Course Listings

Chemical Engineering - Undergraduate

  • ChE 210

    Materials Science for Chemical Engineers

    An introduction to the basic principles underlying the behavior of materials. The course provides the scientific foundation for an understanding of the relationships among material properties, microstructure, and the behavior of metals, ceramics, and polymers. Students will develop a vocabulary for the description of materials and explore how atomistic properties influence larger scale morphology and macroscopic behavior. Additionally, students will participate in hands-on experiments, analyzing how the design and fabrication of a material affects its macroscopic behavior.

    Prerequisite: Ch 110

    Credits: 4.00

  • ChE 211

    Materials Science for Chemical Engineers

    An introduction to the basic principles underlying the behavior of materials. The course provides the scientific foundation for an understanding of the relationships among material properties, microstructure, and the behavior of metals, ceramics, and polymers. Students will develop a vocabulary for the description of materials and explore how atomistic properties influence larger scale morphology and macroscopic behavior.

    Prerequisite: Ch 110

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 221

    Material and Energy Balances

    Introduction to the principles and techniques used in chemical engineering. Basic concepts of mathematics, physics, and chemistry are applied to solving problems involving stoichiometry, analysis of chemical process systems, and material and energy conservation equations. Also includes methods for estimation of thermodynamic and chemical properties of real fluids for engineering calculations, basic chemical equilibrium, and unsteady-state balances.

    Prerequisite: Ch 160

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 222

    Material and Energy Balances

    Introduction to the principles and techniques used in chemical engineering. Mathematics, physics, and chemistry are applied to solving problems involving the laws of conservation of mass and energy. Includes analysis of real chemical processes, methods for estimation of the thermodynamic and chemical properties of fluids, solution of real systems of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, chemical and vapor/liquid equilibrium, energy balances on reacting systems with heat and work, and unsteady-state balances on reacting systems.

    Prerequisites: Ma 110, Ma 111, Ch 161

    Credits: 4.00

  • ChE 232

    Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I

    This course will apply the first and second laws of thermodynamics to batch and flow processes for single component systems. Topics include energy and entropy balances, fundamental property relationships, applications of steam tables, and an introduction to fugacity, residuals, and choosing appropriate thermodynamics models.

    Prerequisites: Ch 160 or ChE 221

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 233

    Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

    Application of the first and second laws of thermodynamics to batch and flow processes for single component systems. Topics include energy and entropy balances, fundamental property relationships, applications of steam tables, fugacity, residuals, chemical reaction and liquid-vapor equilibria, and choosing appropriate thermodynamic models.

    Prerequisites: Ch 161 and ChE 221

    Credits: 4.00

  • ChE 311

    Safety, Health, and Loss Prevention in Manufacturing

    Introduction to process safety. Case studies and important incidents that process safety could have prevented and how they inform the modern practice of engineering. Characterizing hazards associated with manufacturing, including toxicity, flammability, reactivity, mechanical, electrical, etc. Inherently safe design and examples. Control and mitigation systems for preventing incidents, including plant procedures. Major regulations that impact safety, particularly in chemical plants. Consequences of acute and chronic releases and exposures. Hazard identification, evaluation, and risk assessment, especially new risks or hazards due to climate change.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ChE 232 or ESC 330

  • ChE 331

    Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II

    This is a continuation of the first course. It introduces the student to the principles of multiphase equilibrium and the calculation of phase compositions using the concepts of chemical potential, fugacity, activity coefficients, and various equations of state for both ideal and real systems. Other topics include refrigeration system, chemical equilibrium, and applied phase equilibrium.

    Prerequisites: ChE 232

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 332

    Chemical Reaction Engineering

    This course focuses on modeling batch, semi-batch, continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTR), plug flow reactors (PFR) and packed bed reactors. Initially, isothermal, isobaric, single reaction systems are studied and the basics of kinetics are covered. The second portion of the class focuses on topics including heat effects, catalytic reactors, pressure drop through packed beds, biological systems, micro-reactors, and membrane reactors.

    Prerequisites: ChE 221 and  Ch 160.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 341

    Fluid Mechanics and Flow Systems

    Introductory concepts of fluid mechanics and fluid statics. Development and applications of differential forms of basic equations. Dynamics of inviscid and viscous fluids, flow measurement and dimensional analysis with applications in fluid dynamics. Friction loss and friction factor correlation; design of piping systems.

    Prerequisites: ChE 221.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 342

    Heat and Mass Transfer

    In this course, we will build upon our knowledge of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to learn the principles of heat and mass transfer. Although the principles of heat and mass transfer have widespread usage in the chemical process industry, these principles are also applied in food science, pharmaceutical, and other industries. First, we will begin by learning the three principle modes and mechanisms of heat transfer. After developing a strong understanding of how heat and energy are transported, we will consider mass transfer as an analogous transport process by which matter is transported by diffusion. We will then consider how both energy and mass are transported by convective motion and apply the analogies and relationships between convective momentum, heat, and mass transfer. Throughout the course, we will use multiphysics simulation software to help us enhance our transport phenomena learning experience. Lastly, we will apply all of these principles to the design of heat transfer equipment, particularly heat exchangers. To accomplish this, we will learn process simulation software to aid us in heat exchanger design.

    Prerequisites: Ma 240, ChE 221, ChE 232, and ChE 341

    Credits: 4.00

  • ChE 351

    Separation Process Principles

    This three credit course covers a few of the multitude of methods used to separate chemical mixtures, particularly in industrial applications. Separation processes are often the most complicated component of real chemical process design/operation because of the many options and degrees of freedom. We will apply thermodynamic and transport concepts to the design of continuous-contact and staged separation processes and discuss the limitations of mass transfer theory and empiricism in real chemical plant design/operation. In order gain a better understanding of the subject, we will focus in-depth on a few processes, primarily on distillation, absorption and membranes. However, throughout the course, a wide variety of separation processes will be included to broaden the discussion.

    Prerequisites: ChE 331 and ChE 342.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 352

    Process Simulation and Mathematical Techniques for Chemical Engineers

    Using practical numerical methods and computer software, you will solve chemical engineering problems in mass and energy balances, thermodynamics, fluid flow, heat transfer, separations, and chemical reactor analysis. In the process you will learn about algorithm performance, error analysis, and debugging. This course will not evaluate you very much on translating physical situations to appropriate models; this is a course on handling the models themselves. In this course, you will encounter the types of chemical engineering problems familiar from your previous coursework, but now at a more realistic complexity and scale.

    Prerequisites: ChE 341 and Ma 240

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 361

    Chemical Process Dynamics and Control

    The course is concerned with operating a plant such that the product quality and production performances are met in safe and reliable fashion. To achieve this, an extensive and expansive knowledge of the process plant is required. Often times it may not be possible to carry out ‘runs’ to gain this knowledge, thus, the need to formulate and solve models as time-dependent functions of the process—process dynamics. With the knowledge of the process coupled with the process plant objectives, various flow rates are, in most cases, adjusted in order to maintain operation (e.g., important levels, flows, pressures, temperatures and compositions) near the desired values. This course is meant to the student to this interesting and important field of engineering.

    Prerequisite: ChE 352

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 371

    Chemical Engineering Laboratory I

    This first laboratory course emphasizes the application of engineering fundamentals to real manufacturing processes and unit operations. The experiments cover traditional engineering applications in fluid flow, reactors, and separations, as well as newer technologies that students may encounter in industry. The course is designed to provide hands-on experience which complements theories and principles discussed in chemical engineering courses. The course will emphasize statistics and design of experiments. Preparation of detailed lab reports, posters, oral presentations, and other technical communications are important components of the course.

    Prerequisites: ChE 332 and ChE 342. Prerequisite and Corequisite: ChE351.

    Credits: 2.00

  • ChE 372

    Chemical Engineering Laboratory II

    This second laboratory course emphasizes the application of engineering fundamentals to real manufacturing processes and unit operations. The experiments cover traditional engineering applications, primarily in separation processes, as well as newer technologies that students may encounter in industry. The course is designed to provide hands-on experience which complements theories and principles discussed in chemical engineering courses. The course will require application of statistics and design of experiments. Preparation of detailed lab reports, posters, oral presentations, and other technical communications are important components of the course.

    Prerequisite: ChE 371

    Credits: 2.00

  • ChE 381

    Process Evaluation and Chemical Systems Design I

    The course uses design projects to explore process flow diagrams and initial equipment design estimates based on process and unit operation material and heat balances. Studies include equipment cost estimation methods that are developed into process economic evaluations and profitability analysis. The course concludes with process and equipment design using Aspen and an examination of optimization techniques.

    Prerequisites: ChE 332 and ChE 342. Corequisite: ChE 351.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 382

    Process Evaluation and Chemical Systems Design II

    This is a continuation of ChE 381 and is the "capstone design course" in chemical engineering. All aspects of chemical engineering are integrated into the design of a chemical process plant. The design process consists of flowsheet development, equipment selection and sizing, utility requirements, instrumentation and control, economic analysis, and formulation of safety procedures. A plant design is carried out in class and the course includes the use of professional simulation packages such as Aspen Plus. AIChE National Student Design Competition projects are often included in this course.

    Prerequisite: ChE 381

    Credits: 4.00

  • ChE 391

    Research Problem I

    An elective course available to qualified and interested students recommended by the faculty. Students may select problems of particular interest in some aspect of theoretical or applied chemical engineering. Topics range from highly theoretical to completely practical, and each student is encouraged to do creative work on his or her own with faculty guidance.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: senior standing

  • ChE 392

    Research Problem II

    Continuation of ChE 391.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ChE 391

  • ChE 393

    Research Problem III

    Continuation of ChE 392.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ChE 392

  • ChE 394

    Research Problem IV

    Continuation of ChE 393.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ChE 393

Chemical Engineering - Graduate

  • ChE 411

    Polymer Technology and Engineering

    An introduction into polymer structures and the major synthetic routes of polymerization: including addition, condensation, ionic, emulsion, and copolymerization techniques. Topics cover molecular mechanisms, kinetics, and stereochemistry of polymerization. Additional material includes polymer characterization and how polymer structure affects physical properties. Emphasis will be placed on rheology, transport, thermodynamics, and current polymer applications.

    Prerequisites Ch 231

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 418

    Carbon Removal Technologies

    Survey of the field of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technologies. Review of models that estimate carbon removal amounts to meet international climate goals. Basics of existing adsorption technology and design of industrial CDR plants. Evaluation of biomass-based CDR solutions: afforestation, biochar, and Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS).

    Prerequisites: ChE232 or ESC-330 (Thermodynamics I).

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 421

    Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering

    Principles of chemical reaction systems and the practices of industrial reactor designers. Emphasis is on heterogeneous chemical kinetics, biochemical reaction engineering, polymerization reactions, and reactor scale-up. Modeling and computer simulation of systems are extensively applied.

    Prerequisite: ChE 332

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 423

    Environmental Catalysis

    This course will cover the fundamentals of heterogeneous catalysis including preparation techniques, characterization methods, reactor design, and common deactivation mechanisms. The course will focus on the use of heterogeneous catalysis for air pollution control and new energy technologies. Background in reaction kinetics is required and topics from thermodynamics and fluid dynamics will be incorporated.

    Pre-requisite ChE 332

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 430

    Thermodynamics of Special Systems

    Thermodynamic analyses of solid systems undergoing elastic strain and of magnetic, electric and biological systems. Equations of state for these and other fluid and non-fluid systems.Thermodynamics of low temperature systems. Recent advances in obtaining real fluid and solid properties.

    Same as EID 430 and ME 430

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ChE 331 or ME 331

  • ChE 431

    Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics and Molecular Theory

    Modern methods of applying thermodynamics and molecular physics to phase behavior of fluid mixtures, intermolecular forces and thermodynamic properties, molecular dynamic properties, molecular theory of gases and liquids, theories of liquid solutions and fluid mixtures at high pressures.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ChE 331

  • ChE 432

    Phase Transitions: Simulations and Applications (same as EID 432)

    A course on understanding phase transitions that underly novel and efficient engineering designs. Statistical mechanical concepts as they relate to phase transitions such as the phase space, thermodynamic ensembles, entropy, and free energy. Introduction to computational techniques used to track phase transitions: Monte Carlo methods, modeling of dynamical systems, and introductory molecular dynamics to study systems of practical interest. Phase transitions as a broader phenomenon such as in social networks, ecological systems, proteins, bird flocking, and learning. Same as EID432.

    Prerequisites: CS 102 or ECE 160 and Ch 160 or Ch161 or ESC 330

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 433

    Rocket Science

    Transient and steady-state control volume balances (mass, momentum and energy) that involve compressible flow phenomena are applied to (primarily) aerospace applications. Fundamental topics include variable mass accelerating control volumes, variable area adiabatic flows, normal and oblique shock waves, expansion fans, friction effects (Fanno flow) and heat transfer effects (Rayleigh flows). Numerical and analytical techniques are developed. Applications include basic trajectories, water rockets, converging/diverging rocket nozzles, RAM and SCRAM jets, supersonic wakes from underexpanded and overexpanded nozzles, gas exchange in reciprocating engines.

    Same as ME 433

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 330 and ESC 340

  • ChE 434

    Special Topics in Combustion

    Analysis of diffusion and premixed flame processes, including droplet and particle flames, combustion in sprays, chemical reactions in boundary layers, combustion instability in liquid and solid rocket engines and gas burner flames. Consideration of ignition and quenching processes and flammability limits.

    Same as ME 434

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 330/ChE 232

  • ChE 440

    Advanced Fluid Mechanics

    Introduction to the fundamental constitutive relations and conservation laws of fluid mechanics. Steady and transient velocity distributions of viscous flow. Stream functions, potential flow, and creeping flow. Boundary layer theory. Modeling of turbulent flow. Special topics may include: hydrodynamic stability, vorticity dynamics and mixing, waves in fluids, airfoil theory, lubrication theory, compressible flow, multiphase flow, bubbles and droplets, non-Newtonian flow, and computational fluid dynamics.

    Same as EID 440 and ME 440

    Prerequisite: ESC 340 or Ch 341

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 441

    Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer

    Introduction to the energy equation. Steady and transient heat transfer by conduction. Convective heat transfer. Energy transport in flowing media. Free convection. Conservation of species equation. Fick's law of binary diffusion. Mass transfer with simultaneous homogeneous or heterogeneous reaction. Multicomponent heat and mass transfer. Stefan-Maxwell equations for multicomponent diffusion. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer. Transport in electrolyte solutions. Special topics may include: membrane separation processes, drug delivery and controlled release, turbulent heat and mass transfer, boundary layer heat and mass transfer, and chemically reacting flows.

    Same as EID 441

    3 credits. Prerequisite: EID 440 or ChE 440

  • ChE 444

    Computational Modeling of Materials and Molecules (Starting Spring 2025)

    Project-based course on modern practices of molecular simulation in the context of engineering systems. The history of computer and molecular simulations, physical and mathematical modeling of molecules, development of molecular simulations, best practices in scientific computing in the context of modeling molecular systems, contemporary open-source simulation packages for molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods, analysis and measurement of simulation data, effective visualization of computer simulations, applications relevant to material property prediction in engineering contexts, and recent developments in molecular simulation methods. Same as EID 444.

    Prerequisites: CS 102 or ECE 160 and Ch 160 or Ch161 or ESC 330

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 445

    Particle Technology

    Introduction to particle technology and multiphase flow. Particle properties and characterization. Granular materials and flow. Gas-solid flows. Flow through packed beds. Fluidization. Gas-solid separations. Slurry transport. Pneumatic transport. Powders and bulksolids. Mixing and segregation. Particle size reduction and enlargement. Aerosol dynamics. Industrial petrochemical and pharmaceutical processes: fluid catalytic cracking, gascyclones, hoppers, granulation, coating.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 340

  • ChE 447

    Sustainability and Pollution Prevention

    Fuzzy-logic based methodology for defining and assessing the sustainability of an entity. Pollution prevention for chemical processes at the macroscale (life-cycle assessment) and mesoscale (unit operations). Quantitatively identifying critical components of sustainability for a corporation or other similar entity. Chemical process design methods for waste minimization, increased energy efficiency, and minimal environmental impact.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 460

    Process Heat Transfer Equipment

    The chemical engineer must develop, design and engineer both the complete process and the equipment used; choose the proper raw materials; operate the plant efficiently, safely and economically; and see to it that products meet the requirements set by the customer. Chemical engineering is both an art and a science. Whenever science helps the engineer to solve a problem, science should be used. When, as is usually the case, science does not give a complete answer, it is necessary to use experience and judgment. The professional stature of an engineer depends on skill in utilizing all sources of information to reach practical solutions to processing problems. This course will concentrate specifically on the theoretical and practical principles of detailed equipment design for process heat transfer operations. Attempts will be made to emphasize modern technologies used in these operations.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor 

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 460.1

    Heat Transfer Equipment Design (Heat Exchangers)

    The chemical engineer must develop, design and engineer both the complete process and the equipment used; choose the proper raw materials; operate the plant efficiently, safely and economically; and see to it that products meet the requirements set by the customer. Chemical engineering is both an art and a science. Whenever science helps the engineer to solve a problem, science should be used. When, as is usually the case, science does not give a complete answer, it is necessary to use experience and judgment. The professional stature of an engineer depends on skill in utilizing all sources of information to reach practical solutions to processing problems. This course will concentrate specifically on the theoretical and practical principles of detailed equipment design for process heat transfer operations. Attempts will be made to emphasize modern technologies used in these operations.

    Same as EID 460.1

  • ChE 461

    Principles of Design and Analysis of Reactors

    The chemical engineer must develop, design and engineer both the complete process and the equipment used; choose the proper raw materials; operate the plant efficiently, safely and economically; and see to it that products meet the requirements set by the customer. Chemical engineering is both an art and a science. Whenever science helps the engineer to solve a problem, science should be used. When, as is usually the case, science does not give a complete answer, it is necessary to use experience and judgment. The professional stature of an engineer depends on skill in utilizing all sources of information to reach practical solutions to processing problems. This course will concentrate specifically on the theoretical and practical principles of detailed equipment design for process reaction operations. Attempts will be made to emphasize modern technologies used in these operations.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 462

    Design and Operation of Distillation Systems

    The chemical engineer must develop, design and engineer both the complete process and the equipment used; choose the proper raw materials; operate the plant efficiently, safely and economically; and see to it that products meet the requirements set by the customer. Chemical engineering is both an art and a science. Whenever science helps the engineer to solve a problem, science should be used. When, as is usually the case, science does not give a complete answer, it is necessary to use experience and judgment. The professional stature of an engineer depends on skill in utilizing all sources of information to reach practical solutions to processing problems. This course will concentrate specifically on the theoretical and practical principles of detailed equipment design for process distillation operations. Attempts will be made to emphasize modern technologies used in these operations.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 471

    Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering

    Advanced topics in chemical engineering, selected according to student and instructor interest.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 474

    Drug Formulation and Delivery

    The fundamentals of drug formulation and drug delivery systems in the context of current therapeutics on the market. Specific topics include traditional drug formulation, mechanisms and kinetics of pharmaceutical stability, controlled-release devices, transdermal delivery, intravenous delivery, oral drug delivery, pulmonary delivery, targeted drug delivery, and gene therapy. The course is designed to cover specific drug delivery topics that are expanded upon with student driven discussions of primary literature assigned by the professor.

    Prerequisites: Ch 231 or permission of instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 475

    Pharmaceutical Engineering

    Introduction to pharmaceutical engineering. Overview of the pharmaceutical industry and drug discovery and development. Clinical trials, regulation, and validation. Scientific principles of dosage forms including solutions, disperse systems, dissolution, stability, and surface phenomena. Biopharmaceutical principles of drug delivery. Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and biopharmaceuticals. Unit operations for solid and liquid dosage forms. Pharmaceutical plant design.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ChE 332, ChE 351, and Ch 262, or permission of instructor

  • ChE 488

    Convex Optimization Techniques

    This course discusses in detail different methods for the optimization of systems of engineering and economic interest using the techniques of linear and nonlinear programming. The focus is on convex optimization, which is the solution of problems with only one best cost, design, size etc. We will consider problems such as least squares, supply chain management, batch process networks, network flow, dynamic programming, portfolio optimization and other examples across all engineering disciplines. Students will learn about optimization theory and problem formulation, with some computational component. By the end of the course, students should be able to: create optimization problems from a physical situation, identify whether the problem can be solved or not, transform problems into equivalent forms, list optimality conditions for problems, find the dual of a problem and identify its relation to the primal,and use at least one method to solve a convex programming problem using a computer.

    Same as EID 488

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ChE 352 or ME 251, Ma 326 (co-enrollment is fine)

  • ChE 490

    Process Synthesis

    This course provides a new basis forthe design of integrated chemical processes. The ability to predict, at the outset, achievable design targets that have a sound scientific basis is fundamental to the approach. These targets relate to energy, capital and raw materials, costs and flexibility. Topics will include review of basic thermodynamic concepts, capital/energy trade-off, process integration multiple utilities, process/utility interface, reactors and separators in the context of overallprocess power optimization, design for flexibility, total sites layout, batch processes and process plant retrofit.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ChE 381 and ChE 382 or permission of instructor

  • ChE 491

    Graduate Research Problem I

    An elective research course available to qualified and interested graduate students. Students may select novel problems of particular interest in some aspect of theoretical or applied chemical engineering. Topics range from highly theoretical to completely practical; students are required to do creative work on their own with faculty advice and guidance.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 491

    Graduate Research Problem I

  • ChE 492

    Graduate Research Problem II

    Continuation of ChE 491.

    Prerequisite: ChE 491

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 493

    Graduate Research Problem III

    Continuation of ChE 492.

    Prerequisite: ChE 492

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 494

    Graduate Research Problem IV

    Continuation of ChE 493.

    Prerequisite: ChE 493

    Credits: 3.00

  • ChE 499


    Masters of Engineering candidates are required to conduct, under the guidance of a faculty adviser, an original investigation of a problem in chemical engineering, individually or in a group, and to submit a written thesis describing the results of the work.

    This is a full-year course

    Credits: 6.00

Civil Engineering - Undergraduate

  • CE 151

    Urban Transportation Planning

    Historical background and evolution of current procedures used in the urban transportation planning process. Covered are the historical framework, urban development theories, land use, trip generation, trip distribution models, traffic assignment techniques, modal split and introduction to urban transportation systems.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: none.

  • CE 220

    Civil Engineering Fundamentals

    Planning, execution and interpretation of drawings and specifications for civil engineering projects. Sample drawingsand specifications. Contractual requirements. Sample contracts. Permitting, scheduling and cost estimation. Basic operations of design and construction firms. Interface with other disciplines on civil engineering projects.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: EID 101

  • CE 321

    Structural Engineering I

    Discussion of materials, loads and forms of structures. Analysis of determinate structures. Displacements of structures and their importance in applications. Experimental aspects of materials behavior in structural applications. Emphasis is placed on basic experimental techniques, design of experiments, selection and use of appropriate instrumentation and interpretation of results.

    4.5 credits (3 hours of lecture, 3 hours of laboratory). Prerequisite: ESC 201

  • CE 322

    Structural Engineering II

    Modern methods of structural analysisof indeterminate structures. Discussion of energy methods, force methods and displacement methods. Formulation of elementary matrix stiffness and flexibility methods. Computer applications in structural analysis.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 321

  • CE 331

    Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering

    Introduction to various indexing tests of soils, clay mineralogy, permeability, seepage and flow nets, stress distribution in soil masses, one dimensional consolidation theory, strength characteristics of soils, application of Mohr's Circle to soil mechanics, stability of slopes.

    4.5 credits (3 hours of lecture, 3 hours of laboratory). Prerequisite: ESC 201, ESC 340

  • CE 332

    Introduction to Foundation Engineering

    Layout of subsurface investigation program, SPT (Standard Penetration Test), Dutch-cone penetrometer. Analysis and design of spread footings on cohesive and cohesion less soil by stability and settlement procedures, combined footings, strap footings, floating foundations and pile foundations. Settlement analysis due to deep-seated consolidation.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 331

  • CE 341

    Design of Steel Structures

    Study of behavior and design of structural steel components and their connections. Understanding and development of design requirements for safety and serviceability, as related to latest structural steel specifications by the American Institute of Steel Construction (A.I.S.C.). Current design emphasizing LRFD, fabrication and construction practices. Composite design.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 321; corequisite: CE 322

  • CE 342

    Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures

    Study of the behavior and design of structural concrete components and their connections. Understanding and development of design requirements for safety and serviceability, as related to latest specifications by the American Concrete Institute (A.C.I.). Current design, fabrication and construction practices. Introduction to prestressed concrete.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 322

  • CE 343

    Water Resources Engineering

    Problems in conservation and utilization of water. Hydrologic techniques. Surface water and ground water supplies. Water transmission and distribution. Flood control, navigation and irrigation. Introduction to open channel flow and pipe networks. Design of hydraulic structures. Experimental aspects of hydraulic phenomenon. Emphasisis placed on basic experimental techniques, design of experiments, selection and use of appropriate instrumentation and interpretation of results.

    This course is the same as EID 343

    4.5 credits (3 hours of lecture, 3 hours of laboratory). Prerequisite: ESC 340; Same as EID 343

  • CE 344

    Environmental Systems Engineering

    Qualitative and quantitative treatment of water and wastewater systems as related to domestic and industrial needs and their effect on the environment. Introduction to air pollution sources and control and solid/hazardous waste engineering. Design of water and wastewater treatment plants. Field and laboratory techniques for measurement of water quality parameters. Laboratory analysis of representative waters and wastewaters for commonly determined parameters as related to applications in water environment.

    This course is the same as EID 344.

    4.5 credits (3 hours of lecture, 3 hours of laboratory). Corequisite: ESC 340; Same as EID 344

  • CE 346

    Hydraulic Engineering

    An integration and application of the principles of fluid mechanics to problems concerned with water supply and distribution. Open channel flow and design of hydraulic structures.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 343 or EID 343

  • CE 348

    Environmental and Sanitary Engineering (same as EID348)

    Engineering (same as EID 348) Topics include types of environmental pollution and their effects; water quality standards and introduction to laboratory analyses of water quality parameters; sources and estimates of water and wastewater flows; physicochemical unit treatment processes. Integrated lecture and design periods cover water supply network, wastewater collection system and water treatment design projects 3 credits.

    3 credits, Prerequisites: CE/EID344

  • CE 352

    Elements of Transportation Design

    Review of urban transportation planning process. Specific design elements of various highway and public transportation systems. Included are locational design, traffic service, environmental impact analyses, alternatives evaluation, geometric design elements, operations and capacity and level-of-service analysis. Also, selected topics in urban transportation systems.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 361

    Civil Engineering Experimental Projects

    Exploratory experimental projects inmaterials, hydraulics, soils, environmental or other civil engineering specialties. Projects are conceived, designed and executed by groups of students under faculty supervision.

    2 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (Students are required to have taken introductory civil engineering subject(s) related to project)

  • CE 363

    Civil Engineering Design I

    Individual or group design projects based upon the interests of the students and with the approval of the instructor. Final engineering reports and formal oral presentations are required for all projects. Lectures by faculty and professional practitioners cover the following topics: engineering, environmental and economic feasibility assessment issues; preparation of plans and specifications; cost estimates; progress chart and critical path; interfacing with community, etc. Field visits to major New York City projects under construction.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (Students are required to have taken introductory CE subject(s)) related to project)

  • CE 364

    Civil Engineering Design II

    Continuation of CE 363.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 363

  • CE 369

    Civil Engineering Project

    Individual design, research or experimental projects. Open only to well-qualified students.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 390

    Introduction to Sustainable Design

    Sustainable design minimizes the impact on the environment by site planning and design, energy and water conservation and interior environmental quality. This course will focus on the design of a prototype structure using sun, light, air, renewable materials, geological systems, hydrological systems and green roofing. Each student will develop a project outlined by the U.S. Green Building Council rating system known as LEED. The six areas that will be developed to design the project are: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, material and resources, indoor environmental quality and innovative design process. Class time is separated into a series of lectures, private consultations and student presentations.

    Same as EID 390

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 340, CE 322 or ME 300 and permission of instructor

  • CE 391

    Laboratory Testing of Building Materials

    Laboratory testing of common building materials such as concrete, steel, and laminated glazing. Concrete mix design. Casting, curing, and strength testing of concrete cylinders at 7, 21, and 28 days. Casting, curing, and testing of a reinforced concrete beam for stress, strain, and deflection. Casting, curing, and strength testing of a reinforced concrete column. Deflection testing of a steel beam. Buckling of slender steel columns. Vibrations of a steel beam and a steel frame. Control of deflections through bracing and stiffeners. Impact testing of laminated glazing panels. The course will consist of 3-hour weekly laboratory sessions for 15 weeks.

    3 Credits. Prerequisites: This course is open to third-year architecture and third-year civil engineering students. Art students and engineering students of majors other than civil engineering require permission of instructor.

Civil Engineering - Graduate

  • CE 414

    Solid Waste Management

    Engineering aspects of solid waste collection, transport and disposal, including sanitary landfill design, incineration, composting, recovery and re-utilization of resources. Optimization techniques of facility-siting and collection route selection and economic evaluation of factors affecting selection of disposal methods.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 422

    Finite Element Methods

    Shape functions and generalized displacements. Assemblage of elements. Convergence criteria.Triangular, rectangular and quadrilateral elements in plane stress and plane strain. Isoparametric formulations.General solids. Hexahedral and tetrahedral elements. Flexure in plates.General shells. Natural coordinates.Computer programs.

    Same as EID 422

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 322 or ME 300

  • CE 424

    Plates and Shells

    Discretized grid-work and grillage analysis by matrix techniques. Development of the classical thin plate theory. Mathematical and numerical solutions of the plate equation. Introduction to thin shell theory. Practical applications such as cylindrical shell roofs, spherical shell with an edge ring and various cases of shells of revolution.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 322

  • CE 425

    Structural Dynamics

    Dynamic behavior and design of structures subjected to time-dependent loads. Included in the load systems are earthquakes, blasts, wind and vehicles. Shock spectra and pressure impulse curves. Special applications in blast mitigation design.

    Same as EID 425

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 322

  • CE 426

    Advanced Structural Design

    Discussion of principal design codes (AISC, ACI and AASHTO) as they relate to ASCE Standards, the International Building Code (IAC) and NYC Building codes Advanced materials behavior. Strength and serviceability requirements. Design of composite girders and slabs. Limit state response and formation of plastic hinges in steel and concrete structures. Structural upgrade and retrofit of existing structures.

    3 credits. Prerequisite or corequisite: CE 341

  • CE 427

    Behavior and Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

    Behavior and design of prestressed members in flexure, shear, bond and torsion; continuous beams; columns; prestressed systems; loss of prestress. Emphasis is placed on ultimate strength design and the background of latest ACI code.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 342

  • CE 428

    Advanced Structural Steel Design

    The course covers AISC Steel Design requirements at a more advanced level than typically encountered in an undergraduate steel design course. Biaxial bending of symmetrical and unsymmetrical sections. Design for torsion per AISC Design Guide 9. Plastic design and moment redistribution. Design of plate girders. Design of beam-columns for P-Δ and P-δ effects. Design of eccentric bolted and welded connections. Beam and moment connections. Design of column base plates. Composite steel-concrete constructions.

    Prerequisite: CE 341

    Credits: 3.00

  • CE 429

    Advanced Concrete Design

    The course covers ACI 318 building code requirements at a more advanced level than typically encountered in an undergraduate concrete design course. Development and anchorage of reinforcement. Design of beams for combined bending, shear and torsion. Moment redistribution in continuous beams. Moment-curvature relation. Serviceability requirements. Creep and deflection. Design of slender columns. Yield-line analysis of two-way slabs. Design of deep beams and column brackets by the strut-and-tie method.

    Prerequisite: CE 342

    Credits: 3.00

  • CE 431

    Foundation Engineering I

    Layout of subsurface investigation program, SPT (Standard Penetration Test), Dutch-cone penetrometer. Analysis and design of spread footings on cohesive and cohesion less soil by stability and settlement procedures, combined footings, strap footings, floating foundations and pile foundations. Settlement analysis due to deep-seated consolidation.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 331

  • CE 432

    Foundation Engineering II

    Analysis and design of foundations subjected to vibratory loading, beamson elastic foundation (vertical subgrade modulus), laterally loaded piles (with software applications), Wave Equation Analysis of Piles (with software application of WEAP).

    3 credits. Prerequisites: CE 331 and permission of instructor

  • CE 433

    Lateral Earth Pressures and Retaining Structures I

    Introduction to classical lateral earth pressure theories (Rankine and Coulomb). Analysis and design of cantilever and gravity retaining walls, cantilevered and anchored sheetpile bulkheads, anchorage systems (individual and continuous deadmen, grouted tiebacks) and braced cofferdams. Gravity Wall Systems (Gabion Walls, Criblock Walls and Double Wall).

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 331

  • CE 434

Lateral Earth Pressures and Retaining Structures

    Analysis and design of cellular cofferdams, reinforced earth-retaining structures, slurry walls and retaining structures subjected to earthquake loading, soil nailing.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: CE 331 and permission of instructor

  • CE 435

    Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering I

    Analysis of slopes using translatory slides and available software packages (PCSTABL). Ground improvement technologies: including dynamic compaction, grouting, ground freezing and reinforced earth technologies.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 436

    Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering II

    Stresses in homogeneous and layered systems due to surface and buried loads. Development of flow network concepts and the Terzaghi one dimensional consolidation theory, secondary consolidation, site preloading, sand drains and prefabricated vertical drains.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 437

    Geo-Environmental Engineering

    Discussion of pertinent regulations and regulatory programs relevant to contaminated soil. Identification and characterization of contaminated soils, discussion of current treatment technologies both ex-situ and in-situ. Geotechnical design of waste facilities, closure and improvement of waste facilities. Utilization of waste for engineering purposes. Reuse and recycling of contaminated soil.

    Prerequisites: ESC 340, CE 331, CE 344, and permission of instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • CE 438

    Forensic Geotechnical Engineering

    Types of damage-architectural, functional and structural. Investigate problems the forensic geotechnical engineer encounters: settlement of structures, damage to soil expansion, lateral movement of buildings, damage due to seismic energy of earthquakes, slope erosion, deterioration due to sulfate attack and frost, seepage. Development of repair recommendations and the presentations of case studies.

    3 credits. Prerequisite CE 331 or permission of instructor

  • CE 440

    Industrial Waste Treatment Design

    Integrated lecture and design periods that cover the sources of industrial wastewaters, their quantities and characteristics, and their treatability by physical, chemical and biological processes. Status of regulations involving categorical standards, local and state industrial pretreatment programs, NPDES permits, etc. Problems and solutions involved in combining municipal and industrial waste treatment. Case studies.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 441

    Water and Wastewater Technology

    Wastewater sources and estimates of domestic, commercial and industrial flows. Integrated lecture and design periods that cover unit processes for water and wastewater treatment. Design projects include hydraulic and process design of oxidation ponds, screening, grit removal, sedimentation tanks, secondary biological treatment,other physicochemical processes and outfall design.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 442

    Open Channel Hydraulics

    This course covers the theoretical foundations and practical applications of open channel flow analysis, including channel design and sediment transport. It also includes design calculations for hydraulic structures such as bridges and culverts.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 343

  • CE 443

    Groundwater Hydrology

    Physical process of flow in homogeneous and heterogeneous media. Development of governing equations and boundary conditions, analysis by analytical and numerical techniques. Groundwater resources; design of wells and prediction of yield. Analyses of transport of contaminants using deterministic and stochastic methods.

    Prerequisite: CE 343

    Credits: 3.00

  • CE 444


    Hydrology of the water cycle related to air mass movement, precipitations, evaporation, stream flow, floods, infiltration and groundwater including statistical hydrology. Design of irrigation systems.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 343

  • CE 446

    Pollution Prevention or Minimization

    Introduction to the new concept and regulations in the U.S. and Canada of Pollution Prevention or Waste Minimization for managing hazardous pollution and protecting the environment and public health. Methodology of conducting environmental audits and lessons learned from successful pollution prevention programs. Case studies of various programs in industry, etc.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 447

    Stream and Estuary Pollution

    Application of basic concepts of fluid kinetics and dynamics to the analysis of dispersal and decay of contaminants introduced into lakes, streams, estuaries and oceans. Analysis and modeling of leachate and other contaminants into groundwater.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 343

  • CE 448

    Environmental and Sanitary Engineering (same as EID 448)

    Engineering (same as EID 448) Topics include types of environmental pollution and their effects; water quality standards and introduction to laboratory analyses of water quality parameters; sources and estimates of water and wastewater flows; physicochemical unit treatment processes. Integrated lecture and design periods cover water supply network, wastewater collection system and water treatment design projects.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 449

    Hazardous Waste Management

    Definition and characteristics of hazardous wastes. Generation, transport, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes. Leachate characteristics and management. Treatment technologies. Monitoring and safety considerations. Obligations under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). Field trips.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 450

    Civil Engineering Construction

    Preparation of plans and specifications.The bidding and award process. Contractual relations between the owner and the contractor. Preparation of cost estimate for a competitively bid project. Preparation of a progress chart and critical path. Sequencing various job elements. Engineering the actual construction. Management of labor. Interlacing with the community. Environmental requirements. Job safety. Changes and unanticipated conditions. Contract disputes and their resolutions.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 341

  • CE 460

    Innovations in Urban Infrastructure Design

    Innovations in the design, delivery, monitoring and rehabilitation of urban infrastructure. Recent advances in methods and technologies such as remote sensing, visualization, data acquisition systems, non-destructive testing, data mining, geographica linformation systems (GIS), and building information modeling (BIM). Emphasis will be placed on applications relating to real-world projects in large urban centers in the United States and the world.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 321 or ME 301

  • CE 469

    Independent Research Project

    The purpose of this course is to allow graduate students to pursue an independent study or research project other than their thesis, with the supervision of their thesis adviser or another professor. A student is only allowed to register for this course once towards the master’s degree. An interim and a final written report are required.

  • CE 470

    Urban Security

    Design of urban systems to protect against terrorism. Analysis of blast loads. Blast mitigation design considerations. Technology transfer:military/defense to civilian sector. Response spectra. Pressure-Impulse Curves. Stand off distances. Blast mitigation measures for buildings, bridges and tunnels. Prevention of progressive collapse in tall buildings. Design of glazing. Retrofit upgrade of existing urban infrastructure.Proposed changes in New York City Building Code to protect against terrorism. Insurance issues forcommercial buildings.

    Same as EID 470

    3 credits. Prerequisites: CE 322 or ME 301 and permission of instructor

  • CE 471

    Engineering Risk Analysis

    The main objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic terminology and tools related to probability theory, statistics, and decision theory in the context of solving civil engineering problems. A secondary objective is to expose students to the many uncertainties inherent in civil engineering and to the tools that are available for modeling and analyzing such uncertainties. Topics to be covered include probabilistic modeling, statistical inference, Bayesian statistics, and decision under uncertainty.

    Prerequisites: MA 224 (Probability) or graduate standing.

  • CE 472

    Mass Timber Design

    Design of mass timber structures following the procedures in the National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction. Strength and serviceability requirements for commonly used mass timber elements including cross laminated timber and glulam. Material behavior of timber compared to concrete and steel. Design of connections and detailing considerations for the practical implementation of mass timber designs. The course includes a design project where students will apply the design principles onto a multi-story mass timber building.

    Prerequisite or co-requisite: CE341

    Credits: 3.00

  • CE 473

    Earthquake and Wind Engineering

    Concepts of earthquake engineering and seismic resistant design. Earthquake ground motion. Dynamics of SDOF and MDOF. Lateral load resisting systems. Code provisions for seismic design. Seismic performance based design. Soil structure interaction. Concepts of wind engineering. Wind velocities and wind loads. Code provisions for wind loads. Wind loading on unique structures. Wind tunnel tests and result interpretation.

    Prerequisite: CE425

    Credits: 3.00

  • CE 481

    Bridge Engineering

    Codes and Applicability. General forms and components- trusses, segmental, cable-stayed and suspension. Primary loads and load combinations. Serviceability vs. strength. Consideration of extreme events. Design of superstructures-deck design, girder design, floor-beam design. Design of substructures-piers, abutments, frames and foundations. Scour and other adverse considerations. Wind, seismic and pushover analyses. Bearings, expansion joints and barriers.

    3 credits. Prerequisite CE 322 or permission of instructor.

  • CE 482

    Resilient Civil Infrastructure

    Hazard mitigation including quantification of resilience. Multi-scale and/or multi-hazard risk assessement. Smart/adaptive systems to protect against natural and human-created hazards. Predictive science toward forecasting infrastructure response to climate change or extreme events. Development of frameworks for optimization of infrastructure networks. Complex systems approaches to the analysis of the interconnected nature of civil infrastructure and its interdependencies.

    3 Credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 483

    Building Information Modeling

    Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM). Generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. Extensive use of BIM as a shared knowledge resource among the various stakeholders to support decision-making about a facility from earliest conceptual stages, through design and construction, and through its operational life and eventual demolition.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 484

    Civil Engineering Project Management

    This course provides an overview of the guiding principles of civil engineering project management. Five groups of project management processes will be considered: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. The focus will be on developing the core competencies and skill sets required for planning and controlling civil engineering projects and understanding interpersonal issues that drive successful project outcomes.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

  • CE 485

    Green Sustainable Cities

    Design and modeling of green streets green walls, green roofs, blue roofs, and green parking lots; concepts and practical considerations. Study of evapotranspiration, radiation, and drainage of vegetative systems. Sustainable management and reuse considerations of urban storm water; sustainable and positive environmental impact design concepts. Management and reuse/recycle considerations for urban gray water. Examples of international projects and case studies. Team design projects with class powerpoint presentations.

    3 Credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • CE 486

    Urban Megaprojects and Environmental Impacts

    The political embrace of city competition internationally has combined with the globalization of banking, real estate development, and architecture to make Urban Megaprojects seemingly inevitable. With the world economy slowed, it is time to delve into the motivation for and consequences (including environmental impacts) of the now-ubiquitous and globally-entrenched Urban Megaprojects. The aim of this course is to understand the causes and consequences of new scales and forms of territorial restructuring in a steadily globalizing world by focusing on Urban Megaproject development. Case studies from cities such as Bilbao, Budapest, Abu Dhabi, New York, Paris, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Mexico City will be presented in an interdisciplinary approach including sociology, planning, architecture, and environmental impacts. Individual term papers on case studies will be presented to class with powerpoint.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: instructor's approval

  • CE 487

    Alternative Energy Projects

    The design parameters and pros and cons of all types of alternative energy production systems currently in use around the world will be presented. Concepts, practical considerations, environmental impacts, and economics will be evaluated. Alternative energy production systems such as solar, wind power, geothermal, hydropower, pumped storage, industrial growth of algae for biodiesel, will be examined and cade studies from around the world will be presented. Individual term papers on case studies will be presented to class by PowerPoint.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: instructor's approval

  • CE 499


    Master's candidates are required to conduct, under the guidance of a faculty adviser, an original investigation of a problem in civil engineering, individually or in a group, and to submit a written thesis describing the results of the work.

    6 credits for the full year

Electrical and Computer Engineering - Undergraduate

  • ECE 150

    Digital Logic Design

    Theoretical and practical issues concerning design with combinational and sequential logic circuits, and programmable logic devices. Number systems, Boolean algebra, representation and simplification of Boolean functions, universal logic families. Finite-state machines, state tables and state diagrams, flip-flops, counters, registers. Adders, decoders, comparators, multiplexers, memories and applications. Programmable devices: PLA, PLD, etc. Principles of analog circuits are presented in the context of real world problems, such as 'glitches,' power and ground bounce, contact bounce, tri-state logic and bus interfacing, timing circuits, asynchronous versus synchronous circuit components. Characterization of electronic and logical properties of digital circuits. Course work involves individual and team projects in which: digital circuits are designed and prototypes are constructed and tested on breadboards; designs involving programmable logic devices are developed using CAD tools. The projects, approximately 50 percent of the course grade, are used to assess technical writing, oral presentation, teamwork and project management skills.

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 160

    Programming for Electrical Engineers

    Programming in C, in a Unix-style environment, with an emphasis on fundamental concepts of practical programming languages, software development and programming methodology. Environment topics include: use of command line interfaces, file system structure, editors, utilities and shell programming. C topics include: binary representations of numbers, operators and expressions, data types, arrays, strings, structures, pointers, static and dynamic memory allocation; control flow; subroutines and recursion; file and peripheral I/O; numerical and text processing; introduction to data structures such as stacks and linked lists.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 210

    MATLAB Seminar: Signals & Systems

    A weekly hands-on, interactive seminar that introduces students to MATLAB, in general, and the Signal Processing Toolbox in particular. Students explore scientific computation and scientific visualization with MATLAB. Concepts of signal processing and system analysis that are presented in ECE 211 or other introductory courses on the subject are reinforced through a variety of demonstrations and exercises. It is strongly encouraged for students taking a first course in signals and systems, or for students expecting to use MATLAB in projects or courses.

    Prerequisite: MA 113
    Recommended co-requisite: ECE 211 or equivalent

    Credits: 0.00

  • ECE 211

    Signal Processing

    This course presents a unified approach to signals and systems. Signal-space concepts for representation and approximation: inner product, orthogonal expansions, projection, Lp-norms, eigenanalysis, least-square problems, SVD. Phasors, complex baseband, line spectra. Sampling, aliasing and imaging. Analog and digital LTI systems in the time, frequency and transform domains: convolution, frequency response, transfer functions. Fourier, Laplace and z-transforms. FIR and IIR digital filters. Block diagrams, stability, feedback, initial conditions, transient modes, damping factor, Bode plots. Analog and digital state-space, transition and transfer function matrices. Random signals and vectors: correlation matrices, Gaussian vectors and signals, white noise, stationarity, ergodicity, power spectral density, ARMA models. Extensive use of MATLAB.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 113; corequisite or prerequisite: ECE 210 .

  • ECE 240

    Circuit Analysis

    Circuit components, dependent and independent sources, Kirchhoff's laws, loop and nodal analysis. Superposition, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, and other techniques for circuit simplification. Time-domain analysis of RLC circuits, initial conditions, transient response and steady-state. Phasor analysis, complex power. Ideal op-amps.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 113. Ma 240 is a suggested corequisite

  • ECE 241

    Electronics I

    Semiconductor physics: band theory, carrier distributions and transport mechanisms. PN-junctions, PN junction devices. Diode circuits. BJTs and CMOS: current relationships, operating region. Biasing circuits, DC Analysis; small-signal models, AC analysis. BJT/CMOS amplifier configurations. Projects utilizing Virtuoso/Spectre industry standard tools.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 240.

  • ECE 251

    Computer Architecture

    Computer abstractions, performance measures; number representations and ALU operations; accumulators, registers and stack-based design; instruction sets, addressing modes; datapath and control, microprogramming; memory hierarchy; I/O, bus design and data transfer; interrupts. Focus on MIPS with extensions to ARM. Hardware descriptive language (HDL). Course work includes assembly programming and the design of a simulated processor using Verilog.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 150.

  • ECE 264

    Data Structures & Algorithms I

    An introduction to fundamental data structures and algorithms, with an emphasis on practical implementation issues and good programming methodology. Topics include lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables and sorting algorithms. Also an introduction to analysis of algorithms with big-O notation. Assignments include programming projects and problem sets.

    Prerequisite: CS102 (Fall 2018 or later) or ECE 160

    Credits: 2.00

  • ECE 291

    Electrical Engineering Sophomore Projects

    This course focuses on one particular complex system (e.g., music synthesizer, wireless transceiver, radar) to introduce a wide range of electrical engineering principles such as frequency response, noise, feedback, loading and interfacing. In a laboratory setting, students investigate the design of subsystems that may include amplifiers, oscillators, RF or opto-electronic circuits, A/D and D/A converters, and power circuits. By measuring the impact of the operating conditions on circuit performance, students learn the principles of systems engineering, development of a testbench, and proper documentation. By the end of the semester, the class will have developed a complete functioning system through reverse engineering.

    1 credit. Prerequisite or corequisite: ECE150. Corequisite: ECE240

  • ECE 300

    Communication Theory

    Information theory: entropy, information, channel capacity, rate-distortion functions, theoretical limits to data transmission and compression. Error control coding: block, cyclic and convolutional codes, Viterbi algorithm. Baseband and bandpass signals, signal constellations, noise and channel models. Analog and digital modulation formats (amplitude, phase and frequency), MAP and ML receivers, ISI and equalization. Coherent and non- coherent detection, carrier recovery and synchronization. Performance: computation of SNR, BER, power and bandwidth requirements. Multiple access schemes. OFDM.

    Prerequisites: Ma 224 and ECE 211

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 302

    Probability Models & Stochastic Processes

    Topics in probability, random variables and stochastic processes applied to the fields of electrical and computer engineering. Probability, events, random variables, expectation, moments, characteristic functions, conditional probability and expectation. Functions of random variables, random vectors, Gausian random vectors, Poisson points. Bounding and limit theorems. Relations among important distributions and probability models.Stochastic processes: stationarity, ergodicity, Brownian motion, Markov processes. Deterministic systems with stochastic inputs, correlation and power spectral density, ARMA models. Hilbert space and applications: orthogonality principle, discrete Wiener and Kalman filters, linear prediction, lattice filters.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 224 and ECE 300, or ECE 310 or permission of instructor

  • ECE 303

    Communication Networks

    Analysis and design of communication networks. Network protocols, architecture, security, privacy, routing and congestion control, Internet, local area networks, wireless networks, multimedia services. Physical layer, multiple access techniques, transport layer. Introduction to probabilistic and stochastic analytic techniques for communication networks.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 150 and Ma 224

  • ECE 310

    Digital Signal Processing

    Review of Laplace and z-transforms. Minimum-phase and all-pass functions. Multidimensional signals, systems and Fourier analysis. Analog filter design, digital IIR and FIR filter design. Sampling, multirate systems and filterbanks, A/D and D/A converter models. Discrete-time state-space. Filter structures, quantization effects and design to mitigate quantization effects. DFT and FFT. Spectral analysis of deterministic and random signals. Introduction to adaptive filters. Differential coding, transform coding. Speech, audio and video signals. Extensive use of MATLAB.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 240 and ECE 211

  • ECE 311

    Hardware Design

    Development methodologies for signal processing hardware systems: RTL, HDL, synthesis and verification. Special processors including FPGA, multicore, ARM and GPU. ADC and DAC, interchip and intrachip communication, mixed-signal systems, clock and power distribution, loading, sensors and actuators, embedded systems. PCB and surface mount devices. Systems engineering. Course work including projects involving hardware realizations, simulation and emulation, and software tools for system design.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 211, ECE 241, ECE 251.

  • ECE 314

    Audio Engineering Projects

    An introduction to design, implementation, fabrication and modification of musical and audio electronics and hardware in a laboratory environment. Projects will include analog and digital signal processing for audio signals, with focus on implementation of real-time algorithms in hardware. Additional projects will include design and implementation of electro-mechanical systems and transducers for audio input / output / display. Formal and informal lectures will include examples drawn from standard implementations, safety concerns, audio specific design and construction techniques; participation in oral presentations and technical reports will be required.

    Prerequisite: ECE 150 and ECE 241 or permission of instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 320

    Control Systems

    Block and signal-flow diagrams, Mason's theorem. Laplace transform ,frequency response, Bode plots, root locus, Routh-Hurwitz array. Analysis of feedback control systems: open-loopand closed-loop gain, Nichols chart, Nyquist diagram, gain and phase margin. Continuous-time state-space analysis, state-variable feedback, canonical forms, observability and controllability. Second-order models, transient and steady-state performance. Emphasis on analog systems, although digital control systems will be discussed as time allows. Extensive use of MATLAB.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 240 and ECE 211

  • ECE 323

    Embedded System Design

    Hardware and software design for embedded systems. SBC and microcontroller architectures, A/D andD/A conversion, signal conditioning, interfacing and controlling electronic and electro-mechanical systems. Assembly language and high-level language programming, efficient use of computational and physical resources, considerations for speed and robustness, debugging methods, use of simulators and in-circuit emulators.The course is project-based, andstudents are required to design and construct an embedded system.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 320 and ECE 251

  • ECE 332

    Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion

    Analysis of energy sources and energy converters. Principles of electro-mechanical energy conversion; singly and multiply excited systems; rotating and linear machines; three phase circuits; magnetic circuits and transformers; torque and induced voltage from field considerations; synchronous machines; induction motors; DC machines. Introductionto power electronics. Applications including high-speed transportation, energy storage and interconnection of distant generating stations.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ESC 220 or ESC 221 or ECE 240, and Ph 213.

  • ECE 335

    Engineering Electromagnetics

    This course emphasizes time-varying fields, with topics presented from electrostatics and magnetostatics as necessary. Maxwell's equations, constitutive relations, phasor vector fields, wave and Helmholtz equations, potentials, boundary conditions. Planewaves in lossless and lossy materials, polarization, incidence. Transmission lines: transient analysis, TDR, phasoranalysis, standing wave diagrams, Smith chart, impedance matching. Guided waves: TEM, TE and TM modes, dispersion, evanescence, cavity resonators. Microwave network analysis and device characterization with scattering parameters. Antennas, antenna arrays and Fourier optics. Additional topics from microwaves and optics will be covered as time allows. Students use a vector network analyzer to perform measurements at high frequencies.

    4 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 223, Ph 213, ECE 240 and ECE 211

  • ECE 342

    Electronics II

    MOS circuits: DC operation and analysis. Single stage MOS amplifiers, circuit design, DC and small signal analysis. Cascode amplifier. Current mirrors, active loads. BJT and MOS differential amplifiers. Monolithic operational amplifiers. Output stages. Frequency response. Introduction to feedback theory, amplifier topologies. Circuit design and analysis are supplemented with industry standard CAD software.

    4 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 241 and ECE 211

  • ECE 345

    Integrated Circuit Engineering

    Feedback theory, frequency compensation. Integrated circuit fabrication and technology. Device modeling, thermal effects. VLSI CAD design tools. Circuit layout, extraction and simulation. Design and analysis of multistage MOS operational amplifiers, OTA architectures. Nonlinear circuits, comparators. Analog switches. Digital phase-locked loops. Sample and hold circuits. Data converter architectures. Switched capacitor circuits. Bandgap reference circuits. MOST digital circuit design and layout, hierarchical approaches. Final design project is a mixed analog/digital circuit (e.g., Flash A/D converter, phase-locked loop), which is sent for fabrication.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 342.

  • ECE 357

    Computer Operating Systems

    Theory and implementation of modern computer operating systems. Message based and multiprocessor kernels. Networking and interprocess communication. Security, auditing and authentication. Device drivers, interrupt handling, task switching, virtual memory, memory management, scheduling, synchronization and locking. File systems, resource allocation and management. Real-time, fault-tolerant and high security operating systems. User environment and interface issues. Projects in operating system design and programming, case studies.

    Prerequisites: ECE 251 and either ECE160 or CS102 (Fall 2018 or later)

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 365

    Data Structures & Algorithms II

    A continuation of ECE 264, also with an emphasis on practical implementation issues and good programming methodology. Topics include graphs, graph-related algorithms and dynamic programming techniques. Also an introduction to some advanced topics such as Turing machines, computability and NP-complete systems. Assignments include programming projects and problem sets.

    2 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 264

  • ECE 366

    Software Engineering & Large Systems Design

    This course teaches about the development stages of large, robust, expandable software systems developed as part of a team. Topics include project management, capturing requirements, system design, UML, program design, testing, delivery and maintenance. The class will develop a large project as a team using Java throughout the semester. Tools, libraries and techniques necessary for the project will be covered in class,e.g., Eclipse, Javadoc, XML, SOAP, servlets, threads and processes, Swing, JUnit, mySQL, JDBC, etc. The specific resources might change from semester to semester.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 365

  • ECE 371

    Data Visualization (same as CS 371)

    Exploring, discovering, and creating narratives using data science, design, and storytelling. Introduction to techniques to provide new and innovative approaches to explore, discover, and create narratives from and for the evolving artistic, social, political, scientific and technological landscapes. Introduction of a progressive framework for data and design. Real world examples and applications of the tools and methodologies introduced will be presented.

    Prerequisites CS 102/ECE 160

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 391

    Research Problem

    An elective course open to qualified upper division students. Students may approach an EE faculty member and apply to carry out research on problems of mutual interest in theoretical or applied electrical and computer engineering. Student performs creative work with faculty guidance.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Instructor approval

  • ECE 392

    Research Problem II (continuation of ECE 391)

    3 credits. Prerequisite: instructor approval

  • ECE 393

    Junior Electrical Engineering Projects I

    A continuation of electronic laboratory techniques and principles of project engineering covered in ECE291, incorporating material covered in the electronics sequence (ECE240, 241, 342), with topics from ECE211 (such as frequency response) as needed. The semester focuses on the design, testing and performance analysis of a complete system. Using off-chip resistors, capacitors, diodes and transistors (BJT or MOSFET as warranted by the design), student teams develop sub-blocks such as amplifiers. Circuit simulation using CAD tools accompany the physical realizations. Students give several formal and informal presentations that include performance analysis and assessment of the design and testing experience.

    2 credits. Prerequisites: ECE211, ECE241, ECE291. Co-requisite: ECE342.

  • ECE 394

    Junior Electrical Engineering Projects II

    Principles learned in ECE 393 are applied to the design, construction and characterization of electrical and computer engineering projects of significant complexity. Assignments typically involve both analog and digital design, and students are free to pursue any solution that satisfies the engineering requirements and meets with the instructor's approval. Formal and informal lectures are given on safety, circuit operation and design, and construction techniques; participation in design reviews and technical reports.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 393.

  • ECE 395

    Senior Electrical Engineering Projects I

    ECE 395 and ECE 396 constitute the year-long senior design project. Students work in small groups on projects chosen with the advice and consent of the faculty adviser. Projects may be oriented towards research or product development, and may be in any area of electrical and computer engineering, such as in: computer engineering, signal processing (imaging, sensor arrays, multimedia), telecommunications, computer networks, microwaves, optics, advanced electronics, VLSI chip design, or an interdisciplinary area such as robotics or bioengineering. Students perform all aspects of project management, such as scheduling, budgeting, system design and developing milestones, as well as technical work including hardware and software implementation, testing and performance evaluation. Students also give several spontaneous and rehearsed oral presentations and prepare written reports. Students attend weekly lectures covering: social, economic, legal and ethical issues; safety and laboratory practice; design methodologies; technical writing; preparation of multimedia presentations and tailoring presentations to target audiences.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 394.

  • ECE 396

    Senior Electrical Engineering Projects II

    This course concludes the senior project begun in ECE 395. Students submit two complete theses, one in short form and the other in long form, and give at least two presentations,one short and one long. The initial goal is to a achieve a functioning system. Afterwards, students undertake the completion of the prototyping cycle, which may involve improving the circuit implementation (such as by employing PCBs populated with surface mount chips), adding a user-friendly interface, obtaining precise performance evaluations, or developing demonstrations and a user's manual. Advanced students are strongly encouraged to complete their project early and commence a master's thesis.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 395

  • ECE 399

    Selected Topics in Electrical & Computer Engineering

    Subjects may include seminars on topics related to advances in technology, current research areas. Also individual research, design and development or study of subjects in electrical and computer engineering.

    1-3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

Electrical and Computer Engineering - Graduate

  • ECE 401

    Selected Topics in Communication Theory

    Advanced topics in communications engineering, selected according to student and instructor interest.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 300 and permission of instructor

  • ECE 402

    Selected Topics in Probability & Stochastic Processes

    Advanced topics in applied probability or stochastic processes. Possible areasof study include: Markov processes, queuing theory, information theory, stochastic systems, financial engineering.

    1-3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or permission of instructor

  • ECE 403

    Advanced Communications Networks

    A continuation of topics from ECE 303. Technical readings, case studies, and research in network architectures and protocols. Related topics such as distributed computing and ad hoc sensor networks may be covered as well. Topics from probability, stochastic processes and graph theory are presented as needed for the analysis and simulation of communication networks.

    Prerequisite: ECE 303

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 404

    Satellite Communication

    This course covers the design of satellite systems for applications such as communication, weather, sensing, research, GPS. Basic planetary physics, orbit selection, spacecraft lifetime. Reliability and component requirements, environmental effects and impact on electrical performance. Common modulation schemes and selection strategy. “Bent pipe” spacecraft configuration, atmospheric effects and loss (e.g., rain fade effects). Earth station configuration, uplink and downlink configurations, spectral maps and spectral power requirements and stresses. System level link budgets. Time delay and synchronization, frequency planning and re-use. Antenna beams and configurations.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE300

  • ECE 405

    Advanced Digital Communications

    Advanced digital modulation including formats with memory, continuous phaseand constant-envelope schemes.Performance analysis for AWGN and other channels. Multitone and multicarrier communications. Spread spectrum with applications to multiple access schemes and secure communications. CDMA: PN sequence generation and properties, multi user detection. Additional topics as time permits.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 300 and ECE 302

  • ECE 407

    Wireless System Design

    Hands-on exposure to the design and implementation of modern digital communication systems using software-defined radio (SDR) technology. The prototyping and realtime experimentation of these systems via SDR will enable greater flexibility in the assessment of design trade-offs as well as the illustration of 'realworld' operational behavior. Laboratory modules for performance comparisons with quantitative analytical techniques will be conducted in order to reinforce digital communication system design concepts. A large course project consisting of original research will be required. Course topics include SDR architectures and implementations, digital signaling and data transmission analysis in noise, digital receiver structures (matched filtering, correlation), multicarrier communication techniques, radio frequency spectrum sensing and identification (energy detection, matched filtering), and fundamentals of radio resource management.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 300 and ECE 310

  • ECE 408

    Wireless Communications

    Survey of cellular mobile radio systems and formats, including market trendsand technological advances. The emphasis is on CDMA and 3G systems,and emerging schemes such as WiFi networks, although TDMA systems will be discussed as well. Propagation and multipath fading channel models and simulation. Cellular system capacity, traffic models, multiple-access techniques, hand off and power control algorithms. Modulation formats, detection schemes and performance. Mitigating fading: pulse shaping, DFE, MLSE (Viterbi). DSP algorithms for baseband processing.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 300

  • ECE 410

    Radar & Sensor Array Processing

    Terminology and system overview for modern radar and sensor array systems; antenna parameters; radar signals and waveforms; Doppler processing; detection; synthetic aperture imaging (SAR); beam forming and space-time array processing (STAP); adaptive methods; additional topics may be covered according to student and instructor interest. Computer simulations and readings in the technical literature.

    Pre-requisites or co-requisites: ECE300 and ECE310

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 411

    Selected Topics in Signal Processing

    Advanced topics in signal processing selected according to student and instructor interest.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 310 and permission of instructor

  • ECE 412

    Digital Speech & Audio Processing

    Selected topics in digital speech and audio processing. Speech analysis, synthesis and recognition. Acoustics and acoustic modeling. Auditory perception. Audio feature extraction including complex cepstrum and LPC coefficients. Hidden Markov models and other speech recognition approaches. Speech and audio coding such as MP3 and CELP. Text to speech. Music synthesis, analysis and retrieval.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 264. Prerequisite or corequisite: ECE 310

  • ECE 413

    Music & Engineering

    Spectral representation and analysis of music. Analog and digital music signals, instruments and synthesizers, analog circuits and digital processing. Description of musical quality and perception, introduction to acoustics, stereo and special effects. Computer interfacing with MIDI and laboratory experiments.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 211 and ECE 150

  • ECE 415

    Wavelets and Multiresolution Imaging (same as MA 415)

    Wavelets and multiresolution signal processing with an emphasis on 2Dand 3D cases. STFT, wavelet analysis, wavelet packets, DWT. Multirate filterbanks, PR and paraunitary conditions, multidimensional filters, multidimensional sampling lattices. Bases, frames and sparse representations. Image and video applications such as: compression, noise reduction, tomography and other inverse problems, hyperspectral imaging, compressive sensing. Coursework includes MATLAB projects and readings in the technical literature.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 114 and Ma 326.

  • ECE 416

    Adaptive Algorithms

    Matrix analysis: eigenanalysis, SVD, QR, LU, Cholesky factorization. Wiener filters, linear prediction, lattice filters. SGD, LMS, NLMS, RLS, QRD-RLS. Kalman filters including square-root forms and extensions to nonlinear systems (EKF, UKF, particle filters). Performance analysis and robustness. Optimization problems, KKT conditions. Signal manifold estimation, adaptive subspace (GROUSE). Multiple discriminant analysis, FKT. Neural networks as adaptive nonlinear systems, representation theorem, backpropagation. A major focus of the course is configuring algorithms to fit specific applications.

    Prerequisite: ECE 211

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 417

    Design for Custom DSP Hardware

    Design of programmable and custom digital signal processors, and realization of DSP algorithms in specialized architectures. Features of programmable DSPs such as data stationary and time-stationary coding, MAC and ACS ALUs, circular buffers.Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors. Applications of graph theory and passivity theory to map DSPalgorithms to custom structures: SFGs, DFGs, retiming, folding and unfolding, lattice and orthogonal filters, scheduling and allocation, systolic architectures. Optimization with respect to number of hardware units, speed (sample period and latency), VLSI area, power consumption and performance (quantization effects). Special CAD tools and languages for rapid prototyping. Case studies and programming exercises.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 310 and ECE 251

  • ECE 418

    Digital Video

    Digital video coding, compression, processing and communications. Target applications from low bit-rate, low quality to high bit-rate, high quality. Two- and three-dimensional sampling, color spaces, motion representation. Motion estimation: optical flow, blockmatching; constrained optimization: Bayesian methods, simulated annealing, Gibbs random fields. Mathematical basis for compression standards such as JPEG and MPEG, and digital television including HDTV. Rate-distortion based compression for optimal bit allocation via dynamic programming (Viterbi algorithm). Scalability in multimedia systems.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 310

  • ECE 419

    Digital Image Processing

    This course covers a variety of methods for image representation, analysis, enhancement and compression. Color spaces, geometric projections and transformations. Multidimensional signals and systems: Fourier analysis, sampling, filtering. Transforms (e.g., DCT and wavelet). Gibbs-Markov random fields, Bayesian methods, information theoretic methods. Multiresolution schemes (e.g., pyramidal coding). Morphological and nonlinear methods. Edges, boundaries and segmentation. Applications of PDEs (e.g., anisotropic diffusion). Compressive sensing. Technical readings and projects in MATLAB (or other suitable language).

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 310 and Ma 224

  • ECE 421

    Advanced Control System Design

    Design of control systems using two degrees of freedom and PID compensators. Ackermann's formula, H-infinity control theory and applications. Analysis and design for nonlinear systems using describing function, state-variables, Lyapunov's stability criterion and Popov's method. Introduction to optimal control theory (dynamic programming). Design problems and extensive use of MATLAB.

    Prerequisites: ECE 211 or ME 351

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 425

    Digital Control Systems

    Basic components of digitally controlled dynamic systems. Sampling and reconstruction: the ideal sampler, zero and higher order hold elements.The pulse transfer function and the ztransfer function description of dynamic systems. Stability criterion and analysis by the Nyquist, root locus and Bode methods. The modified Routh-Hurwitz and Jury stability criteria. The state-variable approach: state equations of dynamic systems with sample and hold devices, state equations of systems with all-digital elements. Digital simulation and approximation. Controllability, observability and stability. State and output feedback, state observers and the separation principle. Digital control system design by state feedback.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 320

  • ECE 431

    Microwave Engineering

    Passive circuits, open-boundary waveguides, perturbation theory, coupled modes, waveguide junctions, microstrip. Two- and three-terminal devices; varactor diodes, Gunn diodes; IMPATT and MESFET technology. Design of RF amplifiers and phaseshifters.Computer-aided simulation and design.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 335

  • ECE 433

    Optical Communications Devices & Systems

    PIN, avalanche and Schottky photodiodes; risetime, noise, amplifier requirements. Semiconductor optical devices: radiative and non-radiative recombination, quaternary semiconductors, heterojunctions, quantum wells, bandwidth minimization, lasers, distributed feedback, vertical cavity structures. Internal and external modulation, electro-optic modulators, Stark effect. Optical fibers: mode structure, attenuation, dispersion, PM fibers, WDM. System architecture, analog/digital communications, terabit datalinks. Solitons.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 342; Prerequisite or corequisite: ECE 335

  • ECE 435

    Medical Imaging

    A survey of modern techniques for medical imaging relevant in clinical and research settings, and associated techniques of image processing. Review of optics; classical microscopy; CT; fluorescence and 2-photon microscopy; interferometry; phase microscopy; ultrasound, CAT and OCT; MRI and f-MRI. Introduction to wavelet theory and sparse coding. Limits and noise sensitivity of various modalities (e.g., speckle nise in OCT, diffraction limit in classical microscopy, phase noise in interferometry); denoising and contrast enhancement. Feature extraction from medical images and 3D stacks.

    Prerequisite: ECE211. Recommended prerequisite: ECE310

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 440

    Advanced Integrated Circuit Design

    Advanced topics in integrated circuit design such as PLL, ADC/DAC and RF front-end. Students experience a real tape-out process and use industry standard tools (e.g., Cadence and Synopsys). For projects that achieve sufficiently high performance, real chip fabrication will be considered.

    Prerequisite: ECE 345. Recommended prerequisite: ECE 447

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 441

    Digital Integrated Circuit Engineering

    Design of static and dynamic CMOS combinational logic gates, layout and simulation. Standard cell construction. Sequential logic systems-registers, latches, clocks. Design of arithmetic building blocks, ALU, multipliers. Memory circuits and organization. FPGAs. System design-hardware description languages, floor planning, system architecture. A major component of the course is the design and fabrication of an ASIC using a variety of VLSI CAD tools.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 345

  • ECE 442

    Communication Electronics

    Circuit design for advanced communications applications. Design of high-frequency amplifiers, oscillators and mixers using large signal analysis. Effects of noise and non-linearities are examined from the diode and transistor level to board level. Communication subsystems of interest include phase locked loops, modulators and demodulators (AM, PM FM), and signal processors for multiple access systems(TDMA, FDMA, CDMA). Course work includes computer-aided simulation and design projects.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 300ECE 342. Corequisite: ECE 335

  • ECE 443

    Thin-Film Electronics

    Properties of polycrystalline,amorphous, liquid and organic semiconductors. Methods of deposition: vacuum and nonvacuum techniques, epitaxial and non epitaxial growth. Assessment of thin film semiconductors: structural, optical, electrical. Thin film semiconductor devices: transistors, displays, photovoltaics, flexible conductors.Optical coatings and architectural applications. Thin film superconductors: metallic, allow and high Tc, fabrication and assessment. Superconducting devices: Cooper pairs, Josephson junctions, SQUIDS, Josephson computers.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 342

  • ECE 444

    Bio-instrumentation and Sensing

    The basic human vital signs and some related elementary physiology viewed from an engineering standpoint with special emphasis placed upon current electronic measurement methods. Electrocardiographic and electromyographic signals. Safety problems related to electrical isolation. Guarded, fully isolated, modulated carrier operational amplifiers and microvolt-level amplification. Solid-state “grain of wheat” pressure sensors, microelectrodes, thermal probes, ultrasonic transducers and other biosignal sensors. Course work includes instrumentation and sensing projects.

    Prerequisites: ECE 211 and ECE 342

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 445

    Design with Operational Amplifiers

    Analysis and design of operational amplifier circuits with various applications, including amplifiers, filters, comparators, signal generators, D/A and A/D converters and phaselocked loops. Introduction to issues such as static and dynamic limitations, noise and stability. Use of industry standard CAD software.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 342

  • ECE 446

    Low-Voltage, Low-Power Electronic Circuit Design

    The physics and modeling of submicron MOS transistors for analog and digital circuit design. Circuit techniques for the design of low-power, low-voltage digital combinatorial logic, multipliers, memory and system design. Circuit techniques for the low-power, low voltage analog circuits including the design of low-voltage constant g_m differential amplifiers. The use of switched capacitor circuits for analog signal processing. The course will culminate with the design and simulation of a low-voltage low-power mixed signal circuit.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 342, ECE 345 or permission of instructor

  • ECE 447

    Digital VLSI System Design

    This course focuses on the top-down, automated digital system design flow using CMOS logic: RTL design/simulation, timing/power driven circuit synthesis, automated place-and-route, and post-layout simulation with emphasis on test/manufacturability in deep sub-micron technologies. The course culminates with the tape-out of a large design project covering functional specification to sign-off layout.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 251, ECE 342

  • ECE 448

    Power Electronics

    Principles of power electronics. Operating characteristics of Bipolar Junction Transistors, IGBTs, MOSFETs and Thyristors, power converters, basic switching circuits, AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC converters and their applications. Students are required to design, construct, diagnose and test power electronics converters.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE241.

  • ECE 449

    Recent Advances in Bioelectronics

    Introductory neurobiology: action potentials, mechanisms of the resting membrane potential. Neural recording and stimulating devices and electronics. The “big data” problem when there are too many electrodes. Spike sorting algorithms. Modern challenges of wireless power and data in a biological setting. Disease detection and DNA sequencing. Noninvasive imaging systems.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE310, ECE342.

  • ECE 453

    Advanced Computer Architecture

    This course studies modern, advanced techniques used to design and produce current, state-of-the-art computer architectures. Technology, performance and price. The quantitative principle and Amdahl's law. Instruction sets; addressing modes, operands and opcodes; encoding instruction sets. RISC versus CISC architectures; MIPS. Pipelining; the classic five-stage pipeline, hazards, exceptions, floating point operations. Advanced pipelining techniques: dynamic scheduling, branch prediction. Multiple issue, speculation. Limits of parallelism. Compiler support for parallelism, VLIW. Caches. Examination of modern processors.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 251

  • ECE 455


    This course covers both attacker and defender perspectives of applied information security. Topics will include networked and embedded applications, access control systems and their failure modes, privilege escalation, intrusion detection, privacy and data breaches and applied cryptography. Each topic will be approached through analysis and discussion of historical cybersecurity incidents and possible mitigations. Safe coding practices and OS flaw mitigation will be explored through case studies and reinforced through security sensitive programming projects. Coursework will include penetration testing, code auditing, and independent projects.

    Prerequisites: ECE 303, ECE 357

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 458

    Quantum Computing

    Quantum computing in theory and practice. Discussion of state-of-the-art and near-term future of quantum computing technology, including physical realizations, paradigm shifts in computer science and information theory, and applications. Computing with finite dimensional quantum systems: state, superposition, entanglement, decoherence, tensors, qubits, gates, reversibility, fault-tolerance. Core algorithms such as Shor, Simon, QACA, and example applications. Course work includes using quantum software development tools such as CIRQ.

    Prerequisites: PH214 and either ECE211 or MA326.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 460

    Selected Topics in Computer Engineering

    Advanced topics in computer hardware or software engineering selected according to student and instructor interest. Prerequisites will depend onthe topics to be covered.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • ECE 461

    Theoretical Computer Science

    In-depth exploration of the foundations of, the limitations of, and the open questions related to theoretical computer science and computation. Topics include models of computation such as deterministic and nondeterministic automata, context free grammars, pushdown automata and Turing machines; decidability and the halting problem; time and space complexity; the P=NP? question; NP-complete problems; reductions; randomness and probabilistic algorithms. Advanced topics vary across semesters.

    Prerequisite: ECE 365

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 462

    Computer Graphics

    Graphical primitives, windows, clipping and viewports. Two- and three dimensional geometric transformations and translations; rotation, pan and zoom. Hidden line and surface removal. Region filling and shading. The architecture of high performance graphical engines. Representing lighting, shading and textures. Rendering. Rotation. GUIs. Animation. Course work includes design projects.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 264

  • ECE 464


    Engineering and design of databases. Topics to be covered may include: data models, database and scheme design; schema normalization and integrity constraints; query processing and optimization; distributed and parallel databases; SQL and XML.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 365

  • ECE 465

    Cloud Computing

    Critical, foundational technology components that enable cloud computing, and the engineering advancements that have led to today’s ecosystem. Students design, build and test representational software units that implement different distributed computing components. Multi-threaded programming in Java. Functional programming (MapReduce). Hadoop: a programmer’s perspective; building and configuring clusters; Flume as an input engine to collect data; Mahout as a machine learning system to perform categorization, classification and recommendation; Zookeeper for systems coordination.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 251, ECE 264

  • ECE 466


    The theory, design and implementation of a practical compiler. Finite automata, LL and LR parsing, attribute grammars, syntax-directed translation, symbol tables and scopes, type systems and representations, abstract syntax trees, intermediate representation, basic blocks, data and control flow optimizations, assembly language generation including register and instruction selection. Students apply tools such as Flex and Bison to writing a functional compiler for a subset of a real programming language such as C.

    Prerequisites: ECE 251 and ECE 365

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 467

    Natural Language Processing

    This course focuses on computer applications that involve the processing of written or spoken human languages. The exact content may vary from year to year. The course is divided into three parts. Topics from conventional, statistical natural language processing will likely include text normalization, N-grams, part-of-speech tagging, information retrieval, and text categorization. Topics from conventional computational linguistics will likely include grammars, parsing, and semantic representations. Topics from deep learning and NLP will likely include word embeddings, feed-forward neural networks, recurrent neural networks, sequence-to-sequence models, attention, and transformers. Course work will include programming projects and quizzes.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 264

  • ECE 468

    Computer Vision

    Visual perception and imaging geometry. Pixels, pixel neighborhoods and pixel connectivity. Image transforms: Fourier, Hadamard, Walsh, Discrete Cosine, Haar, Slant and others. Techniques for image manipulation and enhancement in both the frequency and spatial domains. Histogram equalization, image subtraction and local averaging. Filtering, homomorphic methods. Color models and use of monochrome techniques on RGB channels. Image restoration: camera movement cancellation, scratch removal. Image compression techniques, lossy and lossless. Image segmentation, edge detection, edge linking, boundary detection; region growing, splitting and merging. Image representation as a hierarchical collection of objects, chain codes, Fourier descriptors. Object recognition, signatures.

    Prerequisites: ECE211 and ECE160, or ECE264

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 469

    Artificial Intelligence

    This course covers many subtopicsof AI, focusing on a few important subtopics in detail. The "intelligent agent" approach is explained and forms a foundation for the rest of the course. Intelligent search: uninformed search, depth-first search, breadth-first search, iterative deepening; informed search, best-first search, A*, heuristics, hill climbing; constraint satisfaction problems; intelligent game playing, minimax search, alpha-beta pruning. Machine learning: probability, Bayesian learning; decision trees; statistical machine learning, neural networks, Naive Bayes, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machines. Natural language processing: syntax, semantics and pragmatics; real-world knowledge; parsing; statistical NLP. Philosophy of AI: AI and consciousness, the Turing test, the Chinese room experiment. Coursework includes two large individual programming projects.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ECE 264

  • ECE 471

    Selected Topics in Machine Learning

    Advanced topics in machine learning, selected according to student and instructor interest.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 472

    Deep Learning

    Differentiable directed acyclic graphs covering applications in unsupervised learning, as well as generative and discriminative modeling. Gradient-based methods for optimization (stochastic gradient descent, Nesterov momentum, adam). Fast gradient computation for arbitrary computational graphs (automatic differentiation). Exploding and vanishing gradient problems. Convolutional networks. Arbitrary graphs for regression, classification and ranking. Autoencoders, adversarial networks and variations for unsupervised representation learning, generative modeling and other applications. Focus on applications in computer vision, speech processing and research problems in communication theory.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: MA223, MA224 and either ECE211, ChE352 or ME251.

  • ECE 474

    Bayesian Machine Learning

    Machine learning from a primarily Bayesian perspective. Conjugate priors. Bayesian linear regression, model evidence, linear classification using generative models, logistic regression and the Laplace approximation. Kernel methods and Gaussian process regression. Mixture models, expectation maximization, hidden Markov models, sampling methods and Markov chain Monte Carlo.

    Prerequisites: MA 223, MA 224; either ECE 211, ChE 352 or ME 251.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 475

    Frequentist Machine Learning

    Machine learning from a primarily Bayesian perspective. Conjugate priors. Bayesian linear regression, model evidence, linear classification using generative models, logistic regression and the Laplace approximation. Kernel methods and Gaussian process regression. Mixture models, expectation maximization, hidden Markov models, sampling methods and Markov chain Monte Carlo.

    Prerequisites: MA 223, MA 224; either ECE 211, ChE 352 or ME 251

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 476

    Data Science for Social Good

    Applications of machine learning, data science and software engineering to projects in the areas of education, equality, justice, health, public safety, economic development or other areas. Projects will be done in collaboration with external partners, and will be focused on solving problems with an emphasis on the greater New York City Area. Students will work with external partners to specify problems and investigate possible solutions. Students will work between disciplines to develop new machine learning based solutions. Additionally, students will work collaboratively to visually convey the insights and results generated.

    Prerequisite: Prior course in ML or AI, and permission of instructor.

  • ECE 478

    Financial Signal Processing

    Quantitative finance is presented from a signal processing perspective. Probability measure and stochastic processes: filtrations, Radon-Nikodym derivative, martingales, Markov processes; discrete-time and continuous-time random walks, Wiener process, Ito calculus, stochastic differential equations, Black-Scholes; introduction to statistics. Modeling and analysis of financial concepts such as arbitrage, replicating portfolios, hedging, liquidity, derivatives, volatility, futures, options. Markovitz portfolio theory, capital asset pricing model, the greeks, portfolio optimization, sparse methods, trading strategies. Analysis of single and multiple correlated nonstationary time series, GARCH. Machine learning in finance. Course work includes programming projects in Python or MATLAB to analyze real financial data.

    Prerequisite: ECE211 and MA224.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 479

    Big Data for Finance

    Today’s financial researchers have access to an unprecedented amount of data. This course examines data sources and covers techniques for making inferences from the data for trading and market execution. Methods of data science, including supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning, are applied to the study of market microstructure, trading and investment strategy development. Student projects utilize pre-processed data sets such as intra-day market (5-minute frequency), analyst ratings and satellite imagery.

    Prerequisites: MA223, MA224. Recommended prerequisite: ECE211

    Credits: 3.00

  • ECE 491

    Selected Topics in Electrical & Computer Engineering

    Subjects may include study in electrical and computer engineering, or seminars on topics related to advances in technology. This course may not be used to expand the number of credits of thesis, or cover material related to the thesis.

    Open to all students.

    1-3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • ECE 499


    Master's candidates are required to conduct, under the guidance of a faculty adviser, an original individual investigation of a problem in electrical and computer engineering and to submit a written thesis describing the results of the work.

    6 credits over 1 year

Mechanical Engineering - Undergraduate

  • ME 103


    This foundation course develops a sound problem-solving methodology based on engineering applications involving forces acting on non-accelerating structures. Topics include equivalent system of forces; equilibrium; moments and couples; centroids and distributed forces; forces in structures (trusses, frames, machines); friction forces.

    Corequisite:  ME 104

    Credits: 2.00

  • ME 104

    Measurements Laboratory

    The course, taken concurrently with Statics, includes laboratory modules that focus on the measurement of force from both mechanical and electrical signals. Students develop laboratory and technical communication skills.

    Corequisite:  ME 103

    Credits: 1.00

  • ME 105

    Drawing and Sketching for Engineers

    This course introduces engineering students to the fundamentals of freehand drawing and sketching with an emphasis on the interpretation and communication of insights, concepts and dimensioned solutions. Drawings and sketches are often the first steps in innovative engineering solutions and invention. The primary goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive foundation in traditional drawing and sketching methods for engineers.

    Same as EID 105

    2 credits. Prerequisites: none

  • ME 200


    This course introduces the general principles of kinematics (the description of motion) and kinetics (the relationship between motion and the forces that cause it) that are necessary to understand, design, and analyze the motion of engineering systems. Topics include Newton’s laws of motion; two and three dimensional kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies; relative motion; work and energy relations; impulse and momentum relations; introduction to vibrations. Laboratory modules focus on numerical solutions of equations of motion.

    Prerequisites: ME 103 and ME 104

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 211

    Design and Prototyping

    A mechanical engineering hands-on workshop geared towards the understanding and practice of basic engineering design and fabricationtools. Topics include hand tools, simplemachining, mold making, casting, materials, fasteners, adhesives, and finishes. 3-D digitizing, solid modeling, rapid prototyping and computer interfacing will also be presented. Team projects will familiarize the students with typical tools and processes employed in realizing a design concept, from sketch to functional prototype. Each student will participate in and contribute to the team-learning and creation process.

    Prerequisites: EID 101. This course is open to art and architecture students with a prerequisite waiver.

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 2.00

  • ME 231

    Sustainable Energetics

    Methodologies for technical and economic assessment of short and long term energy-related issues are developed. Both supply-side (power generation) and demand-side (use and efficiency) technology issues are investigated in the context of the modern social, economic, political and meteorological climate. On the supply side, quantitative comparisons of the carbon intensity, levelized cost and other metrics for alternative methods to meet a demand are developed using contemporary examples, with consideration of the qualitative role of externalities. The key role of energy storage in various forms in a sustainable energy future is emphasized. The focus on the demand-side is on identifying opportunities for exergy conservation, for doing more with less, again by comparison of alternative methods.

    Same as EID 231

    Prerequisites: none

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 251

    Systems Engineering

    An introductory course to the mathematical modeling of systems.Topics include mechanical elements and systems, electric circuits and analogous systems, fluid elements and systems, analysis of systems using transfer functions, state spac eequations, analog simulation and digital simulation. Also covered are block diagrams, Laplace transforms, and linear system analysis. Computer projects will be assigned that will use MATLAB software.

    Same as ESC 251

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 240

  • ME 300

    Stress and Applied Elasticity

    Three-dimensional theory of elasticity; state of stress, state of strain, elastic stress-strain relations. Applications include elementary three-dimensional problems, plane stress and plane strain, Saint Venant's long cylinder, beams and plates. Computer-aided design projects.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 201

  • ME 301

    Mechanical Vibrations

    Mechanical systems with single and multiple degrees of freedom longitudinal, torsional and lateral vibrations; free and forced oscillations; vibration testing, dynamic stability, vibration isolation, design criteria. Computer-aided design assignments and vibration project.

    Prerequisites: ME 200 and Ma 240

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 310

    Design Elements

    Application of the principles of mechanics to the design of basic machine elements; study of components subjected to static, impact and fatigue loading; influence of stress concentration; deflection of statically determinate and indeterminate structures by the energy method. Design projects apply basic criteria to the design of shafts, springs, screws and various frictional elements; design projects make use of computer, experimental and modeling techniques.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ME 300

  • ME 311

    Mechanical Design

    Mechanical design of basic transmission elements; design optimization by blending fundamental principles and engineering judgment; design criteria for the various frictional machine elements. Design projects provide authentic involvement in problems from industry; design projects make use of computer, experimental and modeling techniques.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ME 310

  • ME 312

    Manufacture Engineering (same as EID 312)

    Study of metal processing theory and application with emphasis on casting, machining, and metal deformation processes; plastic forming; special processing techniques; work-holder design principles. Specific are as studied include stages of processing, mathematical modeling of processes, equipment determination, relationship of plant layout, tooling, metrology, and product design to product cost.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ESC 210, ME211, and ME342

  • ME 313

    Introduction to Industrial Design

    The collaborative relationship between art, engineering and industrial design,academically and professionally, is a pivotal relationship in the development of new ideas. This course serves as an introduction to the world of industrial design and its wide-ranging applications. The students will learn about the history of design and design concepts and methodology through lectures, discussions, and small projects; and will explore, develop, and execute a term design as part of a class project as the course progresses. The main goals of this course are to develop a better understanding of the perspective of an industrial designer and to gain experience in the practice of industrial design.

    Prerequisite: ME 211 or permission of instructor

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 314

    Cloud-Based Design and Manufacture

    Introduction to today’s cloud-based design and manufacture (CBDM) technology. Topics include: fundamentals of geometric modeling; cloud-based computer-aided design (CAD); overview of commercially available, cloud-based CAD platforms; impact of deploying cloud-based design methodology on engineering practices; collaborative team design project management; extension of cloud-based CAD to manufacture and performance simulation applications. Students will gain hands-on experiences in managing collaborative team design projects.

    Same as EID 314

    Prerequisites: EID 102

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 331

    Advanced Thermodynamics

    Equations of state; properties of pure substances; ideal and real gas and gas vapor mixture properties, fundamental process and cycle analysis of ideal and real systems; modern gas and vapor power cycles and refrigeration cycles. Computer applications to problem solving.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 330

  • ME 342

    Heat Transfer: Fundamentals and Design Applications

    One-dimensional steady-state conduction. Two-dimensional steady state conduction and transient conduction: finite-difference equations and computational solution methods. Convection; introduction to laminar and turbulent viscous flows; external and internal forced convection problems, including exact and numerical solution techniques; free convection. Introduction to radiation heat transfer and multimode problems. Open-ended design projects will include application to fins, heat exchangers, tube banks and radiation enclosures and will make use of computer-aided design techniques.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 340

  • ME 351

    Feedback Control Systems

    Modeling and representation of dynamic physical systems: transfer functions, block diagrams, state equations, and transient response. Principles of feedback control and linear analysis including root locus and frequency response methods. Practical applications and computer simulations using MATLAB. Discussions of ethics will be integrated into the curriculum.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ME 251

  • ME 352

    Process Control Laboratory

    An introduction to process control using DC motor, liquid-level tank, and heat exchanger experimental rigs. Students will characterize systems, implement on-off control and PID-control, and apply various tuning methods. Practical applications and assignments cover actual heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and building automation systems.

    1 credit. Co-requisite: ME351

  • ME 353


    Topics include computer architecture, PIC processor overview, dynamic modeling, sensors, data acquisition, digital PID control theory, and utilization of assembly language to code the controller. Students will design, build and test a controller board and present a final prototype of a control system. Engineering economics will be introduces and integrated into the final project.

    Same as EID 353

    Prerequisite: ME 351 or ECE 211 (Signals) or ChE 361

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 360

    Engineering Experimentation

    Election, calibration and use of subsystems for the measurement of mechanical, thermal/fluid and electrical phenomena. Laboratory work includes investigations of heat exchangers, fluid systems and internal combustion engines. Emphasis is placed on data collection and statistical reduction, computational methods and written and oral presentation skills.

    Prerequisites: ESC201 and ESC330

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 363-364

    Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering

    This course will deal with current technological developments in various fields of mechanical engineering. Projects and design will be emphasized.

    3 credits each. Prerequisite: ME faculty permission

  • ME 365

    Mechanical Engineering Research Problem

    An elective course available to qualified students. Students may elect to consult with an ME faculty member and apply to carry out independent research on problems of mutual interest in theoretical or applied mechanical engineering.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ME faculty permission and senior standing. May be repeated

  • ME 371

    Data-Driven Problem Solving in Mechanical Engineering

    This course focuses on the implementation of data analysis in mechanical engineering, providing insights, identifying possible problems in engineering systems, and providing solutions to identified problems. The course will discuss how to: 1) visualize and classify information; 2) identify problems in engineering systems using data analysis and machine learning tools; 3) predict characteristics of engineering systems; provide data-driven solutions for engineering problems using data mining; and design products and structures informed by data trends. A broad range of applications within mechanical engineering will be discussed.

    Prerequisite or co-requisite: ME200 

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 393

    Mechanical Engineering Projects

    Original investigations, involving design and experimental work which allow the application of engineering sciences to the analysis and synthesis of devices or systems and permit the deepening of experience in engineering decision making. Projects are carried out in small groups and are supervised by the instructor in accordance with professional practice.

    Prerequisite: ME300, ME342, ME351, and ME360

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 394

    Capstone Senior ME Design

    The application of open-ended design work to the synthesis of engineering devices and systems for the satisfaction of a specified need. Consideration of market requirements, production costs, safety and esthetics. Projects are carried out in small groups and are supervised by the instructor in accordance with professional practice. The goal of the course is to create a working design, clearly defined in drawings and specifications.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ME 393

Mechanical Engineering - Graduate

  • ME 401

    Advanced Mechanical Vibrations

    Combined analytical and experimental approach to mechanical vibration issues; characterization of the dynamic behavior of a structure in terms of its modal parameters; digital data acquisition and signal processing; experimental modal analysis procedures and excitation techniques; extraction of modal parameters from measured frequency response functions. Students will acquire hands on experience with impact hammer and shaker data acquisition and analysis.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ME 301

  • ME 405

    Automotive Engineering Fundamentals

    An introductory course in modern automotive design, covering aspects of prime movers, aerodynamics, brakes, tires, steering, transmission, suspension and handling, chassis and advanced hybrid powertrain concepts. Simulations and physical prototyping give students a hands-on approach to the design, optimization, fabrication and testing of various vehicle subsystems in a team-based learning environment.

    Pre-requisites: ESC 251 and ESC 330, or permission of instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 407

    Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics

    The need for and applications of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Introduction to CFD analysis and commercially available codes. Governing equations and numerical solution methodologies for basic fluid flow systems. Geometric modeling and grid generation. Examination of various physical models. Use of a commercial CFD code.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 340 or ChE 341

  • ME 408

    Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)

    Theory and practical applications of computer aided engineering methodologies, and use of multiphysics software, in mechanical engineering practices. Topics include principal modeling and solution techniques, computational geometry applications, modeling of mechanical engineering problems, and non-linear and dynamic problem solving. Students use typical commercial software packages to work on practical case studies.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 201

  • ME 412

    Autonomous Mobile Robots

    The objective of the course is to build a mobile robot capable of competing in a competitive robot tank battle game. This course introduces basic concepts, technologies, and limitations of autonomous mobile robots. Topics include digital and analog I/O, tactile sensing, IR sensing and range finding, light sensing, sonar, magnetic field sensing, inertia sensing, encoders, electric motor actuators, high-level microprocessor control, low-level microprocessor control, power management, and prototyping. Students will form teams to design and build autonomous mobile robots configured to compete in a singles-match game, or to perform a team-oriented task. During the semester, students are expected to demonstrate progress on the development of their robot and complete project assignments that will lead to the final competition-ready robot and accompanying quality research paper.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ME 353 or ECE 251

  • ME 413

    Advanced Product Development

    Developing a physical product for the market is a complicated and exciting process that requires expertise in design, engineering, business, and marketing. As part of this course, students will choose and research a market segment, create an innovation for that market, and develop that innovation into a manufacturable product. Along the way they will constantly test and validate their product’s functionality and marketability. Ultimately the students will develop a functional prototype and product launch strategy, which will include a brand identity, marketing campaign and a viable product channel. At the end of the semester students will present a physical prototype and comprehensive product display as part of the end of the year show and develop a portfolio of their product development process.

    Prerequisites: ME 211 or Instructor’s Permission

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 415

    Introduction to Nanotechnology

    Understanding and control of matter at dimensions in the range from one to100 nanometers for novel applications are the main objectives of nanotechnology. The scope of this course encompasses nanoscale science and engineering. Typical topics will include the unique properties of some nanometer scale materials, processing and fabrication technologies for nanomaterials, imaging, measuring, modeling and manipulating matter at this length scale. In addition, laboratory demonstrations on nanomaterials processing, nanoarchitecturing and self-assembling of nanostructures will be included.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 210 or ChE 211

  • ME 416

    Materials in a Circular Economy

    In this course students evaluate the roles of technology and industry in a circular economy with an emphasis on material properties, resource extraction and processing, and end-of-life reuse. Engineers, architects, and artists significantly impact the planet through their choice of materials, processes, and forms. Building on a foundation of materials, the primary goal of this course is to investigate contemporary research and construct a personal view on responsible design. Students will be expected to focus on a project and support their findings with a presentation and a report.

    Prerequisites: ESC210 or ChE211 or equivalent. Material Science prerequisite can be waived with appropriate background and permission of instructor.

    Same as EID 416

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 422

    Fundamentals of Aerodynamics

    Theory and application of advanced fluid mechanics in aerospace engineering; airplane wing geometry, general governing equations of aerodynamics, potential flow theory, theory of lift for the wing, comparison of theory to wind tunnel experiments, the boundary layer and drag.

    Prerequisite: ESC 340

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 423

    Aircraft Engineering Fundamentals

    An introductory course to conceptual aircraft design focusing on commercial aviation. The aircraft system is explained and the interdependencies of main design parameters are analyzed. Students will assess the technical and commercial feasibility of an aircraft design and will explain the advantages and disadvantages of different configurations. They will calculate the flight performance for the different flight phases and understand different flight envelopes. Wing design is explained in detail, considering different requirements. The course closes with the introduction to other types of aircraft like helicopters, paragliders and ornithopters.

    Prerequisites: ESC 340 and ESC 251, or permission of instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 424

    Space Dynamics

    Advanced dynamics of particles and rigid bodies with applications to aerospace engineering; spacecraft trajectories, rocket performance, gyroscopic motion, Lagrange’s equations and Hamilton’s principle.

    Prerequisite: ME 200

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 431

    Internal Combustion Engines

    A broad analytical and experimental review of the governing parameters involved in piston engine design and optimization. Thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, combustion, emissions, thermochemistry, dynamic and static loading, and fuel efficiency, as they apply to different engine cycles and types, are covered. Varied research examples from industry, government, and academia, with particular emphasis on automotive engine design, are analyzed from first principles. Students develop hands-on learning skills through computational and experimental assignments.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ME 331 or permission of instructor

  • ME 432

    Introduction to Nuclear Power Plant Technology

    Nuclear power provides a high potential form of alternative energy, with significant safety constraints. The course centers on the study of a typical US commercial nuclear power plant its design philosophy and analysis of nuclear steam supply system and balance of plant systems (including heat exchangers, pumps, relief valves, etc.) for normal operation and steady state and transient accident analysis, and longer term spent fuel storage. The course utilizes disciplines/methods of thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid flow, and plant drawings and data. Analysis includes Three Mile Island Accident, a small break loss-of-coolant accident. When feasible, this course includes a tour of an operating nuclear power plant.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ESC 330 and ESC 340 or ChE 232 and ChE341

  • ME 433

    Rocket Science (same as ChE 433)

    Transient and steady-state control volume balances (mass, momentum and energy) that involve compressible flow phenomena are applied to (primarily) aerospace applications. Fundamental topics include variable mass accelerating control volumes, variable area adiabatic flows, normal and oblique shock waves, expansion fans, friction effects (Fanno flow) and heat transfer effects (Rayleigh flows). Numerical and analytical techniques are developed. Applications include basic trajectories, water rockets, converging/diverging rocket nozzles, RAM and SCRAM jets, supersonic wakes from underexpanded and overexpanded nozzles, gas exchange in reciprocating engines.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 330 and ESC 340

  • ME 434

    Special Topics In Combustion

    Analysis of diffusion and premixed flame processes, including droplet and particle flames, combustion in sprays, chemical reactions in boundary layers, combustion instability in liquid and solid rocket engines and gas burner flames. Consideration of ignition and quenching processes and flammability limits.

    Same as ChE 434

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 330

  • ME 435

    Thermal Systems Design

    An advanced course on thermal systems (principally) for chemical and mechanical engineering students. The course focuses on the analysis of natural and human engineered systems that rely on heat transfer, generally in combination with force-momentum (velocity variation) and/or mass transfer. The course will perform analysis (often from first principles), modeling, and methodologies for a number of thermal systems. One of the major techniques is the development of linear systems of algebraic or differential equations. Homework and technical projects provide application of course content and analysis methods.

    Prerequisites: ME 331 or ChE 331, ESC 340 or ChE 341, and ME 342 or ChE 342

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 436

    Plasma Engineering

    An introductory course on engineering fundamentals of plasma discharges. Students will learn about plasma – the fourth state of matter – and modern industrial plasma applications in fuel conversion, electronics, and environmental control. Topics include breakdown mechanisms, quasi-equilibrium, and non-equilibrium thermodynamics, and discharges operating at low, moderate, and atmospheric pressures.

    Prerequisites: Ma111 and Ch110.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 440

    Advanced Fluid Mechanics

    Introduction to the fundamental constitutive relations and conservation laws of fluid mechanics. Steady and transient velocity distributions of viscous flow. Stream functions, potential flow, and creeping flow. Boundary layer theory. Modeling of turbulent flow. Special topics may include: hydrodynamic stability, vorticity dynamics and mixing, waves in fluids, airfoil theory, lubrication theory, compressible flow, multiphase flow, bubbles and droplets, non-Newtonian flow, and computational fluid dynamics.

    Same as EID 440 and ChE 440

    Prerequisites: ESC 340 or Ch 341

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 451

    Modern Control

    An introduction to the concepts and techniques utilized in the analysis and design of robust control systems. Topics include a review of state-space control systems concepts; standard regulator problem; reduced order observers and state feedback controllers; optimal and robust control design methods; utilization of computer-aided optimal control systems design software such as MATLAB. Techniques developed will be applied, in the form of student design projects, to a variety of challenging control systems design problems.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ME 351

  • ME 452

    Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

    The course will develop and apply the general methods used in HVAC calculations, including heating, air conditioning and refrigeration. The basic HVAC equipment and processes include piping, fittings, valves, pumps, fans, heat exchangers, mass exchangers, heat pumps, process variables monitoring and control, multi-node flow and energy networks, and these will be examined and modeled. This will involve the theory and results from thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and mass transfer (and transport phenomena and boundary layer theory), process control, and computer simulation. In addition to the general HVAC calculations, more advanced analysis methods will be developed.

    3 credits, Prerequisites:  ESC 330 and ESC 340

  • ME 453

    Energy Efficient Building Systems

    Equipment fundamentals, energy management and control systems used in buildings to manage heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems and components. Proper commissioning, operation and maintenance and their impact on efficiency, equipment life, energy consumption and carbon footprint. Students will perform energy savings calculations, learn processes to identify and correct building operational problems that lead to waste, identify energy conservation measures and analyze trend data and historical operation. Technical projects and site visits provide exposure to open-ended problems related to actual HVAC and building management systems.

    Prerequisites:  ESC 330, ESC 340, and ME 352 or permission from instructor

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 457

    Drone Control

    This course prepares students to do research in the rapidly evolving of field of autonomous navigation, guidance, and control of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs). In particular, students will learn about key concepts from rigid-body dynamics, aerodynamics, feedback control, and state estimation using sensors, to maneuver through obstacles. Traditional homework assignments are replaced with a semester-long simulation software development project in Python. Techniques developed will be applied in the form of student design projects.

    Course pre/co-requisites: (Prerequisites ECE160 and ECE211) or (Prerequisite ME251 and Pre-/Corequisite

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 458

    Industrial Robots

    Basic concepts, techniques, and limitations of modern industrial robots; industrial automation; robot programming languages; definition and description of a robot work space; application of transform and operator matrices in industrial robotics. Student projects include computer programming of forward and inverse kinematics, and application programming with an industrial robot.

    Same as EID 458

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ME 351 or ECE 320

  • ME 459

    Bio-Inspired Robotics

    This course introduces students to the field of biologically-inspired robotics. Principles of various types of locomotion, such as legged walking/running, flapping-wing flight, and jumping, in both biology and robotic systems are introduced. Additional topics include principles of scaling, soft robotics and soft materials, bio-inspired sensing, and control algorithms (such as swarm behavior). The course will include reading research papers, implementing numerical simulations of dynamic behavior, and physical implementation of topics. Students will complete a design project of their choosing, culminating in a final demonstration.

     Prerequisite: ME 351 or ECE 211 or ChE 352. ME353/EID353 recommended, but not required.

    Credits: 3.00

  • ME 465

    Sound and Space (same as EID 465)

    Fundamentals of acoustics, including sound waves, room and hall acoustics, and metrics of sound. Audio engineering, including microphones, signal processors, amplifiers and loudspeakers. Applications of psychoacoustics including virtual acoustic environments over headphones and loudspeakers.

    Prerequisites:  ESC 251 or ECE 211 or equivalent or prior approval of the instructor

  • ME 493-494

    Selected Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering

    These courses will deal with current advanced technological developments in various fields of mechanical engineering. Projects and design will be emphasized.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ME faculty permission and graduate standing

  • ME 499


    Master's candidates are required to conduct, under the guidance of a faculty adviser, an original investigation of a problem in mechanical engineering, individually or in a group and to submit a written thesis describing the results of the work.

    6 credits for full year

Engineering Sciences - Undergraduate

  • ESC 000.1-000.4

    Engineering Professional Development Seminars

    The Engineering Professional Seminars and Workshops offer students an introduction to the profession of engineering as well as deal with their development as students. The Cooper Union's CONNECT program is an integral part of these courses and provides intensive training in effective communications skills. A wide range of topics is covered in addition to communications skills including ethics, environmental awareness, life-long learning, career development, conflict resolution, entrepreneurship, marketing, work-place issues, team dynamics, professional licensure and organizational psychology.

    Each successfully completed semester of ESC 000 will be noted on the student's external transcript. Failure to participate in ESC 000, or failure to successfully complete one or more semesters of the program will not be noted on any external transcript (such as is provided to employers or graduate schools)

  • ESC 200

    Engineering Mechanics

    Equivalent system of forces, distributed forces; forces in structure; friction forces. Particle and rigid body mechanics; kinematics, kinetics. Newton's laws of motion; work and energy; impulse and momentum.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ph 112

  • ESC 201

    Mechanics of Materials

    Introduction to solid mechanics; analysis of stress and deformation. Extension; flexure; torsion. Axisymmetric problems, beam theory elastic stability, yield and failure theory.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 200 or ME 200

  • ESC 210

    Materials Science

    The objective of this course is to promote an understanding of the relationship between the molecular structure of a material and its physical properties. Topics include bonding in atoms and molecules, crystallinity, metals and alloys, polymers, mechanical properties of inorganic materials and composite materials.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: none

  • ESC 220

    Principles of Electrical Engineering

    Survey of Electrical Engineering for the non-major. Signal and circuit analysis, DC and AC circuits, transients, frequency response and filters, power systems. Additional topics may be covered as time permits.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 113

  • ESC 221

    Basic Principles of Electrical Engineering

    Selection of topics from ESC 220. This class meets with ESC 220 for the first ten (10) weeks.

    2 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 113

  • ESC 251

    Systems Engineering

    An introductory course to the mathematical modeling of systems. Topics include mechanical elements and systems, electric circuits and analogous systems, fluid elements and systems, analysis of systems using transfer functions, state space equations, analog simulation and digital simulation. Also covered are block diagrams, Laplace transforms, and linear system analysis. Computer projects will be assigned that will use MATLAB software.

    3 Credits. Requisite: MA 240 (Must be completed prior to taking this course.)

  • ESC 330

    Engineering Thermodynamics

    Rigorous development of the basic principles of classical thermodynamics. Zeroth, first and second laws of thermo-dynamics and their applications to open and closed systems. Analysis of thermodynamic processes, properties of real substances and thermodynamic diagrams.

    Prerequisite: Ph112

    Credits: 3.00

  • ESC 340

    Fluid Mechanics and Flow Systems

    Introductory concepts of fluid mechanics and fluid statics. Development and applications of differential forms of basic equations. Dynamics of inviscid and viscous fluids, flow measurement and dimensional analysis with applications in fluid dynamics. Friction loss and friction factor correlation; design of piping systems.

    Prerequisite: ESC 200 or ME 200

    Credits: 3.00

Interdisciplinary Engineering - Undergraduate

  • EID 101

    Engineering Design and Problem Solving

    Students work on cutting-edge, exploratory design projects in interdisciplinary groups. Oral and visual presentations as well as formal written reports are required for all projects. Professional competencies, teamwork, ethics, and sustainability are discussed in the context of the engineering design process.

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 102

    Engineering Graphics

    An introduction to graphical representation of 3-dimensional objects. After learning the principles of technical drawing using precision hand tools, students utilize CAD software to create professional caliber engineering drawings. An introduction to solid modeling is given. Topics include orthographic projections, linetypes, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, layers, layouts, solid modeling, part assemblies and finite element analysis.

    1 credit. Prerequisites: none.

  • EID 103

    Principles of Design

    This course is designed to introduce students from all disciplines to theconcepts of rational design. It is open to first-year students and sophomores. In the first part of the course students will learn by hands-on experience the importance of giving attention at the design stage to consideration of accessibility, repair, replacement, choice of materials, recycling, safety, etc. Students will develop the ability to make observations and record them in suitable form for further analysis of the design process. From this, concepts of 'good' design will be developed, and students will be introduced to the formal design axioms and principles.This will lead to the second part of the course which will consist of a comprehensive, realistic design problem. Creativity, intuition and cultivation of engineering 'common sense' will be fostered within the framework of design principles and axioms. The course will constitute a direct introduction to the disciplines in their interdisciplinary context.

    Prerequisite: EID 101

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 105

    Drawing and Sketching for Engineers

    This course introduces engineering students to the fundamentals of freehand drawing and sketching with an emphasis on the interpretation and communication of insights, concepts and dimensioned solutions. Drawings and sketches are often the first steps in innovative engineering solutions and invention. The primary goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive foundation in traditional drawing and sketching methods for engineers.

    Same as ME 105

    2 credits. Prerequisites: none

  • EID 116

    Musical Instrument Design

    Theory and use of musical scales, including just intonation and equal temperament systems. Musical harmony and basic ear training. Human hearing and the subjective measures of sound: pitch, loudness and timbre. Acoustic analysis of design and operating principles of traditional instruments, including members of the percussion, string and wind families. Prototyping and testing of original musical instrument concepts.

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 210

    Engineering Design Graphics

    In this class, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is used to create both Architectural and Structural models. Along the way, students learn about the Revit Program’s user interface & modeling tools essential for working with 3D models. Other topics include creating Sheets, Custom Building Elements, Topography, Landscaping, Perspectives, Rendering & Animation. As students gain expertise in using Revit, they are assigned various Structural & Architectural projects to develop and present to the class. At the end of the semester, a Final Independent Design Project is presented by each student using the Revit Modeling Program.

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 220

    Foundations of Bioengineering

    An introduction to the engineering study of biological systems. Basic physiochemical and organization principles applicable to biological systems. Topics include membrane structure and function, physiology of the nervous, circulatory, and respiratory systems, and an introduction to bioelectricity and biological transport phenomena.

    Prerequisite: Ch 110

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 221

    Biotransport Phenomena

    Engineering principles are used to mathematically model momentum, heat and mass transfer processes that occur in biological systems. After a general introduction to human anatomy and physiology, topics examined include blood rheology, circulatory system fluid dynamics, whole body heat transfer, vascular heat transfer, oxygen transport in tissue and blood, pharmacokinetics and the design of an artificial kidney (hemodialysis).

    3 credits. Prerequisite: junior standing

  • EID 222


    The course is a study of both natural and synthetic materials and how they interact with the human body. Topics covered include mechanical properties, design considerations, biocompatibility, the immune response, potential for allergic response and carcinogenic ramifications, mechanical compatibility, effects of long-term implantation, and government regulations. Students will develop a vocabulary for different classes of biomaterials and explore how atomistic properties influence larger scale morphology and macroscopic behavior inside the human body. After a general introduction to biomedical materials, case studies involving physiological systems are considered, and design of artificial parts and materials are investigated.

    Prerequisite: sophomore standing

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 231

    Sustainable Energetics

    Methodologies for technical and economic assessment of short and long term energy-related issues are developed. Both supply-side (power generation) and demand-side (use and efficiency) technology issues are investigated in the context of the modern social, economic, political and meteorological climate. On the supply side, quantitative comparisons of the carbon intensity, levelized cost and other metrics for alternative methods to meet a demand are developed using contemporary examples, with consideration of the qualitative role of externalities. The key role of energy storage in various forms in a sustainable energy future is emphasized. The focus on the demand-side is on identifying opportunities for exergy conservation, for doing more with less, again by comparison of alternative methods.

    Same as ME 231

    Prerequisites: none

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 233

    Environmental Technologies for the Built Environment: Fundamentals

    This interdisciplinary course introduces the fundamentals of building technology and the dynamic relationship of buildings to their environment. Students will learn the thermodynamics of buildings to understand building energy flows and design possibilities in response to specific climates and comfort goals. This course covers environmental and life safety systems as they affect program and building form including mechanical (heating, cooling, ventilating), water supply and disposal, electrical, lighting, acoustics, vertical transportation, communication, security, and fire protection. Course modules will focus on energy in buildings, lighting, acoustics and vibration, and passive and active systems.

    Prerequisites: Ch110

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 234

    Environmental Technologies for the Built Environment: Materials and Systems

    This interdisciplinary course engages students in lectures, discussions, case studies, and workshops in two modules that explore mater, materials and making, and systems for high performance buildings, culminating in a project after each module. This course covers environmental and life safety systems as they affect program and building form, including mechanical (heating, cooling, ventilating), water supply and disposal, electrical, lighting, vertical transportation, communication, security, and fire protection. Principles of sustainability and life cycle analysis.

    Prerequisites: EID233 or ESC330 or ChE232

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 247

    Introduction to Sustainability and Alternative Energy Technologies

    Sustainability and sustainable development and how they relate to culture, politics, and design of our built environment. Review of the technological history of fossil fuel use and how it has affected Earth's climate. Global warming potential, radiative forcing, carbon cycle, and carbon budget. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and its application to sustainability / minimizing environmental impact. Alternatives to fossil fuel energy (including nuclear, geothermal, solar, hydropower, and bioenergy sources) and potential consequences of these technologies.

    Credits: 3  Prerequisites: None

  • EID 255

    Food Science: Frozen Desserts (same as Ch 255)

    Fundamentals of food science with an emphasis on frozen desserts. Study of ice cream as a complex mixture of air, water, fat, proteins, sweeteners, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and flavors. Discussion of the chemical composition and functional role of each ingredient. Discussion of the thermodynamic principles of heat transfer, phase transitions and colligative properties. Pasteurization, cryogenic methods, storage. Packaging and labeling, sanitation and food safety, regulatory compliance. Artificial vs natural ingredients, allergens, and plant-based alternatives. Hands-on projects will include formulation, ingredient optimization, and small-batch production. Evaluation of final product by physical, chemical, and sensorial methods. Same as Ch 255.

    Prerequisites: Ch 110 and Ch 111.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 260

    Acoustics, Noise and Vibration Control

    Interdisciplinary overview of acoustics and its applications in industrial and environmental noise control, acoustics of buildings, vibration systems and control. Topics include: sound levels, decibels and directivity, hearing, hearing loss and psychological effect of noise, noise control criteria and regulations, instrumentation, source of noise, room acoustics, acoustics of walls, enclosures and barriers, acoustics materials and structures, vibration control systems; design projects.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 270

    Engineering Economy

    Comparison of alternatives in monetary terms; meaning and use of interest rates; results evaluation including intangibles; risk in alternatives; principles underlying the determination of economic life; depreciation and depreciation accounting; financing business ventures; financial statement analysis; replacement of capital assets.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 278

    Ethics of Computer Science

    A study of the political, ethical, and social dimensions of living in a world increasingly governed and defined by networked, computational systems, from their personal everyday impacts to their planetary ones. Drawing from a mix of historical and contemporary case studies, philosophy, and science fiction, students will explore frameworks for understanding technology not merely as artifact or product but as practice and ideology. As a final project, students will propose and prototype a framework for their own approach to ethical engineering and design.

    Prerequisites: None

  • EID 300

    Special Research Project

    Students will work on individual projects in engineering under supervision of faculty. Problems will vary according to individual interest. Permission to register is required from the Office of the Dean of Engineering. Students on academic probation are ineligible for registration.

    3–6 credits. Prerequisite: permission of Faculty and Dean's office

  • EID 312

    Manufacturing Engineering

    Same as ME 312

    Prerequisite: ESC 210, ME211, and ME342.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 314

    Cloud-Based Design and Manufacture

    Introduction to today’s cloud-based design and manufacture (CBDM) technology. Topics include: fundamentals of geometric modeling; cloud-based computer-aided design (CAD); overview of commercially available, cloud-based CAD platforms; impact of deploying cloud-based design methodology on engineering practices; collaborative team design project management; extension of cloud-based CAD to manufacture and performance simulation applications. Students will gain hands-on experiences in managing collaborative team design projects.

    Same as ME 314

    Prerequisites: EID 102

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 320 - 323

    Special Topics in Bioengineering I - IV

    Seminars on topics of current interest in biotechnology.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: a basic understanding of engineering mechanics and materials and permission of instructor. May be repeated.

  • EID 325

    Science and Application of Bioengineering Technology

    The overall purpose of the course is to provide the student with a genera loverview of the scope of bioengineering. The major areas in the course are design in biomedical engineering, tissue engineering, medical imaging, cardiovascular, vision, rehabilitation, masculaskeletalsystem, robotic surgery and medical business.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • EID 326


    An in-depth treatment of orthopaedic biomechanics, including free body analysis applied to the musculoskeletal system, applied statics, dynamics and kinematics. Clinical problems relating to biomechanics. Lubrication theory applied to hard and soft tissues. Mechanical testing of tissue, including both static tests and dynamics tests. Tensor treatment of kinematic motions. Extensive reference to current literature. Muscle function, evaluation and testing. Exploration of the concepts of development of muscular power, work and fatigue.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ph 112.

  • EID 327

    Tissue Engineering

    Tissue Engineering involves the application of engineering and the life sciences to gain a fundamental understanding of structure-function relationships in normal and pathological tissues and the development of biological substitutes to restore, maintain or improve tissue functions. This course will provide an introduction to the science, methods and applications of tissue engineering. Topics include quantitative cell biology, tissue characterization, engineering design and clinical implementation.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: working knowledge of engineering fundamentals, senior standing or instructor approval

  • EID 328

    Injury Biomechanics and Safety Design

    Frequency and severity of common injuries. Mechanisms of musculoskeletal, soft tissue and brain injuries. Injury criteria, reference values and their role in safety design. Experimental and computational methods for safety design and accident reconstruction. Automotive safety. Biomechanical test dummies. Seatbelts, airbags, and energy absorbing structures and materials. Repetitive stress injuries and occupational health. Government regulation and legal liability. Expert witness practice and qualifications.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ESC 200 or ME 200 and ESC 210

  • EID 334-IS

    The Science and Art of Brewing

    A study in the history of brewing as well as recent brewing innovation and entrepreneurship. Tours of local breweries and distilleries may be arranged. Hands-on instruction in the use of electric brewing equipment to brew 8-10 times over the course of one semester. Technical aspects of this course will cover the fundamentals of water chemistry, sanitation, wort production and equipment, microbiology and yeast health, fermentation, the design of beer and the diagnosis of off-flavors. Students will additionally design and host an exhibition that illustrates the science and art of brewing, open to the Cooper Union community. The course will culminate in a capstone design of a fermented beverage.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 343

    Water Resources Engineering (same as CE 343)

    4.5 credits (3 hours of lecture, 3 hours of laboratory). Prerequisite: ESC 340

  • EID 344

    Environmental Systems Engineering (same as CE 344)

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • EID 348

    Environmental and Sanitary Engineering (same as CE348)

    Engineering (same as EID 348) Topics include types of environmental pollution and their effects; water quality standards and introduction to laboratory analyses of water quality parameters; sources and estimates of water and wastewater flows; physicochemical unit treatment processes. Integrated lecture and design periods cover water supply network, wastewater collection system and water treatment design projects.

    3 credits, Prerequisites: CE/EID344

  • EID 353


    Topics include computer architecture, PIC processor overview, dynamic modeling, sensors, data acquisition, digital PID control theory, and utilization of assembly language to code the controller. Students will design, build and test a controller board and present a final prototype of a control system. Engineering economics will be introduces and integrated into the final project.

    Same as ME 153

    Prerequisite: ME 351 or ECE 211 (Signals) or ChE 361

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 357

    Sustainable Engineering and Development

    Sustainable engineering is examined, starting with an analysis of resources, (materials, energy, water) upon which manufacturing is based. Each resource is critically examined in terms of its availability and form and the ultimate impact of its usage on the state of theplanet. A comparison of the design and construction of contemporary and primitive structure is used to illustrate the differences between the required infrastructure and environmental footprint, leading to a definition of 'green' design. The technologies required to support contemporary lifestyles in the developed and the developing world are discussed within the context of manufacturing techniques, usage of natural resources and the generation of waste. Workshops, guest lectures and a term project incorporating the concepts of minimalism, materials usage, and aesthetic design are used to present students with a unique perspective engineering.

    Prerequisite: material covered in core engineering science and mathematics in Freshman and Sophomore years

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 362

    Interdisciplinary Senior Project I

    Individual or group design projects in interdisciplinary areas of engineering.These projects are based on the interest of the students and must have the approval of their adviser(s) and course instructor. Periodic and final engineering reports and formal presentations are required for all projects. In addition to technical aspects projects must also address some of the following: economic feasibility environmental impact social impact, ethics, reliability and safety.

    3 or 4 credits. Prerequisite: students are required to have completed necessary preparatory engineering courses related to the project topic

  • EID 363

    Interdisciplinary Senior Project II Continuation of EID 362

    3 or 4 credits. Prerequisite: EID 362

  • EID 364

    Interdisciplinary Engineering Research Problem

    An elective course, available to qualified upper division students. Students may approach a faculty mentor and apply to carry out independent or group projects in interdisciplinary fields.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of advisor and appropriate Department Chair.

  • EID 365

    Engineering and Entrepreneurship

    Students will learn the fundamentals of being an entrepreneur and operating a successful business. From its original idea to the open market, students wil lchoose an engineering related project or service and learn the principles of accounting, marketing, managing, financing, and continuing research. Students are required to choose their own service or product and write a business plan as their final project. Lectures include case studies on the various projects and guest speakers from the industry. Readings include articles from journals and textbooks.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: EID 101

  • EID 366

    Lean Launchpad

    Lean Launchpad guides students on their own search for a scalable, repeatable business model for a high-tech company. Students use a customer centric approach to brainstorm and evaluate potential ideas. Working in small groups, students will continuously refine their business models through a process that includes exhaustive interviewing of potential customers, fast iteration cycles, and a flipped classroom model that dictates more than half of class hours be used for student presentations and critiques. A panel of local industry experts including engineers, executives and venture capitalists will serve as mentors to the teams and will evaluate their progress and presentations throughout the semester in person. Teams are encouraged to design and prototype the technological solutions developed during their search if appropriate.

    3 Credits. Prerequisite: EID 101

  • EID 367

    Elements of Innovation

    This course begins by developing an understanding of disruptive innovation and the historical context about successes and failures of social, cultural, and religious acceptance of technological innovation. To develop this framework, students read several texts underlying the innovator's dilemma, how scientific revolutions are structured, and cultural distinctions found between the sciences and humanities. For each class meeting, students read current scientific and technical literature and come prepared to discuss current events related to technological innovation. Each student researches potential disruptive technologies and prepares a compelling argument of why the specific technologies are disruptive so they can defend their choice and rationale. In addition to technological innovation, students will investigate organizational culture and structure and how these enable an innovation ecosystem at the corporate, regional, and global levels. Students will interact with national level innovators throughout academia, industry, and government. Coursework includes extensive writing assignments.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 370

    Engineering Management

    An exploration of the theories and techniques of management beginning with the classical models of management and continuing through to Japanese and American contemporary models. The course is specifically directed to those circumstances and techniques appropriate to the management of engineering. Lecture, discussion and case studies will be used.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • EID 371

    Operations Management

    An in-depth exploration of specific problems and techniques applicable to the management of production and large operating systems (e.g., engineering projects). The specific problems of demand analysis, capacity planning, production and inventory planning as well as scheduling and progress control will be presented. In addition, the concepts of total quality management, material requirements planning and statistical quality control will be presented. The presentation will include lectures and case problems.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: EID 370

  • EID 372

    Global Perspectives in Technology Management

    Current global political, social and economic developments and future trends as they relate to technology management are discussed. Students learn to address issues of international technology transfer, multinational sourcing, quality control, diverse staff management, environmental considerations, etc. Working in teams on case studies and projects, students learn to conduct international negotiations and develop solutions to complex business problems. Special emphasis is placed on team cooperation and personal leadership.Oral presentations and written reports are required.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: EID 101

  • EID 374

    Business Economics

    In this course, the class will carry out a real-time forecast of the U.S. economy and explore its implications for the bond and stock markets. The course will build upon principles of both macro- and micro-economics. It will provide an introduction to the work done by business economists and the techniques they use. Students will become familiar with the database looking for relationships between key economic variables, and studying movements in interest rates over the period 1960-present. The class will be divided into teams of two students with each team choosing a particular aspect of the economy to forecast. The class will also work with various leading indicators of economic activity and will prepare forecasts of the key components of gross domestic product and other important variables. A formal presentation of the economic with invited guests from the Wall Street investment world will take place. To put forecasting exercise in context, there will be class discussions of business cycles, credit cycles, long waves in inflation and interest rates and the impact of the Internet on the economy and the stock market.

    Prerequisite: either S 334, S 347, EID 270 or permission of instructor

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 375

    Applied Food Science and Engineering

    Fundamentals of food science and engineering. Food preparation, characterization, and preservation. Food safety and sanitation. Regulatory, financial, and ethical implications of food and food products. Multiphase systems (foams, slurries, emulsions). Food engineering unit operations: sterilization, pasteurization, lyophilization, fermentation, filtration, crystallization, milling, distillation. Design, analysis, and optimization of food processes, products, and formulations.

    Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 376

    Economics of Alternative Energy

    The goal of this course is to explore the economics of alternative energy technologies. As always, engineering considerations determine the feasibility of any technology while economics determine the practicality of the technology in the likely environment of the next five years. The students participating in this course will explore a wide range of alternative energy technologies. It is expected that their analyses will combine both economic and engineering principles in an interesting and creative way. Each student will choose a particular technology to analyze in depth: wind, solarphotovoltaic, passive solar, geothermal, bio-fuels, etc. There will be periodic presentations of their work to the class as a whole. One goal of these class discussions will be to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the various technologies. At the end of the semester, there will be a formal presentation of the students’ conclusions to an audience of Cooper faculty, industry experts and Wall Street analysts.

    Prerequisite: EID 270, EID 374, or permission of the instructor

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 377

    Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Applications

    Introduction to distributed Artificial Intelligence/multiagent theories and techniques and studying their role in designing next generation blockchain applications. Topics will include algorithms for agent interaction in cooperative and competitive environments, the role of coordination and promoting cooperative behaviors in large-scale distributed networks and the internet economy, consensus formation and negotiation in distributed systems, smart contracts, public vs private blockchains, cryptographic hash functions and digital signatures. In addition to programming assignments, these techniques will be used to implement a blockchain application where a trusted environment for all transactions is essential. Applications can range from health data exchange to trade/channel finance and food safety.

    Prerequisites: CS102 and permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 378


    Introduction to finance and financial structures (companies, banks, exchanges, etc.). Time value of money, income statements, balance sheets and cash flows. Future value and compounding, present value and discounting, valuation. Fixed and variable discount rates. Fixed income assets. Bonds, swaps and foreign exchanges. Stocks: valuation, common versus preferred stocks, markets. Investment, VC/Private Equity valuation, portfolio diversification. Short-term market activity including high-frequency trading. Financial distress. “No Free Lunch” principle.

    Prerequisite: MA113

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 390

    Introduction to Sustainable Design

    Sustainable design minimizes the impact on the environment by site planning and design, energy and water conservation and interior environmental quality. This course will focus on the design of a prototype structure using sun, light, air, renewable materials, geological systems, hydrological systems and green roofing. Each student will develop a project outlined by the U.S. Green Building Council rating system known as LEED. The six areas that will be developed to design the project are: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, material and resources, indoor environmental quality and innovative design process. Class time is separated into a series of lectures, private consultations and student presentations.

    Same as CE 390

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ESC 340, CE 322 or ME 300 and permission of instructor

Interdisciplinary Engineering - Graduate

  • EID 414

    Solid Waste Management (same as CE 414)

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • EID 416

    Materials in a Circular Economy

    In this course students evaluate the roles of technology and industry in a circular economy with an emphasis on material properties, resource extraction and processing, and end-of-life reuse. Engineers, architects, and artists significantly impact the planet through their choice of materials, processes, and forms. Building on a foundation of materials, the primary goal of this course is to investigate contemporary research and construct a personal view on responsible design. Students will be expected to focus on a project and support their findings with a presentation and a report.

    Prerequisites: ESC210 or ChE211 or equivalent. Material Science prerequisite can be waived with appropriate background and permission of instructor.

    Open to all students.

    Same as ME 416

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 422

    Finite Element Methods

    Shape functions and generalized displacements. Assemblage of elements, Convergence criteria. Triangular, rectangular and quadrilateral elements in plane stress and strain. Isoparamentric formulations. General Solids. Hexahedral and tetrahedral elements. Flexure in plates. General solids. Natural Coordinates. Special applications in blast mitigation design. Computer codes.

    Same as CE 422

    3 credits. Prerequisite: CE 322 or ME 300

  • EID 423

    Synthetic Biology

    Construction and testing of synthetic genetic circuits for synthetic biology applications; DNA assembly; reporter gene assays; inducible promoters; cloning of genes; genetic modification of cells.

    Prerequisite: Ch 340 or Bio 201

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 424

    Bioengineering Applications in Sports Medicine

    Application of engineering principles to athletic performance and injury. Topics include athletic training; mechanical causes of sport injuries; methods of injury prevention; design of protective and prophylactic sport devices; proper application of wound dressing, taping and bandaging; first aid for musculoskeletal sports injuries and healing and rehabilitation. Students will work in teams on case studies and projects.

    Prerequisite: EID101

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 425

    Structural Dynamics

    Dynamic behavior and design of structures subjected to time-dependent loads. Included in the load systems are earthquakes, blasts, wind and vehicles. Shock spectra and pressure impulse curves. Special applications in blast mitigation design.

    Same as CE 425

  • EID 430

    Thermodynamics of Special Systems

    Thermodynamic analyses of solid systems undergoing elastic strain and of magnetic, electric and biological systems. Equations of state for these and other fluid and non-fluid systems.Thermodynamics of low temperature systems. Recent advances in obtaining real fluid and solid properties.

    Same as EID 430 and ChE 430

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ChE 331 or ME 331

  • EID 432

    Phase Transitions: Simulations and Applications (same as ChE 432)

    A course on understanding phase transitions that underly novel and efficient engineering designs. Statistical mechanical concepts as they relate to phase transitions such as the phase space, thermodynamic ensembles, entropy, and free energy. Introduction to computational techniques used to track phase transitions: Monte Carlo methods, modeling of dynamical systems, and introductory molecular dynamics to study systems of practical interest. Phase transitions as a broader phenomenon such as in social networks, ecological systems, proteins, bird flocking, and learning. Same as ChE 432.

    Prerequisites: CS 102 or ECE 160 and Ch 160 or Ch161 or ESC 330.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 437

    Geo-Environmental Engineering (same as CE 437)

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 438

    Industrial Waste Treatment Design (same as CE 440)

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • EID 439

    Water and Wastewater Technology (same as CE 441)

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • EID 440

    Advanced Fluid Mechanics

    Introduction to the fundamental constitutive relations and conservation laws of fluid mechanics. Steady and transient velocity distributions of viscous flow. Stream functions, potential flow, and creeping flow. Boundary layer theory. Modeling of turbulent flow. Special topics may include: hydrodynamic stability, vorticity dynamics and mixing, waves in fluids, airfoil theory, lubrication theory, compressible flow, multiphase flow, bubbles and droplets, non-Newtonian flow, and computational fluid dynamics.

    Same as ChE 440 and ME 440

    Prerequisite: ESC 340 or Ch 341

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 441

    Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer

    Introduction to the energy equation. Steady and transient heat transfer by conduction. Convective heat transfer. Energy transport in flowing media. Free convection. Conservation of species equation. Fick's law of binary diffusion. Mass transfer with simultaneous homogeneous or heterogeneous reaction. Multicomponent heat and mass transfer. Stefan-Maxwell equations for multicomponent diffusion. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer. Transport in electrolyte solutions. Special topics may include: membrane separation processes, drug delivery and controlled release, turbulent heat and mass transfer, boundary layer heat and mass transfer, and chemically reacting flows.

    Same as ChE 441

    3 credits. Prerequisite: EID 440 or ChE 440

  • EID 444

    Computational Modeling of Materials and Molecules (Starting Spring 2025)

    Project-based course on modern practices of molecular simulation in the context of engineering systems. The history of computer and molecular simulations, physical and mathematical modeling of molecules, development of molecular simulations, best practices in scientific computing in the context of modeling molecular systems, contemporary open-source simulation packages for molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods, analysis and measurement of simulation data, effective visualization of computer simulations, applications relevant to material property prediction in engineering contexts, and recent developments in molecular simulation methods. Same as ChE 444.

    Prerequisites: CS 102 or ECE 160 and Ch 160 or Ch161 or ESC 330.

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 446

    Pollution Prevention of Minimization (same as CE 446)

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • EID 447

    Sustainability and Pollution Prevention

    Fuzzy-logic based methodology for defining and assessing the sustainability of an entity. Pollution prevention for chemical processes at the macroscale (life-cycle assessment) and mesoscale (unit operations). Quantitatively identifying critical components of sustainability for a corporation or other similar entity. Chemical process design methods for waste minimization, increased energy efficiency, and minimal environmental impact.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 448

    Environmental and Sanitary Engineering (same as CE 448)

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • EID 449

    Hazardous Waste Management (same as CE 449)

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor

  • EID 451


    Nanoscience is the study and manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular level. At this scale, materials often exhibit new properties that do not exist in their large-scale counterparts because of the increased importance of surface area/volume ratios and quantum effects. This course will focus on understanding the physical properties and methodologies for the formation (i.e. molecular self-assembly, photolithographic patterning, scanning probe lithography), and characterization (i.e. optical spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, and electron microscopy) of nanomaterials.

    Same as Ch 451

    3 credits. Prerequisites:Ch 110, Ch 111, and Ph 213, or permission of instructor

  • EID 458

    Industrial Robots

    Basic concepts, techniques, and limitations of modern industrial robots; industrial automation; robot programming languages; definition and description of a robot work space; application of transform and operator matrices in industrial robotics. Student projects include computer programming of forward and inverse kinematics, and application programming with an industrial robot.

    Same as ME 458

    3 credits. Prerequisite: ME 351 or ECE 320

  • EID 460.1

    Heat Transfer Equipment Design (Heat Exchangers)

    Same as ChE 460.1

  • EID 465

    Sound and Space (same as ME 465)

    Fundamentals of acoustics, including sound waves, room and hall acoustics, and metrics of sound. Audio engineering, including microphones, signal processors, amplifiers and loudspeakers. Applications of psychoacoustics including virtual acoustic environments over headphones and loudspeakers.

    Prerequisites:  ESC 251 or ECE 211 or equivalent or prior approval of the instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 469

    Independent Study Project

    Same as CE 469

  • EID 470

    Urban Security

    Design of urban systems to protect against terrorism. Analysis of blast loads. Blast mitigation design considerations. Technology transfer; military/defense to civilian sector. Response spectra. Pressure/impulse diagrams. Stand off distances. Blast mitigation measures for buildings, bridges and tunnels. Prevention of progressive collapse in tall buildings. Design of glazing. Retrofit upgrade of existing urban infrastructure. Building code and insurance issues.

    Same as CE 470

    3 credits. Prerequisites: CE 122 or ME 101 and permission of instructor

  • EID 471

    Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (same as ChE 471)

    Advanced topics in chemical engineering, selected according to student and instructor interest.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor

    Credits: 3.00

  • EID 486

    Urban Megaprojects and Environmental Impact Assessment

    Same as CE 486

  • EID 488

    Convex Optimization Techniques

    This course discusses in detail different methods for the optimization of systems of engineering and economic interest using the techniques of linear and nonlinear programming. The focus is on convex optimization, which is the solution of problems with only one best cost, design, size etc. We will consider problems such as least squares, supply chain management, batch process networks, network flow, dynamic programming, portfolio optimization and other examples across all engineering disciplines. Students will learn about optimization theory and problem formulation, with some computational component. By the end of the course, students should be able to: create optimization problems from a physical situation, identify whether the problem can be solved or not, transform problems into equivalent forms, list optimality conditions for problems, find the dual of a problem and identify its relation to the primal,and use at least one method to solve a convex programming problem using a computer.

    Same as ChE 488

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ChE 352 or ME 251, Ma 326 (co-enrollment is fine)


  • Bio 201

    Biology for Engineers I

    This course will examine in depth the genetics, molecular and cellular biology, pathology, toxins, microbiology and environment as they relate to humans and disease using organ-based or systems biology approaches (e.g., gastrointestinal pulmonary, cardiovascular, urinary endocrine, etc.) Major assignments will be individualized to student's interests and majors when possible. As such, this course will provide the biological fundamentals for further study in biotransport, biochemistry, graduate school in biomedical engineering, etc. Combined with Biology 202 and Biochemistry, it will provide a solid foundation for medical school.

    Prerequisites: Ch 110 or permission of the instructor

    Credits includes lab experience.

    Credits: 3.00

  • Bio 202

    Biology for Engineers II

    This course will provide human biology fundamentals to springboard into research projects at the intersection of biology and engineering. Topics will include anatomy and physiology of musculoskeletal and other major organ systems not covered in Bio 101, imaging modalities, concepts behind diagnostic and therapeutic surgical procedures, and their limitations, human body repair, artificial organs, tissue engineering, immunology and cancer. Students will develop an extensive biological vocabulary and have requisite knowledge for further study in biomechanics, rehabilitation medicine, biomaterials, bioremediation, etc.

    Prerequisite: Ch 110

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • Bio 250

    Biotechnology in Environmental Systems

    Application of biotechnology to environmental challenges; microbiology; ecology; microplate reader assays; biomaterials; genetic modification of microbes, bioremediation, biosafety biomimicry.

    Prerequisite: None

    Credits: 3.00

  • Bio 364

    Bioengineering Research Problem

    An elective course available to qualified and interested students recommended by the faculty. Students may approach a faculty mentor and apply to carry out independent research or group project in bioengineering-related fields.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor and approval of ME or ChE department chair.

  • Bio 422

    Protein Expression, Purification and Analysis

    Lectures cover chemical properties of proteins, protein folding, solubility, charge, structure, posttranslational modifications; protein synthesis, recombinant protein expression including cloning strategies, expression plasmids, expression systems; chromatography techniques for protein purification. Laboratory work involve making gels and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, purification of native proteins with ion exchange and salting out technique; purification of GST tagged proteins on glutathione agarose column and His-tagged proteins on Ni-NTA column; measuring of protein concentration and assays for protein activity; Western blot.

    Prerequisites: Bio 201, Ch 110, and Ch 111

Chemistry - Undergraduate

  • Ch 110

    General Chemistry

    An introduction to the general scientific principles associated with chemistry. This course will deal with fundamental ideas such as the concept of the atom, the molecule, the mole and their applications to chemical problems. The classical topics include: dimensional analysis and significant figures; atomic weights; periodic properties; chemical reactions and stoichiometry; redox reactions; ideal gas law and real gas equations of state; the liquid state and intermolecular forces; solution concentrations; chemical equilibrium and equilibrium constants; acids and bases; solubility equilibria; nomenclature of inorganic and organic compounds. The topics for atomic and molecular properties include: atomic structure and the quantum theory; electronic structure of atoms; the covalent bond and bond properties;molecular geometries and hybridization; molecular orbital theory.

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • Ch 111

    General Chemistry Laboratory

    Methods of quantitative analysis are used to explore chemical reactions and analyze unknowns. Modern chemical instrumentation as well as 'classic' wet chemistry analytical techniques are covered. Statistical analysis of the experimental data is used to analyze results. Chemical laboratory safety and industrial chemical regulations are covered, as are the fundamentals of writing a technical report.

    1.5 credits. Prerequisite: CH110.

  • Ch 160

    Physical Principles of Chemistry

    The study of physicochemical properties will be extended and advanced. The laws of thermodynamics, which involve energy, enthalpy, entropy and free energy concepts, will be applied to chemical systems. Other topics include: vapor pressures and colligative properties of solutions; the phase rule; kinetics of homogeneous reactions; electrolytic conductance and electrochemistry.

    Prerequisites: Ch 110, Ma 111
    Corequisite: Ch 111

    Credits: 3.00

  • Ch 161

    Physical Principles of Chemistry

    The study of physicochemical properties will be extended and advanced. The laws of thermodynamics, which involve energy, enthalpy, entropy and free energy concepts, will be applied to chemical systems. Other topics include: vapor pressures and colligative properties of solutions; the phase rule; kinetics of homogeneous reactions; reaction mechanisms and homogeneous catalysis; and electrolytic conductance and electrochemistry, with applications to the design of batteries, fuel cells and sensors.

    Prerequisites: Ch 110, Ma 111

    Credits: 4.00

  • Ch 231

    Organic Chemistry I

    Bond types and strengths, structural theory, bond angles and hybrid bonds; covalent bonds, polarity of bonds and molecules; dipole moments; molal refraction; melting points and boiling points relative to properties and natures of molecules; solubilities based on structures; functional groups; critical temperature, pressure and volume as a function of structure and functional groups, prediction of vapor pressure curves, latent heats. Nomenclature isomers and properties. Resonance and delocalization of charge phenomena; acidity and basicity (Lewis concept).

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ch 160

  • Ch 232

    Organic Chemistry II

    Extension of Ch 231 to systematic study of aliphatic and aromatic compounds, with emphasis on functional behavior and interpretation of mechanisms and bond types, polyfunctional compounds, carbohydrates and heterocyclic compounds.

    3 credits (2 lecture hours). Prerequisite: Ch 231; co-requisite: Ch 233

  • Ch 232.1

    Principles of Organic Chemistry II Selection of topics from Ch 232

    This class meets with Ch 232 for the first ten (10) weeks.

    2 credits. Prerequisite: Ch 231; corequisite Ch 233

  • Ch 233

    Organic Chemistry Laboratory

    Laboratory work will cover subject matter studied in Ch 231 and Ch 232, including synthesis and type reactions and identification of organic compounds.

    2 credits (4 laboratory hours) Prerequisite: Ch 231

  • Ch 250

    Analytical Chemistry

    Fundamental principles, operation, and limitations of instrumental methods in scientific research will be covered. This involves determining the best analytical method for analyses, assessing the reliability of the measurements and understanding the meaning of S/N and how to optimize it. Specific instrumental methods include electroanalytical techniques (potentiometry, coulometry, voltammetry), spectroscopic techniques (infrared, and UV-visible molecular spectroscopy, as well as atomic absorption spectroscopy), microscopy methods (atomic force and scanning tunneling microscopy), and analytical separations (high pressure liquid chromatography and gas chromatography).

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ch 110, Ch 111, or permission of instructor.

  • Ch 255

    Food Science: Frozen Desserts (same as EID 255)

    Fundamentals of food science with an emphasis on frozen desserts. Study of ice cream as a complex mixture of air, water, fat, proteins, sweeteners, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and flavors. Discussion of the chemical composition and functional role of each ingredient. Discussion of the thermodynamic principles of heat transfer, phase transitions and colligative properties. Pasteurization, cryogenic methods, storage. Packaging and labeling, sanitation and food safety, regulatory compliance. Artificial vs natural ingredients, allergens, and plant-based alternatives. Hands-on projects will include formulation, ingredient optimization, and small-batch production. Evaluation of final product by physical, chemical, and sensorial methods. Same as EID 255.

    Prerequisites: Ch 110 and Ch 111.

    Credits: 3.00

  • Ch 340


    This course in the fundamentals of biochemistry will cover the following: Chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins, and nucleotides; bioenergetics; kinetics and mechanisms of enzymes; and an introduction to molecular genetics, and biochemical dynamics of DNA and RNA.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Bio 201 and Ch 231

  • Ch 351

    Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

    Fundamental principles of instrumental methods will be covered, including laboratory applications and limitations in scientific research. Specific methods include electrometric, such as polarography, electro-gravimetry and potentiometry; optical (such as visible and ultraviolet absorption), spectroscopy, emission spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy; and other techniques such as chromatography and mass spectroscopy shall be included.

    2 credits (4 laboratory hours). Prerequisite: Ch 160 and Ch 233

  • Ch 361

    Physical Chemistry I

    With an emphasis on the basic theoretical justifications underlying observed physical phenomena, quantum mechanics will be developed and applied to the study of chemical systems with an emphasis on interpreting spectroscopic data. Modern methods of computational molecular modeling are introduced. Statistical mechanics is introduced as a link between quantum mechanics and thermodynamics.

    Prerequisites: Ch 160 and Ph 214 

    Credits: 3.00

  • Ch 362

    Physical Chemistry II

    Continuation of Ch 261 with emphasison electrochemistry, chemical kinetics and solid state chemistry. Selected topics.

    2 credits. Prerequisite: Ch 361

  • Ch 363

    Physical Chemistry

    With an emphasis on the basic theoretical justifications underlying observed physical phenomena, quantum mechanics will be developed and applied to the study of atoms and molecules with an emphasis on interpreting spectroscopic data. Modern methods of computational molecular modeling are introduced through project work. Statistical mechanics is introduced as a link between quantum mechanics and thermal energy distributions. The electronic and vibrational properties of solids will be considered, as well as advanced kinetics, surface chemistry, and heterogeneous catalysis.

    Prerequisites: Ch 161, Ph 213, Ph 291, Ma 223, and Ma 240
    Pre- or Corequisite: Ma 224

    Credits: 4.00

  • Ch 364

    Solid-State Chemistry

    Solid-state reactions; nucleation and diffusion theory; thin films of elements and compounds; current topics.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ch 362

  • Ch 365

    Chemical Kinetics

    Fundamental study of chemical reaction systems in gaseous and condensed phases; absolute rate theory; collision theory; energetics from molecular and macroscopic viewpoints. Experimental rate techniques, interpretation of experimental data. Reaction mechanisms and models for complex and elementary reactions. Homogeneous and surface catalysis; enzyme-controlled reaction rates.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ch 362

  • Ch 370

    Inorganic Chemistry

    The vast and fascinating chemistry of inorganic compounds and materials will be covered. Atomic structure and the periodic table; molecular symmetry and spectroscopy selection rules; coordination chemistry; lig and-field theory and other electrostatic bonding models; superacids; reaction mechanisms; organometallic chemistry; chemistry of the heavy elements; nuclear chemistry. Chemistry and physics of ionic and molecular solids; atomic and molecular clusters; chemisorption and physisorption of surface-bound species; cage compounds and catalysts; bioinorganic chemistry. A useful course for chemical engineers to extend their knowledge of inorganic chemistry beyond the content of Ch 110. Strongly recommended for students interested in graduate work in chemistry.

    Prerequisites: Ch 160 and Ch 231

    Credits: 3.00

  • Ch 380

    Selected Topics in Chemistry

    Study of topics related to specialized areas as well as advanced fundamentals.

    2-6 credits. Prerequisite: Chemistry faculty approval required

  • Ch 391

    Research Problem I

    An elective course available to any qualified and interested student irrespective of year or major. Students may approach a faculty member and apply to carry out independent research on problems of mutual interest, in pure or applied chemistry. Topics may range from the completely practical to the highly theoretical, and each student is encouraged to do creative work on his or her own with faculty guidance.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor

    1-3 credits.

  • Ch 392 to 398

    Research Problem II to VIII

    This is intended to allow students to continue ongoing research.

    3 credits each. Prerequisite: permission of research adviser and student’s adviser(s)

Chemistry - Graduate

  • Ch 433

    Advanced Organic Chemistry

    Modern areas of organic chemistry, including synthesis, structure determination, stereo-chemistry and conformational analysis, reaction mechanisms, photochemistry, conservation of orbital symmetry, molecular rearrangements and other selected topics. Advanced laboratory studies in research problem form. Typical problems would involve studies of the synthesis, structure and properties of organic compounds, utilizing modern instrumental techniques. Independent laboratory work may be arranged.

    3 credits. (2 hours of lecture; 4 hours of Laboratory). Prerequisite: Ch 232

  • Ch 435

    Organometallic Chemistry

    Fundamentals of Organometallic Chemistry with an emphasis on homogeneous catalysts applied to organic transformations. Study of the electronic configuration, geometry, and stability of transition metal complexes. In-depth discussion of the mechanistic steps of the catalytic reactions and the kinetic methods to study them. Analysis of how steric and electronic properties of the ligands, oxidation state and coordination number of the metal influence catalytic activity and selectivity. Topics extend from historical discoveries to the advent of new catalysts. Through a combination of textbooks, research presentations, and scholarly journal articles, students will gain insights into how organometallic chemistry drives innovation in academic research and the chemical industry.

    Prerequisites: Ch 232 or Ch 232.1

    Credits: 3.00

  • Ch 440

    Biochemistry II

    Discussion of metabolism: Glycolysis, Glycogen Metabolism, Transport through membranes including ATP-Driven Active Transport and Ion Gradient-Driven Active Transport, Citric Acid Cycle, Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation, Lipid Metabolism including Fatty Acid Oxidation and Biosynthesis, Cholesterol Metabolism, Arachidonate Metabolism: Prostaglandins, Prostacyclins, Thromboxanes and Leukotrienes; DNA Repair and Recombination, Eukaryotic Gene Expression including Chromosome Structure, Genomic Organization, Control of Expression, Cell Differentiation.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ch 340

  • Ch 451


    Nanoscience is the study and manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular level. At this scale, materials often exhibit new properties that do not exist in their large-scale counterparts because of the increased importance of surface area/volume ratios and quantum effects. This course will focus on understanding the physical properties and methodologies for the formation (i.e. molecular self-assembly, photolithographic patterning, scanning probe lithography), and characterization (i.e. optical spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, and electron microscopy) of nanomaterials.

    Same course as EID 451

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ch 110, Ch 111, and Ph 213, or permission of instructor

  • Ch 452


    Electrochemistry allows the simultaneous recording of kinetic and thermodynamic information about a chemical reaction. This makes it a powerful tool in a wide variety studies. Since the reactions that define electrochemistry only occur within a few nanometers of the electrode’s surface, mass transport coefficients and surface properties can be uncovered using electrochemical methods. The course will present the fundamentals electrochemistry, including electrical potentials, standard reduction potentials, batteries, reference electrodes, ion-selective electrodes, ionic mobilities, calculating junction potentials. Modern electrochemical methods, including cyclic voltammetry, electrogravimetry, ultra-microelectrodes and nanoelectrodes.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ch 231, Ch 250, Ch 351, Ch 362

  • Ch 460

    Statistical Mechanics and Computational Chemistry

    Topics covered include: Quantum and classical statistical mechanics, phase space, and fluctuations. Intermolecular forces and their experimental and theoretical determination. Computational molecular modeling, including Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics methods. Applications to gases, liquids, solids, spin systems, nanoclusters, polymers, surface adsorbates and biomolecules are considered.

    Prerequisites: Ch 361

    Credits: 3.00

  • Ch 480

    Special Topics in Chemistry

    Advanced study of topics related to specialized areas of pure and applied chemistry. Chemistry faculty approval required.

    Prerequisite: None

    Credits: 2.00

  • Ch 491

    Advanced Chemistry Research I

    Students will carry out graduate-level research in pure and/or applied chemistry under the supervision of a faculty member in the Chemistry department.

    Prerequisite: None

    Credits: 3.00

  • Ch 492

    Advanced Chemistry Research II

    Students will continue ongoing advanced research projects.

    Prerequisite: Ch 491

    Credits: 3.00

  • Ch 493

    Advanced Chemistry Research III

    Students will continue ongoing advanced research projects.

    Prerequisite: Ch 492

    Credits: 3.00

  • Ch 494

    Advanced Chemistry Research IV

    Students will continue ongoing advanced research projects.

    Prerequisite: Ch 493

    Credits: 3.00

Computer Science

  • CS 102

    Introduction to Computer Science

    Concepts in computer science are presented in the context of programming in C, with a brief introduction to Python. Topics include variables, selection statements, loops, functions, structures, pointers. Multiple programming projects are assigned.

    Credits: 2.00

  • CS 278

    Ethics of Computer Science

    A study of the political, ethical, and social dimensions of living in a world increasingly governed and defined by networked, computational systems, from their personal everyday impacts to their planetary ones. Drawing from a mix of historical and contemporary case studies, philosophy, and science fiction, students will explore frameworks for understanding technology not merely as artifact or product but as practice and ideology. As a final project, students will propose and prototype a framework for their own approach to ethical engineering and design.

    Prerequisites: None

    Credits: 3.00

  • CS 371

    Data Visualization (same as ECE 371)

    Exploring, discovering, and creating narratives using data science, design, and storytelling. Introduction to techniques to provide new and innovative approaches to explore, discover, and create narratives from and for the evolving artistic, social, political, scientific and technological landscapes. Introduction of a progressive framework for data and design. Real world examples and applications of the tools and methodologies introduced will be presented.

    Prerequisites CS 102/ECE 160

    Credits: 3.00

Mathematics - Undergraduate

  • Ma 110

    Introduction to Linear Algebra (Starting Fall 2023)

    Vectors in two- and three-dimensions, vector algebra, inner product, cross product and applications, analytic geometry in three dimensions (lines, planes, spheres); matrix algebra, the solution of systems of linear equations, determinants, inverses, and basic properties of the complex number system.

    2 credits. Prerequisites: none

  • Ma 110

    Introduction to Linear Algebra (Prior to Fall 2023)

    Vectors in two- and three- dimensions, vector algebra, inner product, cross product and applications. Analytic geometry in three dimensions: lines, planes, spheres. Matrix algebra; solution of system of linear equations, determinants, inverses.

    2 credits. Prerequisites: none

  • Ma 111

    Calculus I

    Functions; limit of functions, continuity. The derivative and its applications: curve sketching, maxima and minima, related rates, velocity and acceleration in one dimension; trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic and hyperbolic functions. Definite and indefinite integrals; area, the fundamental theorem, techniques of integration.

    4 credits. Prerequisites: none

  • Ma 113

    Calculus II

    Applications of definite integrals: area, volume, improper integrals, work, arc length, surface area, centroid. Polar coordinates. Parametric curves in two and three dimensions: velocity, speed and accelerations. Partial derivatives and the chain rule, properties of the gradient. Maxima and minima. Sequences and series: convergence of sequences and series, Taylor and Maclaurin series, power series.

    4 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 111; prerequisite or corequisite: Ma 110

  • Ma 151.1

    Mathematics in Art

    This course deals with the period beginning with Pythagoras in ancient Greece and goes up to the present day. Topics include Godel's incompleteness theorem, Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries, infinity, paradoxes, and soap film experiments. Also discussed are black holes, the Big Bang theory, and relativity and quantum theory. The course is open to all Cooper Union students but is primarily oriented toward making the above-mentioned concepts comprehensive to those with very little mathematics in their background. Engineering students should see the Mathematics faculty and their advisor(s) for permission to take this course. The relatedness of seemingly distant fields (science, art, mathematics, music) is a central theme of the course.

    3 general studies credits. Spring only.

  • Ma 223

    Vector Calculus

    Double and triple integrals and their applications. Vector fields. Gradient, divergence and curl. Line integrals. Green's Theorem. Path independence of line integrals.

    2 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 110 and Ma 113.

  • Ma 224


    Sample spaces. Random variables. Probability. Distribution and density functions. Expectation. Mean and variance. Moments and generating functions.

    2 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 113; Prerequisite or corequisite: Ma 223.

  • Ma 224.1

    Probability and Statistics

    This course deals with sample spaces, random variables, probability. Distribution and density functions. Expectation. Mean and variance. Moments and generating function. Central limit theorem. Point estimation. Confidence intervals. Hypothesis tests. Chi-square. ANOA. Estimations, sampling theory.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 113; corequisite Ma 223

  • Ma 240

    Differential Equations (Starting Fall 2024)

    Ordinary differential equations of the first order, linear equations of higher order with constant coefficients, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, first-order systems of linear equations, phase plane analysis for nonlinear two-dimensional systems, Laplace transformation, and Fourier series.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 113. Prerequisite or Corequisite: Ma 223.

  • Ma 240

    Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (Prior to Fall 2024)

    Ordinary differential equations of the first order. Linear equations of higher order with constant coefficients. Power series solutions. Laplace transformation. Fourier series. Partial differential equations: method of separations of variables, applications to vibration and heat flow.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma113.

  • Ma 326

    Linear Algebra

    Finite-dimensional vector spaces. Linear independence. Dimension. Basis. Subspaces. Inner product. Matrices. Rank. Determinant. Systems of linear equations. Matrix algebra. Coordinate transformation. Orthogonal matrices. Linear transformation. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Quadratic forms. Canonical form.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 223

  • Ma 336

    Mathematical Statistics

    Statistical central limit theorem. Decision theory. Estimation: properties of estimators, point estimation, confidence intervals. Hypothesis testing: simple and composite hypothesis, Neyman-Pearson lemma, sequential methods, relationship to estimation. Normal distribution tests: t-test, chi-square, F-test. Introduction to non-parametric methods, regression and analysis of variance.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 223 and Ma 224

  • Ma 337

    Operations Research

    Linear programming, simplex method, graphs and network theory, dynamic programming, game theory, queues, variational techniques, duality, Markov chains, Monte Carlo simulation, and decision theory. Special topics depending on student interest, possibly including language questions, integer programming, non-linear programming and topics from mathematical biology, econometrics, and other applications of mathematics to the sciences and social sciences.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 224

  • Ma 341

    Differential Geometry

    Theory of curves and surfaces, curvature, torsion, mean and Gaussian curvatures length, area, geodesics, 1st and 2nd quadratic forms, conformal mapping, minimal surfaces, tensor formulation and applications.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 223.

  • Ma 344

    Tensor Analysis

    Tensor algebra, covariant and contravariant tensors, metric tensors, Christoffel symbols and applications.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 326

  • Ma 345

    Functions of a Complex Variable

    Topological properties of complex plane, complex analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, line integrals, Cauchy's integral theorem and formula. Taylor series, uniform convergence, residues, analytic continuation, conformal mappings and applications.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 223

  • Ma 347

    Modern Algebra

    Sets and mappings, the integers: well ordering, induction residue class arithmetic, Euler-Fermat theorems. Permutation groups: cyclic decompositions. transpositions, conjugate classes of permutations. Abstract groups: morphisms, subgroups, cyclic groups, coset decompositions. Factor and isomorphism theorems. Direct products of groups. Sylow's theorems.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 326

  • Ma 350

    Mathematical Analysis I

    Sets and functions, topological properties of real line, continuity and uniform continuity, differentiability, mean value theorems, the Riemann-Stieltjes integral and Taylor's theorem.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 223

  • Ma 351

    Mathematical Analysis II

    Uniform convergence. Differentitation of transformations, inverse and implicit function theorems. Applications to geometry and analysis.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 350

  • Ma 352

    Discrete Mathematics

    Relations. Mathematical structures. Number theory. Algorithms. Complexity of algorithms. Cryptology. Recurrence relations. Graph theory. A shortest-path algorithm. Planar graphs. Trees. A maximal flow algorithm. Finite-state automata. Languages and grammar. Turing machines. The Church-Turing thesis. Unsolvable problems.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 110

  • Ma 370

    Selected Topics In Mathematics

    This is a seminar course involving discussion of topics in pure or applied mathematics that will be chosen by mutual agreement between the students and the instructor. Students will work independently on projects that may be of special interest to them.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 326 and permission of the mathematics faculty

  • Ma 371

    Selected Topics in Mathematics

    This course is intended to allow undergraduate students to continue Ma 370 with related topics.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 370 and permission of the mathematics faculty

  • Ma 381


    Individual investigation of selected topics in pure or applied mathematics, centered on a subject to be agreed on between students and the faculty leader. Emphasis will be on training in independent reading of mathematical literature, oral presentations and group discussions of the theory and problems.

    Credits and class hours to be determined by faculty on individual basis. Prerequisite: Ma 223

  • Ma 382

    Seminar (continuation of Ma 381)

    Individual investigation of selected topics in pure or applied mathematics, centered on a subject to be agreed on between students and the faculty leader. Emphasis will be on training in independent reading of mathematical literature, oral presentations and group discussions of the theory and problems.

    Credits to be determined by faculty on individual basis. Prerequisite: Ma 381

  • Ma 391

    Research Problem 1

    An elective course available to qualified advanced undergraduate students.Students may approach a faculty member and apply to carry out independent research on problems of mutual interest in pure or applied mathematics. Each student is encouraged to do independent creative work with faculty guidance.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 240 and permission of research adviser

  • Ma 392

    Research Problem 2

    This course, a continuation of Ma 391, is intended to allow undergraduate students to continue ongoing research.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 391 and permission of research adviser

Mathematics - Graduate

  • Ma 401

    Boundary Value Problems

    Orthogonal polynomials, Fourier series; properties of Legendre polynomials and Bessel functions. Applications to the wave equation and the differential equations of heat transfer in several dimensions.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 223 and Ma 240

  • Ma 402

    Numerical Analysis

    Techniques for the solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations, the classical problems of linear algebra, integration and systems of nonlinear equations. Error analysis, convergence and stability theory. Course assignments will include use of computing facilities.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 223 and Ma 240

  • Ma 403

    Special Topics in Applied Mathematics

    Introduction to the general theory of partial differential equations; existence and uniqueness of solutions; integral equations; computational techniques using finite-element and probabilistic methods. Other current topics in engineering may be included also.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 114 and Ma 326 or permission of instructor

  • Ma 415

    Wavelets and Multiresolution Imaging

    3 credits. Prerequisites: ECE 114 and Ma 326.

  • Ma 417

    Mathematics of Medical Imaging

    Mathematical basis for various medical imaging methods including CT, MRI, PET. Radon transform, tomography (recovery from projections), inverse problems, artifacts and noise. Mathematical physics of related topics such as wave propagation, signal generation and detection, quantum mechanics.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 240 and Ma 326.

  • Ma 470

    Selected Advanced Topics in Mathematics

    Selected topics in Mathematics treated at an advanced level.

    Credits to be determined by Mathematics faculty. Prerequisites: Ma 326 and permission of faculty member

  • Ma 471

    Selected Topics in Mathematics

    This course is intended to allow graduate students to continue Ma 470 with related topics.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 470 and permission of the mathematics faculty

  • Ma 491

    Research Problem 1

    An elective course available to qualified graduate students. Students may approach a faculty member and apply to carry out independent research on problems of mutual interest in pure or applied mathematics. Each student is encouraged to do independent creative work with faculty guidance.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Permission of research adviser

  • Ma 492

    Research Problem 2

    This is intended to allow graduate students to continue ongoing research.

    3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 491 and permission of research adviser

Physics - Undergraduate

  • Ph 112

    Physics I: Mechanics

    Static equilibrium, kinematics, Newton's Law's, non-inertial frames of reference, system of particles, work and energy, linear and angular momentum, rigid body motion, conservation laws, oscillation.

    4 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 110 and Ma 111; Prerequisite and corequisite: Ma 113

  • Ph 165

    Concepts of Physics I

    An introduction to physics with an emphasis on statics and dynamics.

    2 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 160, CS 102; corequisite: Ma 163. Cannot be used to satisfy any degree requirement in the School of Engineering

  • Ph 166

    Concepts of Physics II

    This is a continuation of Ph 165. Additional topics include optics, waves and an introduction to structural analysis.

    2 credits. Cannot be used to satisfy any degree requirement in the School of Engineering. Prerequisite: Ph 165; corequisite: Ma 164.

  • Ph 213

    Physics II: Electromagnetic Phenomena

    Oscillations; transverse and longitudinal waves. Electric fields; Gauss' Law; electric potential; capacitance; D.C. circuits; magnetic fields; Faraday's law; inductance; A.C.circuits; electromagnetic waves.

    4 credits. Prerequisite: Ph 112 and Ma 223; Corequisite: Ma 223

  • Ph 214

    Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics

    Geometric and physical optics, electrical and magnetic properties of matter. The quantum theory of light. The quantum theory of matter..Atomic structure.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ph 213 and Ma 223

  • Ph 235

    Physics Simulations

    Students will be taught how to numerically solve ordinary differential equations using 4th order techniques such as Runge-Kutta and Adams-Bashforth-Moulton in the Python programming language. These techniques will be used to solve diverse physics problems not amenable to simple analytical solution, such as n-body gravitational motion, the motion of charged particles in a magnetic bottle, the behavior of a car's suspension on a bumpy road. Emphasisis placed on physically accurate modeling (e.g. satisfying conservation laws to high accuracy) and the effective use of computer graphics/animation for the presentation of results. (Students need not have significant programming experience for this course.)

    3 credits. Prerequisites: CS102, Ph112, Ma113, and permission of instructor

  • Ph 291

    Introductory Physics Laboratory

    Physical measurements and analysis of experimental data. The experiments test and apply some basic principles selected from the following fields: mechanics, sound, electromagnetism, optics and modern physics. Experiments and topics may vary each semester. Digital and analog laboratory instruments; computer acquisition and analysis of data. Estimate of systematic and random error, propagation of error, interpretation of results. This course complements three lecture courses, Ph 112, Ph 213, Ph 214.

    1.5 credits. Prerequisite: Ph 112 and Ph 213; corequisites: Ph 213

  • Ph 327

    Topics in Modern Physics

    Seminar course with student participation in several topics of current interest in experimental and theoretical science.

    3 credits. Prerequisite: Ph 214

  • Ph 328

    Relativity and Electrodynamics

    Introduction to tensures; formulation of electromagnetic theory. Special and general theories of relativity. Topics include space time transformations, electromagnetic stress-energy momentum tensor, four space curvature and gravitational field equations, description of basic experiments, gravitational waves, cosmological models.

    2 credits. Prerequisite: Ph 214

  • Ph 348

    Flow Visualization

    Study of a broad range of fluid flow phenomena emphasizing the features and patterns char- acteristic of each. Introduction to visualization techniques used to reveal and capture details of these flows, leading to the application of these techniques to actual flows in the lab or in the field. Essential photographic methodology for still images and movies, including lighting, exposure, depth of field and digital image post-processing. Use of tracers, including dyes, vapor, bubbles and particles as well as optical tools, such as schlieren and/or shadowgraph. Natural and engineering flows will be examined, beginning with mathematical and physical analysis of visualizable properties, including buoyancy, interfaces, vorticity, streamlines and pathlines, and concluding with an actual image or movie. Motivated by the immense scientific and engineering importance of flow visualization in vehicle design, dispersal of environmental pollutants, biomedical flows and many others, flow images are an important form of technical communication and will be critiqued and improved, culminating in a final project exhibition.

    Prerequisites: ESC-340 or ESC-140. 

    Open to all students.

    Credits: 3.00

  • Ph 360

    Special Projects in Physics

    Special projects in experimental or theoretical physics.

    Credits and prerequisites determined in each case by the physics faculty

Physics - Graduate

  • Ph 429

    Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering and Science

    Course examines the mathematical formalism and methods of analysis and solution of deterministic autonomous and non-autonomous nonlinear systems, including phase space, local and global bifurcations, limit cycles and attractors, strange attractors, chaos and fractals, maps and universality. Applications will be drawn from nonlinear oscillators in biology, chemistry and electronics, mechanical and structural stability, geophysics, astrophysics and fluid dynamics, as well as from models used in climate science, economics and epidemics.

    Prerequisites: Ph 214, Ma 113 (Ma 240 preferred) and CS 102 or ECE 160

    Credits: 3.00

  • Ph 432


    Introduction to Cosmology, physics and composition of our Universe, our place in the universe, the large-scale distribution of galaxies and scientific developments, the cosmic web, voids and clusters of galaxies, distance measurements, Robertson-Walker metric, proper distance, Universe evolution, dark matter, dark energy, cosmic microwave background, link between observations, simulations and theoretical models, data analysis for Cosmology, Hubble constant and tensions, velocities, the virial theorem, gravitational instability, physics of baryon acoustic oscillations, cosmological parameters, survey design.

    Prerequisite: Ph 214

    Credits: 2.00

Vertically Integrated Projects - Undergraduate

  • VIP 381A

    Smart Cities

    The Autonomy of “Smart” Cities is a cross-disciplinary course that is dedicated to finding technology-based solutions to some of the most pressing issues that are currently facing our cities. This course will focus on closed-loop systems in order to explore a more sustainable transportation, energy, and urban agricultural structures that promote the autonomy of our communities and enhance the livability of our cities. Students will be expected to develop complete solutions (design and implementation) integrating ideas and concepts from different disciplines such as: design, ML, Robotics, IoT, hardware design, vision, lighting, and control theory.

    Example Projects:

    - Self-Drive: an autonomous vehicle project.

    - Net-Zero-Surrey: designing a sustainable transportation solution for more livable future cities.

    - Urban Agriculture: enabling the urban community to produce their own food.

    - Robotics Arms: modeling human motion with robotics arms.

    - Drones: sling load and cooperative drones

    Advisors: Neveen Shlayan, Mili Shah, Dirk Luchtenburg, Ben Davis

    Credits: 1.00

  • VIP 381B

    Solar Decathlon

    The Solar Decathlon course forms a cross-disciplinary team that engages in a design phase and a build phase of highly efficient and innovative buildings powered by renewable energy. Students are expected to prepare creative solutions for real-world issues in the building industry. The focus of this course will be High-performance building design includes comprehensive building science, energy efficiency, optimized structural and mechanical systems, indoor air quality, resilience, and water conservation while maintaining the highest spatial design standards. Engineering students will be working closely with Architects to design an efficient and innovative system to support the functional and aesthetic characteristics of their projects while experimenting with the use of standard as well as unconventional materials. Students will be taught the basics of statics, strength of materials, structural analysis and design. Teams will be expected to participate in the Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenge:

    Course Objectives:
    - Introduce students to state of the state-of-the-art industry standard technology to better prepare them to enter the workforce.
    - Allow students to engage with their specialized knowledge and skills in the contexts of a team-based research project.
    - Provide students with the opportunity to conduct research at an early stage to better prepare them for possible academic careers.
    - Enable students to work in multidisciplinary teams in the pursuit of designing effective solutions to modern complex issues.

    Advisors: Cosmas Tzavelis, Lorena Del Rio, David Wooton, Neveen Shlayan

    Credits: 1.00

  • VIP 381C


    The goal of the VIP is to successfully participate in the Formula SAE® competitions that challenge teams of university students to conceive, design, fabricate, develop, and compete with small, formula style vehicles. Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a series of events, both off track and on track against the clock. Each competition gives teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing, and demonstrating a prototype vehicle.

    Prerequisites: Students must be pursuing their undergraduate degree in order to enroll in VIP for credit. Enrollment is based on a rolling application process with a decision made before the beginning of each semester.

    Credits: 1.00

  • VIP 381D

    Frontiers of Bioengineering

    This interdisciplinary VIP will focus on building models for biological systems that focus on finding creative solutions to common problems in healthcare. This will include both computational and physical explorations of various body systems. The goal will be to have a better understanding of complex biological environments through creating databases of information in which to improve society.

    Students must be pursuing their undergraduate degree in order to enroll in VIP for credit. Enrollment is based on a rolling application process with a decision made before the beginning of each semester.

    Credits: 1.00

  • VIP 381E

    Autonomous Vehicles

    Compete in the IGVC event and conduct autonomous vehicles research at Cooper Union.

    No prerequisite courses required, but AI/ML/etc. are helpful for the technical team.

    Credits: 1.00

Vertically Integrated Projects - Graduate

  • VIP 481A

    Smart Cities

    The Autonomy of “Smart” Cities is a cross-disciplinary course that is dedicated to finding technology-based solutions to some of the most pressing issues that are currently facing our cities. This course will focus on closed-loop systems in order to explore a more sustainable transportation, energy, and urban agricultural structures that promote the autonomy of our communities and enhance the livability of our cities. Students will be expected to develop complete solutions (design and implementation) integrating ideas and concepts from different disciplines such as: design, ML, Robotics, IoT, hardware design, vision, lighting, and control theory.

    Example Projects:

    - Self-Drive: an autonomous vehicle project.

    - Net-Zero-Surrey: designing a sustainable transportation solution for more livable future cities.

    - Urban Agriculture: enabling the urban community to produce their own food.

    - Robotics Arms: modeling human motion with robotics arms.

    - Drones: sling load and cooperative drones

    Advisors: Neveen Shlayan, Mili Shah, Dirk Luchtenburg, Ben Davis

    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

    For undergraduates: junior standing and must have completed 2 semesters of prior undergraduate VIP course work.

    Students may not take more than 3 credits of graduate level VIP.

    Credits: 1.00

  • VIP 481B

    Solar Decathlon

    The Solar Decathlon course forms a cross-disciplinary team that engages in a design phase and a build phase of highly efficient and innovative buildings powered by renewable energy. Students are expected to prepare creative solutions for real-world issues in the building industry. The focus of this course will be High-performance building design includes comprehensive building science, energy efficiency, optimized structural and mechanical systems, indoor air quality, resilience, and water conservation while maintaining the highest spatial design standards. Engineering students will be working closely with Architects to design an efficient and innovative system to support the functional and aesthetic characteristics of their projects while experimenting with the use of standard as well as unconventional materials. Students will be taught the basics of statics, strength of materials, structural analysis and design. Teams will be expected to participate in the Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenge:

    Course Objectives:
    - Introduce students to state of the state-of-the-art industry standard technology to better prepare them to enter the workforce.
    - Allow students to engage with their specialized knowledge and skills in the contexts of a team-based research project.
    - Provide students with the opportunity to conduct research at an early stage to better prepare them for possible academic careers.
    - Enable students to work in multidisciplinary teams in the pursuit of designing effective solutions to modern complex issues.

    Advisors: Cosmas Tzavelis, Lorena Del Rio, David Wooton, Neveen Shlayan

    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

    For undergraduates: junior standing and must have completed 2 semesters of prior undergraduate VIP course work.

    Students may not take more than 3 credits of graduate level VIP.

    Credits: 1.00

  • VIP 481C


    The goal of the VIP is to successfully participate in the Formula SAE® competitions that challenge teams of university students to conceive, design, fabricate, develop, and compete with small, formula style vehicles. Formula SAE® is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a series of events, both off track and on track against the clock. Each competition gives teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing, and demonstrating a prototype vehicle.

    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

    For undergraduates: junior standing and must have completed 2 semesters of prior undergraduate VIP course work.

    Students may not take more than 3 credits of graduate level VIP.

    Credits: 1.00

  • VIP 481D

    Frontiers of Bioengineering

    This interdisciplinary VIP will focus on building models for biological systems that focus on finding creative solutions to common problems in healthcare. This will include both computational and physical explorations of various body systems. The goal will be to have a better understanding of complex biological environments through creating databases of information in which to improve society.

    Students must be pursuing their undergraduate degree in order to enroll in VIP for credit. Enrollment is based on a rolling application process with a decision made before the beginning of each semester.

    Credits: 1.00

  • VIP 481E

    Autonomous Vehicles

    Compete in the IGVC event and conduct autonomous vehicles research at Cooper Union.

    No prerequisite courses required, but AI/ML/etc. are helpful for the technical team.

    Credits: 1.00

Summer STEM

  • STEM 201

    Design and Drawing for Engineering

    Inspired by classes that every Cooper Union engineering student takes in their freshman year, students develop design practices and problem-solving skills through examining the needs of their community. At the same time, students learn sketching, technical drawing and computer aided design and tools and strategies for communicating ideas through words, images, and speech. Meetings with faculty, students and engineers will introduce current problems and the solutions being developed at Cooper Union or at engineering and technology companies. By the end of the program, students will identify a problem, design a solution, and create a portfolio and presentation to promote how they imagine and engineer a better world.

    This class is open to 9th, 10th and 11th graders.

    Instructors: Austin Wong, Cooper Union Alumni and Educator, and Cooper Union Undergraduate Teaching Assistants

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: Online, Real time, Synchronous. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions and practice sessions.

    Materials: A CU@Home kit will be provided to students living in the United States only.

    Technology Requirements:

    Class: Computer with camera and microphone to participate in online video class (Zoom) and project work at the same time.

    Project work: Computer with WiFi to use web-based software and file management system (Microsoft Office and Teams). Camera to collect images and video of your project and upload to presentation and portfolio.

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 203

    Environmental Engineering

    Description: Civil engineering is made up of many diverse fields. Among these are the design and construction of buildings, towers, bridges, airports, tunnels, sustainable structures such as green roofs, streets, walls and rain gardens. New York City includes all these structures along with the challenges of being a coastal city. The students will work on a civil engineering problem critical for preserving the environment and protecting the infrastructure of New York City: storm surge protection. Student will learn tools for modeling, drawing for engineering, experimenting and presenting work. With the guidance of a Cooper Union professor and students, participants will develop environmental engineering proposals to make New York City a safer, healthier and more livable space.

    Instructors: Jared Rogovin, a Cooper Union Almuni, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Prerequisites: none


    - Session 1: July 6 to July 23, 2020

    - Session 2: July 27 to August 13, 2020

    Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday


    - Workshops 10:30 am - 12 pm

    - Breakout sessions 1:00 – 2:00 pm or 2:00 – 3:00 pm

    Time per day: 2.5 hours/day plus 30-60 minutes project work

    Location: Online

    Teaching method: Synchronous. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through scheduled lectures, discussions and demonstrations.


    - Paper

    - Pencil and/or pen

    - Ruler (cm)

    - Compass

    Technology Requirements:

    Class: Computer or smart phone with camera and microphone to participate in online video class (Zoom).

    Project work: Computer with WiFii to use web-based software (TBD, Microsoft office) and file management system (Microsoft Teams). Scanner or camera to document drawings and take photographs of research and upload to presentation and portfolio.

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 205

    Biomedical Engineering

    Description: Chemical engineering is a field that covers many types of engineering applications, including food science, pharmaceuticals, and materials engineering. In this class, students will build on research involving materials commonly found in the food and drug industries. Topics covered will include polymers, drug delivery, crystallization, and characterization of materials. Students will use their kitchens and homes to engage in guided experiments and small-scale projects that link theory to practice. Students will combine their results to develop a larger understanding of core concepts of chemical engineering. This class is limited to 20 students per session.

    Instructors: Amy Pan, a Cooper Union Chemical Engineering alumni, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants


    - Session 1: July 20, 2020 to July 30, 2020

    - Session 2: August 3 to August 13, 2020

    Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday


    - Workshops 10:00 am - 12 pm

    - Breakout session: 1:00 – 2:00 pm

    Time per day: 3 hours/day plus 30-60 minutes project work

    Teaching method: Synchronous. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through scheduled lectures, discussions and demonstrations.


    - Paper

    - Pencil and/or pen

    - Stove and kitchen measuring tools.

    - White sugar and vegetable oil

    - The Biomedical Engineering Kit will be provided to students living in the United States only.

    Technology Requirements:

    Class: Computer with camera and microphone to participate in online video class (Zoom) and program at the same time.

    Project work: Computer with WiFi to use web-based software (Arduino, Microsoft office) and file management system (Github, Microsoft Teams). Camera to collect images and video of your project and upload to presentation and portfolio.

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 206

    Digital Logic Design

    Description: Hardware development involves both electrical and computer engineering. The Cooper Union students learn these skills in the Digital Logic Design course during their second year. This hybrid class (online with at-home prototyping) borrows from The Cooper Union course and challenges students to assess, design, build, test, and demonstrate an electronics project from scratch.  Topics covered include digital logic design, circuit theory, and basic microelectronics.  Students will engage in guided exercises and small-scale projects to put theory into practice. Students will be taught a free electronics simulation environment which they will use to develop some projects. They will also receive a small parts kit to construct actual prototypes of some projects. Student work culminates with an original design.  It is recommended that students requesting this course have beginner electronics and programming experience. This class is limited to 24 students per session.

    Instructors: Prof. Lisa Shay, Electrical Engineering, and Cooper Union student instructors

    Prerequisites: Experience programming in an object-oriented language like C, C++, Java, or Python.


    - Session 1: July 6, 2020 to July 23, 2020

    - Session 2: July 27 to August 13, 2020

    Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday


    - Workshops 10:00 am - 12 pm

    - Breakout session: 1:00 – 3:00 pm

    Time per day: 4 hours/day plus 30-60 minutes project work

    Location: Online

    Teaching method: Synchronous. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through scheduled lectures, discussions and demonstrations.


    - Paper

    - Pencil and/or pen

    The Digital Logic Design Kit will be provided to students living in the United States only.

    Technology Requirements:

    Class: Computer with camera and microphone to participate in online video class (Zoom) and program at the same time.

    Project work: Computer with WiFi to use web-based software (TinkerCAD, Logism, Microsoft office) and file management system (Github, Microsoft Teams). TinkerCAD and Logisim (free software) will be used to simulate projects. Camera to collect images and video of your project and upload to presentation and portfolio.

    Prerequisites: Experience programming in an object-oriented language like C, C++, Java, or Python

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 212

    Climate Change and Data Visualization

    Student activism in recent years has moved the climate crisis to the forefront of public discussion. In this course, students will gain an overview of climate change topics including historical and contemporary research, the current state of the Earth system, proposed mitigation strategies like carbon dioxide removal, and critical perspectives on the social and technological changes required for decarbonization. The class will begin with an introduction to coding and data visualization in Python and graphic design techniques. Building on these skills, student teams will develop and present infographics for a communication medium of their choice, such as social media, newspapers, or public poster campaigns.

    This class is open to 9th, 10th and 11th graders.

    Instructors: Matthew Grattan, STEM Teaching Fellow, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: Online, Real time, Synchronous. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions.

    Materials: A CU@Home kit will be provided to students living in the United States only.

    Technology Requirements:

    Class: Computer with camera and microphone to participate in online video class (Zoom) and project work at the same time.

    Project work: Computer with WiFi to use web-based software and file management system (Microsoft Office and Teams). Camera to collect images and video of your project and upload to presentation and portfolio.

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 213

    Project Gateway

    Project Gateway introduces students to Civil Engineering concepts and skills through investigating how the design of cities and infrastructure impact communities and then redesigning their city to enhance community access. Students will learn to model urban environments using AutoCad, analyze data related to cities and neighborhoods using MS Excel and interpret engineering project proposals and white papers. NYC community initiatives will be studied to understand how inclusive engineering evolves over time and continues to need input from engineers and community members. Student teams will research and redesign their own neighborhood with people, not profit, in mind and present their proposal and models.

    This class is open to 9th, 10th and 11th graders.

    Instructors: Mahmoud Khair- Eldin, STEM Teaching Fellow, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: Online, Real time, Synchronous. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions.

    Materials: A CU@Home kit will be provided to students living in the United States only.

    Technology Requirements:

    Class: Computer with camera and microphone to participate in online video class (Zoom) and project work at the same time.

    Project work: Computer with WiFi to use web-based software and file management system (Microsoft Office and Teams). Camera to collect images and video of your project and upload to presentation and portfolio.

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 214

    Water Quality Research and Design

    Water pollution is a worldwide problem. Human and industrial activities alter the chemical composition of water, resulting in the abnormal presence or concentration of species that unbalance the ecosystem. In NYC and other large metropolis, green ponds caused by algae blooms and contaminated waters that impact the beauty and health of parks and the urban environment. Students will participate in a research project to collect information on water quality and New York City parks. Teams of students will design and engineering, water treatment techniques using domestic bio-wastes, to explore their capacity to reduce the concentration of pollutants and other chemical species. Results from both projects will be presented at the end of the session and share with student researchers as the project continues over several years.

    This class is open to 10th and 11th graders.

    Instructors: Abel Navarro, Adjunct Faculty, and Cooper Union Undergraduate Teaching Assistants

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: Online, Real time, Synchronous. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions and practice sessions. Field work will be conducted in a park near the student.

    Materials: A CU@Home kit will be provided to students living in the United States only.

    Technology Requirements:

    Class: Computer with camera and microphone to participate in online video class (Zoom) and project work at the same time.

    Project work: Computer with WiFi to use web-based software and file management system (Microsoft Office and Teams). Camera to collect images and video of your project and upload to presentation and portfolio.

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 215

    Robotics Crash Course

    The “Robotics Crash Course” is an introductory course to understanding the fundamentals of how mobile robotic systems function. Learning about how to integrate sensors and actuators (sometimes called motors) using a micro-processor, is a central lesson taught throughout the timeline of the class. Students will assemble and program a WiFi controlled robot. This course is a great introduction to many courses you will see throughout your college engineering education curriculum.

    This class is open to 10th and 11th graders.

    Instructors: Michael Giglia, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Staff and Adjunct Faculty, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Prerequisites: Experience programming in an object-oriented language such as C, C++, Java, or Python.

    Teaching method: Online, Real time, Synchronous. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions.

    Materials: A CU@Home kit will be provided to students living in the United States only.

    Technology Requirements:

    Class: Computer with camera and microphone to participate in online video class (Zoom) and project work at the same time.

    Project work: Computer with WiFi to use web-based software and file management system (Microsoft Office and Teams). Camera to collect images and video of your project and upload to presentation and portfolio.

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 216

    Machine Learning

    Machine learning is an important branch of applied mathematics that is increasingly used in medicine and biomedical research, artificial intelligence, and data analysis. In this course, students will be introduced to fundamental algorithms used in machine learning systems beginning with the method of least squares, or Linear Regression, move onto an introduction to electronics and Quantum Mechanics, and then practice these skills through case studies from research and industry. Student teams will choose a problem to study and use publicly available datasets to analyze the data using the methods learned in the course and identify opportunities for machine learning in health care, business, and engineering settings.

    This class is open to 10th and 11th graders.

    Instructors: Michael Kumaresan, Adjunct Faculty and Cooper Union Alumni, and Cooper Union Undergraduate Teaching Assistants

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: Online, Real time, Synchronous. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions and practice sessions.

    Materials: A CU@Home kit will be provided to students living in the United States only.

    Technology Requirements:

    Class: Computer with camera and microphone to participate in online video class (Zoom) and program at the same time.

    Project work: Computer with WiFi to use web-based software and file management system (Microsoft Office and Teams). Camera to collect images and video of your project and upload to presentation and portfolio.

    Cost: $1850

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 22-10

    Biomaterials Design

    Consumers and companies are becoming more concerned with the sustainability of products. Increased use of biomaterials, both natural (collagen-based tissue engineering, silk sutures, cellulose sponges) and synthetic (metal joint replacements, ceramic dental implants, polymer-based contact lenses), is leading to questions about the sustainability and biocompatibility of these products. Are biomaterials damaging our bodies and our planet? To answer questions about biomaterials, students will explore science and engineering fundamentals and learn tools to develop biomaterials. Student teams will develop prototypes of new biomaterials or novel applications of current biomaterials.

    Students will learn:
    • Engineering and science concepts related to biomaterials design,
    • Computer aided design,
    • Product development journeys,

    Instructors: Reagan Smith, STEM Teaching Fellow, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    This Three week program is open to 9th and 10th graders.

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions at 41 Cooper Square. Off campus field trips and site visits will also be scheduled.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students may opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $1875

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 22-11

    Computer Aided Drug Design

    The world is constantly changing in ways we can see and in ways we can’t see. At the unseen level, atoms combine to make the molecules that we see: everything from water to hair on our heads. The ability of atoms to combine and change places can be used to make new molecules, like drugs to prevent or treat disease. To understand how computers can be used to develop new drugs, this course combines chemistry, computer science, and physics with cloud-based computing. Students will learn to use computer simulations to model and understand interactions between atoms and molecules and to solve problems in chemistry that contribute to drug discovery and manufacturing.

    Students will learn:
    • Concepts in Computer Aided Drug Design
    • Computational programming tools such as SPARTAN and PyMOL
    • Engineering Design and Decision Making tools

    Instructors: Sangjoon (Bob) Lee, STEM Teaching Fellow, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    This Three Week Program is open to 9th and 10th graders.

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions at 41 Cooper Square. Off campus field trips or site visits will also be scheduled.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students may opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $1875 per session

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 22-3

    DATA for New York

    Critical infrastructure systems impact our daily lives, from the time we brush our teeth in the morning until we switch off all the lights at night. We often interact with these systems without giving them much thought. At the same time, many components of these systems are aging and outdated, no longer meeting the needs of the communities they serve. One major challenge in maintaining these systems is identifying damages and prioritizing maintenance and repairs.

    Crowd sourcing is a data collection method that relies on public citizens to provide data and is a powerful tool in collecting real-time information about urban and environmental conditions. In this class, we will discuss the power of crowdsourcing data to better understand and maintain NYC infrastructures. We will also investigate ways to analyze civil systems (from structures to networks) and to visualize data for monitoring these systems. Students will learn basic tools for data collection and visualization; fundamentals of structural and system analysis; and discuss infrastructure resilience in the context of NYC.

    Students will be exposed to:

    -Fundamentals of civil engineering (beginning with structural analysis)

    -Group work and collaboration

    -Engineering research techniques

    -Data collection and visualization (including Excel and basic Python)

    -Design and problem-solving

    Instructors: Cynthia Lee, Cooper Union Civil Engineering Faculty, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Participants: Students in 10th or 11th grade in the 2022-2023 school year.

    Session information: This six-week program offer one session starting Monday, July 10, 2023. Classes meet Monday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, field trips, guest speakers and project work.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students can opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $3995

    Apply now:
    Read the Summer STEM FAQs

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 22-4

    Machine learning

    Machine learning is an important branch of applied mathematics that is increasingly used in medicine and biomedical research. In this course, students will be introduced to fundamental algorithms used in machine learning systems beginning with the method of least squares, or Linear Regression, move onto a brief introduction to electronics and Quantum Mechanics, and then apply these to predict the systolic blood pressure of patients based on their age and weight. Student teams will choose a problem to study and use publicly available datasets to analyze the data using the methods learned in the course and identify opportunities for machine learning in health care settings.

    Students will learn to:
    • Define and explain uses of machine learning
    • Apply one and two dimensional linear regressions
    • Implement basic electronics to understand machine learning concepts.

    Instructors: Michael Kumaresan, Cooper Union Alumni and Adjunct Faculty, and Cooper Union Undergraduate Teaching Assistants

    This Four Week Online Program class is open to 10th and 11th graders with the prerequisite.

    Prerequisite: Precalculus or calculus with a grade of B or higher

    Teaching method: Online, Class starts July 11 and ends August 4. Synchronous Zoom meetings will occur 1-4 PM EST. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions and practice. Additional Office Hours and Study Sessions will be offered at times to be determined.

    Materials: A CU@Home kit will be provided to students living in the United States only.

    Technology Requirements: Computer with camera and microphone to participate in online video class (Zoom) and use web-based software and file management system (Microsoft Office and Teams). Camera to collect images and video of your project and upload to presentation and portfolio

    Cost: $1850

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 22-5

    Robotics Crash Course

    The “Robotics Crash Course” is an introductory course focused on exposing students to the fundamentals of robotic systems as well as various tools that would be used throughout development of these systems. Learning how to integrate sensors and actuators (sometimes called motors) using a micro-processor, is a central lesson taught throughout the timeline of the class. Students will assemble and program a small differential drive robot as well as design and implement various algorithms to complete challenges. This course is a great introduction to many courses you will see throughout your college engineering education curriculum.

    Students will be exposed to:

    -Electronics theory

    -Programming in C++ on an Arduino microcontroller

    -Uses of various sensors and actuators

    -0Introductory Physics and Calculus

    -Unix shell

    -Simulating dynamic systems with Python

    -Algorithm Visualization (Block Diagrams - State Machines)

    -Introductory Feedback Control Systems

    -Teamwork and problem solving

    Instructors: Michael Giglia, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Staff and Adjunct Faculty, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Participants: Students in 10th or 11th grade in the 2022-2023 school year.

    Session information: This six-week program offers one session starting Monday, July 10, 2023. Classes meet Monday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.

    Prerequisite: Experience programming in an object-oriented language such as C, C++, Java, or Python.

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions at 41 Cooper Square.

    Materials: A CU Robot kit will be provided to students on the first day of class. Students can opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $3995

    Apply now:
    Read the Summer STEM FAQs

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 22-6

    Prototyping and Design with Extended Reality

    How do emerging technologies such as Augmented Reality meet digital fabrication tools like 3D printers? And how might these tools be used to create immersive experiences and meaningful artifacts that tell an individual's story? In this class, students will learn novel and traditional technologies in The Cooper Union’s Makerspace to prototype solutions for the needs of communities in rural and urban settings. Students will be introduced to interactive app development and create 3D assets for virtual and physical environments by completing a series of design challenges in teams. Throughout the course they will develop an iterative making practice by rapid prototyping their ideas starting with cardboard & paper and progressing to 3D modelling & worldbuilding. By engaging in research activities that pull from human-centered design and systems thinking, they will gain the critical thinking skills to see the “target users” of their projects as people with real needs and question the effectiveness of technology as a way to answer them.

    Students will learn:
    • Computer aided design for 3D printing, lasercutting, and digital assets,
    • Augmented and Virtual Reality development software,
    • Human-centered design.

    Instructors: Isa Vento, Cooper Union Engineering staff, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Participants: Students in 10th or 11th grade in the 2022-2023 school year.

    Session information: This six-week program offers one session starting Monday, July 10, 2023. Classes meet Monday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, field trips, guest speakers and project work.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students can opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $3995

    Apply now:
    Read the Summer STEM FAQs

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 22-7

    Racecar Research

    This hands-on laboratory course allows students to explore electric engines, aerodynamics, microcontroller, heat exchangers, sensors, suspensions, steering, and braking systems, etc. as they relate to the design and manufacturing of a collegiate-level Formula Race Car. Students will have the opportunity to explore design considerations, such as hardware/software/methods selection or system level integration, to help connect theoretical foundations with application.  The essence of this program lies in the direct involvement on nascent and ongoing hands-on projects. Students will work in teams to explore fundamentals of racecar development, including mechanical measurement, analysis and presentation of data. The Cooper Union Formula SAE Race Team invites you to join our research projects; Help us design, build, and test systems for the 2023-2024 racecar.  

    Students will learn:

    -Engineering, math and science concepts related to racecar design

    -Methods to design tests for individual car components

    -Engineering design and decision-making tools

    Instructors: Estuardo Rodas, Mechanical Engineering staff and adjunct faculty, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Participants: Students in 10th or 11th grade in the 2022-2023 school year.

    Session information: This six-week program offers one session starting Monday, July 10, 2023. Classes meet Monday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions at 41 Cooper Square. Off campus field trips and site visits will also be scheduled.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students may opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $3995

    Apply now:
    Read the Summer STEM FAQs

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 22-8

    Design and Drawing for Engineering

    Inspired by classes that every Cooper Union engineering student takes in their freshman year, students develop design practices and problem-solving skills through examining the needs of their community. At the same time, students learn sketching, technical drawing and computer aided design and tools and strategies for communicating ideas through words, images, and speech. Meetings with faculty, students and engineers will introduce current problems and the solutions being developed at Cooper Union or at engineering and technology companies. By the end of the program, student teams will identify a problem, design and fabricate a solution, and create a portfolio and presentation to promote how they imagine and engineer a better world.

    Students learn:

    -Drawing and Drafting

    -Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    -Prototyping and fabrication, including 3D printing

    -Engineering design and decision-making tools

    Instructors: Austin Wong, Cooper Union Alumni and Member of Maroon & Gold Labs, and Cooper Union Undergraduate Teaching Assistants

    Participants: Students in 10th or 11th grade in the 2023-2024 school year.

    Session information: This six-week program offers one session starting Monday, July 8, 2024. Classes meet Monday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and hands on activities at 41 Cooper Square. Off site field trips will also be scheduled.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students can opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $3950

    Apply now:
    Read the Summer STEM FAQs

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 22-9

    Next Gen Construction Materials

    Engineering can be leveraged to come up with clever solutions that improve performance of existing products while also being more socially conscientious, and cognizant of product lifecycle. Students will explore designing and growing acoustic paneling using mycelium (mushrooms) to help a local non-profit, the Loisaida Center, finish retrofitting their theatre for improved sound performance. Mycelium paneling is preferable to mainstream options because it is biodegradable such that future updates to the theater will not generate landfill waste. The class will cover sustainability and alternative material use in construction, an introduction to mycology, basics of acoustic design, and tools to design acoustic panels and molds to grow them.

    Students will learn about:
    • Mycology techniques and applications,
    • Acoustics,
    • Computer aided design,
    • Engineering Design and Decision Making

    Instructors: Brandon Bunt, STEM Teaching Fellow, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    This Three week program is open to 9th and 10th graders.

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions at 41 Cooper Square. Students will visit the Losaida Center, located in the East Village within walking distance of The Cooper Union. Other off campus field trips and site visits may also be scheduled.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students may opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $1850

    Credits: 0.00

  • STEM 23-10

    Environment Friendly Plastic Design  

    Plastic waste is a massive environmental problem that the world faces today. While recycling plastic waste is critical, researchers and engineers are working hard to prevent overaccumulation of waste through the development of new biodegradable plastics or polymers. Students will learn about new advances in the field of biopolymer design or alternative plastics and synthesize a new polymer of their own. In this class, students will learn lab techniques to synthesize and analyze materials like polymers, explore computational chemistry, and delve into the ethics of engineering.

    Students will learn:

    -Engineering design thinking

    -Science and engineering concepts related to polymer design and synthesis

    -Science research using software and laboratory equipment

    -Engineering ethics

    Instructors: Siddhartha Pinto, STEM Teaching Fellow, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Participants: Students in 9th or 10th grade in the 2022-2023 school year.

    Session information: This Three-week program offers two sessions. Session 1 starts Monday, July 10, 2023. Session 2 starts Monday, July 31, 2023. Classes meet Monday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.

    Prerequisites: none.

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions at 41 Cooper Square. Off campus field trips and site visits will also be scheduled.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students may opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $1950

    Apply now:
    Read the Summer STEM FAQs

  • STEM 23-11

    Redesigning Plastics Recycling

    Many types of plastics are used in everyday life and recycling them in a practical and sustainable way is challenging for consumers and the plastics industry. This class will focus on the plastic known as PLA, which is used in the rapidly growing 3-D printing industry. PLA is derived from plant starches and is more eco-friendly than most other plastics; however, it is a type 7 plastic and as such it is rarely recycled and often ends up in landfills. There, the plastic endures for hundreds of years before decomposing, despite often being advertised as ‘biodegradable’. In this class, students will apply engineering methods to improve PLA recycling by designing and performing experiments and interpreting results in order to advance the field of plastics recycling and make 3D printing more sustainable.

    Students will learn

    -Engineering design thinking

    -Material science research principles

    -Chemistry of plastics

    -Computer-aided design

    Instructors: Anastasiya Islamova, STEM Teaching Fellow, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Participants: Students in 9th or 10th grade during the 2022-2023 school year.

    Session information: This Three-week program offers two sessions. Session 1 starts Monday, July 10, 2023. Session 2 starts Monday, July 31, 2023. Classes meet Monday- Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.

    Prerequisites: none.

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions at 41 Cooper Square. Off campus field trips and site visits will also be scheduled.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students may opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $1950

    Apply now:
    Read the Summer STEM FAQs

  • STEM 23-12


    Engineering can be leveraged to come up with clever solutions that improve performance of existing products while also being more socially conscientious, and cognizant of product lifecycle. Students will explore designing and growing building materials using mycelium (mushrooms). Mycelium paneling is preferable to mainstream options because it is biodegradable such that future updates to the theater will not generate landfill waste. The class will cover sustainability and alternative material use in construction, an introduction to mycology, basics of acoustic design, and tools to design acoustic panels and molds to grow them.

    Students will learn about:

    -Mycology techniques and applications

    -Computer aided design

    -Building codes and policy

    -Engineering Design and Decision Making

    Instructors: Brandon Bunt, Cooper Union Alumni and Masters student, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Participants: Students in 10th or 11th grade in the 2022-2023 school year.

    Session information: This six-week program offers one session starting Monday, July 10, 2023. Classes meet Monday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions at 41 Cooper Square. Other off campus field trips and site visits may also be scheduled.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students may opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $3995

    Apply now:
    Read the Summer STEM FAQs

  • STEM 23-13

    Digital Electronics for the Inventor 

    This course is for students interested in building new computers and technology. This hands-on course challenges students to assess, design, build, test, and demonstrate a digital electronics project from scratch.  Topics covered include digital logic design, circuit theory, programmable devices, and basic microelectronics.  Students will engage in guided exercises and small-scale projects to put theory into practice. Student work culminates with an original design they create in small teams.  Through the team projects, students will develop skills in project man

    Students learn:

    -Engineering design process

    -Digital logic design

    -Microelectronics, including programmable devices

    -Engineering ethics

    Instructors: Jon Lu, Cooper Union Alum, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Participants: Students in 10th or 11th grade during the 2023-2024 school year.

    Session information: This is a six- week program beginnning on Monday, July 8, 2024. Classes meet Monday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.

    Prerequisite: Experience programming in an object-oriented language such as C, C++, Java, or Python.

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions at 41 Cooper Square. Off campus field trips and site visits will also be scheduled.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students may opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $3950

    Apply now:
    Read the Summer STEM FAQs

  • STEM 24-1

    Sustainable Futures

    As the world’s population grows, the grand challenges of maintaining the progression of civilization while simultaneously enhancing the quality of life become more pressing. The planet we live on has such finite resources that its growing population is depleting them at an unsustainable rate. This course addresses the urgent need for sustainable practices in product design and development. The class will cover various renewable energy resources, evaluate real-life case studies in all four engineering principles at The Cooper Union (chemical, mechanical, electrical and civil engineering), from consumer products to infrastructure systems, and identify the environmental footprint throughout the lifecycle stages. Students will explore the principles of lifecycle assessment (LCA) and circular economy to understand their impact on environmental sustainability. Utilizing collaborative group projects, students will engage in creating circular economy solutions, implementing LCA software tools for analyzing product design, and developing strategies to minimize waste and gas emissions. The course aims to equip students with a critical understanding of sustainable development challenges and the skills to innovate for a greener future.

    Students learn:

    -Fundamentals of sustainability and renewable energy; LCA methodologies, circular economy principles and their applications.

    -Learn and use of industry LCA software (openLCA) to quantify environmental impacts.

    -Teamwork and collaboration, including strategies to collect and analyze data, develop sustainable strategies for product design, and visually and verbally present the results.

    -Analyze case studies to extract sustainability lessons, and create new solutions.

    Instructors: Professor Hejintao Huang and Cooper Union Undergraduate Teaching Assistants

    Participants: Students currently enrolled in 10th or 11th grade in the 2023-2024 school year.

    Session information: This six-week program offers one session starting Monday, July 8, 2024. Classes meet Monday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.

    Prerequisites: none

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through lectures, discussions, and hands on activities at 41 Cooper Square.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students can opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $3950
    Apply now:
    Read the Summer STEM FAQs

  • STEM 24-2

    Intro to Engineering

    Inspired by the first class that every Cooper Union engineering student takes during their first semester of college, students learn about the engineering design process and develop skills in rapid prototyping. Students explore college, learn about engineering research and develop problem solving skills using engineering design practices. Students also learn sketching, technical drawing, computer-aided design and strategies for communicating ideas. By the end of the program, student teams will identify a problem, design and fabricate a solution, and create a presentation to share how they imagine and engineer a better world.

    Students learn:

    -Drawing and Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    -Prototyping and fabrication, including 3D printing

    -Engineering design and decision-making tools

    Instructors: Professor Matt Grattan, Professor Anastasiya Islamova, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Participants: Students in 9th grade in the 2023-2024 school year.

    Session information: This Three-week program offers two sessions. Session 1 starts Monday, July 8, 2024. Session 2 starts Monday, July 29, 2024. Classes meet Monday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.

    Prerequisites: none.

    Teaching method: In person. The instructor and teaching assistants will lead students through daily scheduled lectures, discussions, and practice sessions at 41 Cooper Square. Off campus field trips and site visits will also be scheduled.

    Materials: All materials are included. Students may opt to bring a personal computer.

    Cost: $1950

    Apply now:
    Read the Summer STEM FAQs

  • STEM 24-3

    Linear Algebra for Engineering Research

    Designed for students interested in research, this course will cover topics in introductory linear algebra and their applications to mathematics, science and engineering. Students will learn about vectors, systems of equations, linear transformations, matrix algebra, determinants and vector spaces and apply them to an engineering research problem.

    Topics covered:

    -Algebra of vectors and matrices

    -Solving systems of equations using matrices

    -Understanding the algebraic and geometric views linear algebra

    -Collaboration and study skills for college

    Instructors: Dr. Michael Kumaresan, Cooper Union Alumni and Adjunct Faculty, and Cooper Union student teaching assistants

    Participants: Students in 10th, 11th or 12th grade during the 2023-2024 school year can apply. 12th grade students beginning college in the fall 2024 for an engineering or STEM major are encouraged to apply. Students from any time zone can participate.

    Prerequisites: Precalculus with a grade of B or higher.

    Session information: This Three-week program starts July 8, 2024. Class meets Monday - Thursday from 1:00 - 3:30 pm EST. Study groups meet 11:30 am - 12:30 pm or 4:00 – 5:00 pm EST.

    Teaching method: Online, synchronous. The class will meet via zoom. Study groups are required. Students will be assigned a study group according to their time zone.

    Materials: Students need to provide a computer and Wifi access.

    Cost: $1950

    Apply now:
    Read the Summer STEM FAQs

  • Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

  • From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.

  • Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action.


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