Online Job Board








12twenty is an early-career talent platform that will enable you to take charge of your professional journey throughout your time at Cooper. With your 12twenty profile, you can:

Receive weekly updates with highly curated opportunities tailored to your preferences

  • See the latest schedule of career center programs and employer information sessions
  • Manage your resumes, cover letters, and portfolio
  • Schedule an appointment with a career counselor
  • Search for and apply to job postings
  • Report and track jobs, academic experiences, and your first job out of school

12twenty accounts are created automatically for students. To activate and update your profile, check out these instructions. Once your account has been set up, you can:

  • Select the “Appointments” tab to schedule an appointment with a career counselor
  • Use the “Job Listings and Interviews” tab to search for off-campus employment
  • Click on the “Events” tab to view career-related events such as workshops or employer visits


The Cooper Union Center for Career Development does not endorse or recommend employers, and a job posting does not serve as an endorsement or recommendation. The Career Center works hard to ensure high-quality opportunities for our students and alumni. It is the responsibility of the jobseeker to perform due diligence in researching employers when applying for opportunities. Programs and Events:

  • Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

  • From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.

  • Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action.