advisor, & Dr. Wesley Tansey, Advisor

Detection and Replacementof Neologisms for Translation
Jiyoon Pyo EE'23
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

Fall 2022

Chemical Engineering

Development of an Expression and Purification System for Recombinant Human Tropoelastin
Paulo Serodio ChE'22
Prof. Jennifer Weiser, Advisor & Prof. Radmila Janjusevic, Advisor

Civil Engineering

Structural and Environmental Performance of Lightweight Hollow-Core Slabs with Natural Volcanic Aggregate
Justin Tsin CE'22
Prof. Cosmas Tzavelis, Advisor

Electrical Engineering

Applying a Bayesian Structural Time Series Model to Infer Causal Impact in the Crypto Market
Philip Blumin EE'22
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

Graph Machine Learning with Scattering Transforms
Armaan Kohli EE'22
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

An Efficient Thread-Safe Dynamically Resizeable Slot Map with Lock-Free Insertion and Look-Up Operations
Guy Bar Yosef EE'22
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

Spring 2022

Chemical Engineering

Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations of Airflow and COVID-19 Particle Studies in Operating Rooms
Mahir Alam ChE'22
Prof. Jennifer Weiser, Advisor

Production of Active Human Interleukin-33 Protein from Escherichia Coli Cells Purified with Strep Tag System
Albert Chang ChE'22
Prof. Ogbonnaya Charlies Okorafor, AdvisorDr. Oliver Medvedik, Advisor & Prof. Radmila Janjusevic

Seung Won Na ChE'22

Civil Engineering

A Concept for Sustainable Building Projects Using Hybrid Modular and Adaptive Reuse Strategies
Joshua Kitagorsky CE'22
Prof. Cosmas Tzavelis, Advisor

An Overview of Tunnel Design and a Comprehensive Study of Tunnel Face Stability
Konstantinos Konstantinidis CE'22
Prof. Vito Guido, Advisor

An Analysis of a Deep Foundation During Storm Surge: Resilience in Far Rockaway
Jared Rogovin CE'22
Prof. Vito Guido, Advisor

A Study of Rain Gardens and Green Roofs in New York City
Harsho Sanyal CE'22
Prof. Joseph Cataldo, Advisor

Electrical Engineering

RF Oscillators and Mixers Enhanced with Cross-Coupled Transistor Pairs
Andrey Akhmetov EE'22
Prof. Jabeom Koo, Advisor

Improving Semantic Water Segmentation by Fusing Sentinel-1 Intensity and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Coherence Data
Ernesto Colon EE'22
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

Edge Computing on Low Availability Devices with K3S in a Smart Home IoT System
Yingzhi Hao EE'22
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

Deep Learning Pipeline for Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment from Unstructured Long Form Clinical Audio
Theo Jaquenoud EE'22
Prof. Neveen Shlayan, Advisor & Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

Method to Impute Missing Features in Metabolomics Data using Rank-Transformation and Matrix Factorization
Sophie Jaro EE'22
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

Machine Learning Based Identification of Intercellular Junctions Present in Localized Regions within Pathological Images of Heart Tissue
Mark C. Koszykowski* EE'22
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor

Practical Performance Enhancements to the Evaluation Model of the Hazel Programming Environment
Jonathan Lam* EE'22
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor & Professor Robert Marano, Co-Advisor

Joint Estimation of a Stochastic Volatility Model Using an Unscented Kalman Filter
Jack Langner EE'22
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor

Incorporating Superclass Information in the Design of Deep Neural Networks
Derek Lee* EE'22
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

Improvements in Estimating Stochastic Volatility with an Unscented Kalman Filter by Modeling with Leverage Effects
Samuel Maltz EE'22
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor

Improving Flood Maps by Increasing the Temporal Resolution of Satellites Using Hybrid Sensor Fusion - Video Interpolation Networks
Yuval Epstain Ofek EE'22
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

An Exploration of Probabilistic Model for Consumer Choices
Zhihao Zhang* EE'22
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

Mechanical Engineering

Data Analysis Tools for Evaluating Building Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions Goals
Nicholas Triano ME'22
Prof. Melody Baglione, Advisor

Fall 2021

Chemical Engineering

Carbon Dioxide Removal and Planetary Boundaries 
Matthew Grattan ChE'21
Prof. Amanda Simson, Advisor 

Civil Engineering

A Novel Bolted Splice Design for Steel Girders to Aid in Field Splicing 
Amos Chung CE'21
Prof. Cosmas Tzavelis, Advisor

Earthquake Analysis on NYC Infrastructure
Jackie Ye CE'21
Prof. Vito Guido, Advisor

Electrical Engineering

Optimizations on ResNet Using a Self-Attention Mechanism
Isaac Alboucai EE'21
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

The Wavelet Transform and Convolutional Autoencoders for Unsupervised Anomalous Sound Detection of Machines under Domain Shifted Conditions
Joseph A. Bentivegna EE'21
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

Deep Sequential Compressed Sensing for Dynamic MRI
Vishnu Kaimal EE'21
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor

Hierarchical Semantic Segmentation of Histopathological Whole Slide Images by Means of Sparse Dictionary Learning
Alon Levin EE'21
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor

Direct Digital Synthesis Techniques to Improve Oscillator Phase Noise and Spurious Content
Sarah Schnoll EE'21
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor

Mississippi Jail Projections: Understanding the Bailable Population
Nithilam Subbaian EE'21
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

Sound Source Separation With Efficient Transformers
Ostap Voynarovskiy EE'21
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

A Case Study on the Security of Wearable Fitness Trackers
Jack Zheng EE'21
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

Mechanical Engineering

Development of Building Data Management Software and Analysis of Energy Savings from a Condenser Water Reset Strategy
Oliver Zhang ME'21
Prof. Melody Baglione, Advisor

Spring 2021

Chemical Engineering

Kanghyun Aum ChE'21
Mickey Huang ChE'21
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering

Fall 2020

Chemical Engineering

A Computational Study of Solvation Effects on Ammonium Nitrate Clusters
Anna Joselle Lomboy ChE'20
Prof. Robert Q. Topper, Advisor

Electrical Engineering

Performance Modelling of Fully-Integrated Buck Converter Circuits with Magnetic Thin-Film Inductors
Matthew Cavallaro EE'20
Prof. Neveen Shlayan, Advisor

Automatic Transcompilation of Affine C Programs to CUDA
Leart Krasniqi EE'20
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

Designing and Optimizing a GPU-based In-Memory Key-Value System
Shalin Patel EE'20
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

The Electrical Properties of Melanin: a Non-Toxic Photocatalyst for Energy Storage and Conversion as an Additive in a Sodium Phosphate Aqueous Electrochemical Cell
Tiago Zeitoune EE'20
Prof. Neveen Shlayan, Advisor

Mechanical Engineering

Chiller Plant Optimization to Reduce Building Energy Consumption
Andrew Chin ME'20
Prof. Melody Baglione, Advisor

Use of Sankey Diagrams to Model Building Energy Flow and Visualize Savings from Optimizing Air Delivery Systems
William Lim ME'20
Prof. Melody Baglione, Advisor

Decarbonizing New York's Power Sector
Zachary Tzavelis ME'20
Prof. George Sidebotham, Advisor & Joshua Novacheck (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

Spring 2020

Chemical Engineering

Kinetic Analysis of Chalcone Epoxidation in the Basic Ionic Liquid [Emim]OH
Aaron Chong ChE'20
Prof. Ruben Savizky, Advisor

Computing Free Energy Surfaces Using Support Vector Machines
Ryan Jaipersaud ChE'20
Prof. Robert Q. Topper, Advisor

Sun Eui Kim ChE'20

A Comprehensive Study in Ultrasonically Prepared Nanoemulsions: Formulation Development, Influence of Processing Parameters and Efficacy as Hydrophobic Drug Carriers
Schlomo Leibtag ChE'20
Prof. Ogbonnaya Charlies Okorafor, Advisor

Kinetic Analysis of Para-Substituted Chalcone Epoxidation in a Single-Phase System Aided by Ionic Liquids
Yao Wen Liu ChE'20
Prof. Ruben Savizky, Advisor

The Kinetics of Reverse Boudouard Gasification for use in a Potential Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage Process
Derek Ni ChE'20
Prof. Amanda Simson, Advisor

Deciphering the Mechanisms of Adhesion by Segmented Filamentous Bacteria: Towards the Structure and Function of a Carbohydrate Binding Lipoprotein
Tushar Nichakawade ChE'20
Prof. Ruben Savizky, Advisor & Dr. Radmila Janjusevic, Advisor

Civil Engineering

The Analysis of Different Pile Types for Use in Marine Infrastructure
Ahmed Elkhouly CE'20
Prof. Vito Guido, Advisor

Load Determination of Linear Elastic Truss-Slab System
Jeahoung Hong* CE'20
Prof. Cosmas Tzavelis, Advisor

The Effects of Saltwater upon Certain Mechanical Properties of Concrete
Conrad T. Kieras CE'20
Prof. Vito Guido, Advisor

Preliminary Evaluation of Aerodynamic Performance of Bridge Deck Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Yongnian Nie CE'20
Prof. Cosmas Tzavelis, Advisor

Wind Simulation and Analysis of Supertall Balconies
Kareem Saber CE'20
Prof. Cosmas Tzavelis, Advisor

Electrical Engineering

Collaborative Filtering Using a Variational Autoencoder: Exploring a Cyclical Annealing Schedule and Auxiliary Information Embedding Layer
Tyler Bell EE'20
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

Pancancer Analysis to Bridge the Gap between Metabolomics and Transcriptomics through Machine Learning
Junbum Kim EE'20
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor & Dr. Ed Reznik, Advisor

Towards the Exploration and Improvement of Generative Adversarial Attacks
Stephen Leone EE'20
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor

Large Scale Semantic Image Inpainting with Progressively Grown Gans
Kelvin Lin EE'20
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor & Dr. Ed Reznik, Advisor

PolarSK Adaptive Channel Estimation with Grassmannian Rank One Updates
Ben Sterling EE'20
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor

Saliency Estimation Using the Complementary Color Wavelet Transform
Karol Wadolowski EE'20
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor

Mechanical Engineering

Personalized Head-Related Transfer Function from Anthropometric Features Using Two Machine Learning Models: Approach and Subjective Validation
MingYang Lee ME'20
Prof. Melody Baglione, Advisor Prof. Martin Lawless, Advisor

Controlling Mechanical Systems with DQN and Differentiable Programming
Yingfu Ma ME'20
Prof. Dirk M. Luchtenburg, Advisor

Algorithm Development and Validation for Magnetic Stress Computation in Direct Stimulation of Multiphysics Flows with Magnetic Fluids
Jacob Maarek ME'20
Prof. Philip Yecko, Advisor & Dr. A. David Trubatch, Advisor

Active Noise Control Using an External Microphone Array for Path Estimation
Heui Young Park ME'20
Prof. Dirk M. Luchtenburg, Advisor & Prof. Martin Lawless, Advisor

Visualizing Physical Phenomena Using Swarming Nano Quadrotors
Justin Rooney ME'20
Prof. Dirk M. Luchtenburg, Advisor

Reduced-Order Models of Electrohydraulic Pulsed Discharge and Concrete Fracture
Dachi Tan ME'20
Prof. Dirk M. Luchtenburg, AdvisorProf. Philip Yecko, Advisor

Fall 2019

Civil Engineering

Developing Parametrized Objects to Automate Design and Advance the Use of BIM in the Waterfront Industry
Kayla Weg CE'19
Prof. Cosmas Tzavelis, Advisor

Electrical Engineering

An Exploration of ENF Signal Detection
Jonathan Weinrib EE'19
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

Mechanical Engineering

Analysis of the Cogeneration Impact on the Carbon Dioxide Emissions of an Urban Academic Campus
Sun Hwa Kwon ME'19
Prof. Melody Baglione, Advisor

Design of a Thermoelectric Generator using a Chimney Heat Exchanger
Ashish Pokharel ME'19
Prof. David Wootton, Advisor & Prof. Robert Dell, Advisor

Analysis of Laboratory Exhaust Fan System for Multifunctional Academic Building
Zhichun Sun Lee ME'19
Prof. Melody Baglione, Advisor Prof. Daniel Speyer, Advisor

SPRING 2019 

Chemical Engineering

Pyrolysis and C02 Gasification of Bio-Waste as a Pathway to Carbon Negative Electricity
Monica Abdallah ChE'19
Prof. Amanda Simson, Advisor

Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations for Validation of Air Flow Studies in Fume Hoods and Operating Rooms
Robert Godkin ChE'19
Prof. Jennifer Weiser, Advisor

Rapidly "Aging" Whiskey using Ultrasonic Irradiation
Jean Lam ChE'19
Prof. Ruben Savizky, Advisor

Civil Engineering

Efficiency Assessment of Transit Oriented Development
Mengxue Gao* CE'19
Prof. Constantine Yapijakis, Advisor

Design and Analysis of Soilless Culture Hydroponic System
Chenhui Gu* CE'19
Prof. Constantine Yapijakis, Advisor

Determining Appropriate Conditioning Periods of the CMS-UHS Composite Spectrum for Nonlinear Response History Analyses
Andrew Keane CE'19
Prof. Neal Simon Kwong, Advisor

Foundation and Flood Protection Design in Flood Zones
Matthew Seinuk CE'19
Prof. Vito Guido, Advisor

Wet and Dry Thermal Surveys and Temporal and Spatial Thermal Surveys on the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Green Roof
Stephen Tang CE'19
Prof. Joseph Cataldo, Advisor

Performance-Based Engineering and the Building Code
Catherine Wolfe CE'19
Prof. Neal Simon Kwong, Advisor

Electrical Engineering

Improving Transients of a Buck Converter with a Hybrid Voltage Mode Control Scheme
Jialun Bao EE'19
Prof. Neveen Shlayan, Advisor

Leveraging Pattern Recognition of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Solve Sudoku, an NP-Complete Problem
Ross Kaplan EE'19
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

Temporal Relation Extraction with Successively Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks
Jason Katz EE'19
Prof. Carl Sable, Advisor

Automatic Artifact Annotator for EEG Waves Using Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks
DongKyu Kim* EE'19
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

Developing Protocol-Agnostic Jammers using Reinforcement Learning
Thomas Koch EE'19
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor

Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Prediction of Low Back Pain Using a Multi-Segment Spine Model
Zirui Qiu EE'19
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor & Prof. Ian J. Kremenic, Advisor

Mechanical Engineering

Design Modifications and Characterization of the Cooper Parabolic Trough Solar Collector Test Stand
Carlos Marrero Cruz ME'19
Prof. George Sidebotham, Advisor & Prof. Robert Dell, Advisor

Thermoelectric Generation System for Powering a Geolocation-Based Remote Fire Alarm
Mamdouh Hassan Eldaly ME'19
Prof. Stan Wei, Advisor & Prof. Robert Dell, Advisor

One-Dimensional Analysis and Prediction Program for Hypersonic Airbreathing Engine Flowpaths
William Henderson ME'19
Prof. George Sidebotham, Advisor, Industrial Advisory Board & Dr. Robert Bakos and Dr. Dean Modroukas, Advisors

Using Makerspace to Drive Project Based Learning in a High School Summer STEM Program
Austin Wong ME'19
Prof. George Delagrammatikas, Advisor & Dr. Elizabeth Waters, Advisor

FALL 2018

Chemical Engineering

Investigation of Oceanic Microfiber Pollution and Development of Inexpensive Filtration Units to Reduce that which Originates from Residential and Commercial Washing Machines
Ryan Smith ChE'18
Prof. Ruben Savizky, Advisor

Civil Engineering

A Study of Lateral Torsional Buckling of Steel Girders and Guidelines Used to Determine Stability During Erection
Tina Elias CE'18
Prof. Cosmas Tzavelis, Advisor

Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of Municipal Wastewater in India
Avni Patel CE'18
Prof. Constantine Yapijakis, Advisor

Weight-Optimized Layout Design of Steel Frames
Zachary J. Chang CE'18
Prof. Cosmas Tzavelis, Advisor

Electrical Engineering

A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Balancing Multiple Objectives
Eli Friedman EE'18
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor

Feature Extraction and Detection of Localized Muscular Fatigue Using Surface EMG
Eli Soffer EE'18
Prof. Fred Fontaine, Advisor
Prof. Ian Kremenic, Advisor

Autoencoding Neural Networks as Musical Audio Synthesizers
Joseph T. Colonel EE'18
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor

Mechanical Engineering

Gesture Control of a Robotic Arm Using a Microsoft Kinect
Anthony Adal ME'18
Prof. Stan Wei, Advisor

The Development of Novel Numerical and Experimental Models for Ferrofluid Control in Magnetic Drug Targeting
Vincent M. Bianco ME'18
Prof. Philip Yecko, Advisor


Chemical Engineering
Ashmera Aliya Mohamed ChE'18
Jamie Chan ChE'18
Chae Woon Jeong ChE'18
Kenneth O'Neill ChE'18
Civil Engineering
WooJong Kim CE'18 *
Sivan Shemesh CE'18
Miles Barber CE'18 *
Karmen Chong CE'18
Kohinoor Mahi CE'18
Tobias Stein CE'18 *
Max Bernard Summers CE'18
Kanjin Zou CE'18

Electrical Engineering

Sahil S. Patel EE'18 *
Avi Gadish EE'18
Abhinav Jain EE'18 *
Henry Kasen EE'18
Frank Longueira EE'18
Cory Nezin EE'18 *
Yash Sharma EE'18 *
Matthew Smarsch EE'18
Prof. Sam Keene, Advisor
Radhakrishan Thiyagarajan EE'18 *
Miraj Patel EE'18
Mechanical Engineering
Donggyoon Hong ME'18
Alex Dworzanczyk ME'18
Prof. Jeffrey S. West, Advisor

FALL 2017

Civil Engineering

Piotr P. Michalik CE'17
Emily J. George CE'17

Electrical Engineering

Hetian Wu EE'17

Mechanical Engineering

Development of a Bluetooth Enabled Wearable Device for Home Automation

Stanley George ME'17


Chemical Engineering

Jiwoon Park ChE'17 *

Civil Engineering

Rahul Saggar CE'17
Rose Carla Guerrier CE'17

Electrical Engineering

Noah Santacruz EE'17

Mechanical Engineering

Neil Muir ME'17

FALL 2016

Civil Engineering

Yoonho Kim CE'16

Electrical Engineering

Christopher Curro EE'16
Daniel Gitzel EE'16
David Li EE'16
Ethan Lusterman EE'16
Hillel Weintraub EE'16
Nicolas Avrutin EE'16

Mechanical Engineering

Eric Ringold ME'16
Jennifer Zorko ME'16
Yudi Guo ME'16


Chemical Engineering

Eileen V. Rooney ChE'16
Prof. Irving Brazinsky, Advisor. Prof. Gregory Loibl, Advisor
Dorina Aliu ChE'16
Jong Hyun Park ChE’16
Jung Kwan Park ChE'16

Civil Engineering

Ostap Gladoun CE'16
Adrian Delacruz CE'16
Michael Hirschberger CE'16
Francesco Caroli CE'16
Yara Yasser Elborolosy CE'16
Chun Yi Wu CE'16

Electrical Engineering

Daniel D. Zegel EE'16
Michael Ahn EE’16
Elliot D. Rappaport EE'16
Sheryan Resutov EE'16 *
Jason Tam EE'16
Elie Weintraub EE'16
Harrison Zhao EE'16 *
Paul Miller EE'16

Mechanical Engineering

Michael J. Pimpinella ME'16
Woojae Kim ME’16

FALL 2015

Electrical Engineering

Kevin Nguyen EE’15
Julia Astrauckas EE’15
David Rubinstein EE’15

Mechanical Engineering

Olga Shishkov ME’15


Chemical Engineering

Ron Vogel ChE’15
Chrystina Montuori Sorrentino ChE’15
Prof. Irving Brazinsky, Advisor. Prof. Michael Gutierrez, Advisor
Udochukwu Okorafor ChE’15
Nicholas Rendina ChE’15 *
Prof. Irving Brazinsky, Advisor. Prof. Greg Loibl, Advisor
Vlad Ciocoi ChE’15 *

Civil Engineering

Anthony Sanfilippo CE’15
Daniel J. Molinaro CE’15
Kevin Lee CE’15
Jozef Karol Syta CE’15
Nanwei Chen CE’15
Ilan Griboff CE’15
Alyki Malliaros CE’15
John L. Alvizuri CE’15

Electrical Engineering

David Katz EE’15 *
Caleb Leibowitz EE’15 *

Mechanical Engineering

William Foley ME’15
Mitchell Cayman Cady ME’15
Nicholas Mitchell ME’15 *

FALL 2014

Chemical Engineering

Michael D’Ambrose ChE’14

Electrical Engineering

Ariel Habshush EE’14
Abrar Rahman EE’14

Mechanical Engineering

Rushi Vaidya ME’14
Joshua Warren ME’14


Chemical Engineering

Edwin DeLeon ChE’14
Sergey Kolchinsky ChE’14
Prof. Irv Brazinsky, Advisor. Prof. Michael Gutierrez, Advisor
Andrew Baik ChE’14
Joshua Mayourian ChE’14 *
Norris Nakagaki ChE’14
Jane Kim ChE’14

Civil Engineering

Alexander F. Erb CE’14
Sara Rose Nodroff CE’14
Annick Pellus CE’14
Connor R. Janover CE’14 *

Electrical Engineering

Christopher Sang EE’14
Derek Toub EE’14
Christopher Hong EE’14
Andrew Apollonsky EE’14 *

Mechanical Engineering

Sriya Adhya ME’14
Anthony Edward Morris ME’14
Medwin Chang ME’14
John Roosevelt Hawk IV ME’14
Jonathan O. Rodriguez ME’14


Chemical Engineering

James Hun Lee ChE’13
Aeree Lee ChE’13
Daren Kwok ChE’13
Heejae Huh ChE’13
Jung Hyun Choi ChE’13

Civil Engineering

Anitha Reddy CE’13
Jacob Presky CE’13
Feliks Leybovich CE’13
Vikki Hon CE’13
Jack Greenberg CE’13
Charles Canepa CE’13

Electrical Engineering

Keun Young Park EE’13
Alexander Levedahl EE’13
Seung Hun Kang EE’13
Samantha G. Massengill EE’13
Howard Yee EE’13
Daniel Reichman EE’13

Mechanical Engineering

Ramy Swaindan ME’13
Norbert Markowicz ME’13

FALL 2012

Chemical Engineering

Tanu Chauhan ChE'12
Prof. Irving Brazinsky, Advisor. Prof. Mike Gutierrez, Advisor
Antonio Jha ChE'12
Robert Spartaro ChE'12

Civil Engineering

Jessica Galbo CE'12
Kristian Berardi CE'12
Allan Ho CE'12
Gregory Hsu CE'12
Michael Sterman CE'12
Eric Paulson CE'12
Jeremy Moon CE'12
Jason Damiano CE'12
Lin Lee CE'12
Min Kyoung Park CE'12
Subashis Paul CE'12

Electrical Engineering

Mike Gazes EE'12
Ari Finkel EE'12
George Todorov EE'12

Mechanical Engineering

Robert Lesniewski ME'12
Seyoon Kim ME'12
Wei Dai ME'12
Prof. George Sidebotham, Advisor. Prof. Michael Gutierrez, Advisor
David Byungin Hahm ME'12
Andrew Fodor ME'12
Alexander Bronfman ME'12
John Zaborskis ME'12


Chemical Engineering

Christopher Loo ChE'11
Michale Cerro ChE'11
Brielle Eisen ChE'11
Chonghag Kim ChE'11

Civil Engineering

Talal A. Saad CE'11
Judy Luo CE'11
Kate W. Johnson CE'11
Jessica Debellis CE'11
Michael Thomas McMaster CE'11
Steven Rosen CE'11
Michael Pimentel CE'11
Pedram Khoshakhlagh CE'11
Wo Chen CE'11
Jeffrey Tan CE'11
Richard Chan CE'11
Kelly Pauline Smolar CE'11
Anthony M. Manganiello CE'11
Rene N. Makrinos CE'11
Timur Kolchinskiy CE'11
Lukman Kolawole Osi CE'11
Sung Jin Kim CE'11

Electrical Engineering

Akshay Anantadmanabhan EE' 11
Prof. Kausik Chatterjee, Advisor
Joshua Blachman EE'11

A New Green's Function Monte Carlo Algorithm for the Two-Dimensional Wave Equation

Arthur Liaw EE'11
Prof. Kausik Chatterjee, Advisor
Sherry W. Young EE'11
Prof. Kausik Chatterjee, Advisor
Kwame-Lante Wright EE'11
Kenneth Lam EE'11
Eugene Belilovsky EE'11
Brian W. Cheung EE'11
David B. Nummey, Jr. EE'11
Deian Stefan EE'11
Jonathan S. Kupferstein EE'11

Mechanical Engineering

Development of a Gasoline Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine Test Stand
Dennis Robertson ME'11
Prof. George Delagrammatikas, Advisor

Development and Design of an Experiment Test Stand for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrains
Craig Ginsberg ME'11
Prof. George Delagrammatikas, Advisor

Development and Validation of a Physical Deforming Model of Adult Upper Airway
Jonathan Sterman ME'11
Prof. David Wootton, Advisor

The Integration of the Cooper Cooler Process Into a Freezer Door
Thomas W. Crimmins ME'11
Prof. George Sidebotham, Advisor

Pneumatic Process Modeling and Experimentation for Model-Based Control
Brian E. Tovar ME'11
Prof. Melody Baglione, Advisor

Developing an Extensible and Concise Simulink Toolset for Hybrid Vehicle Modeling and Simulations
Burak Kanber ME'11
Prof. Melody Baglione, Advisor

  • Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

  • From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.

  • Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action.


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