Cities In Crisis: Ecological Transformations
POSTED ON: February 4, 2013
Globalization & the Changing City
What is urbanism? What is urban from an ecological perspective? How is the urban reality evolving in a global era? What is the nature of contemporary urban crisis? How can that crisis be met as an opportunity?
How do ecologists think about cities? What ecological processes occur in cities? What’s wrong with the idea of open space in cities?
How common is natural disturbance in the urban context? What is the nature of natural hazard in cities? How does this play out in terms of social and other kinds of vulnerability?
How did the “sanitary city” solve social and environmental problems? What are the limits to the sanitary strategy? How does the sustainable city envision solving the problems of the sanitary city, or even of cities that are created from scratch?
What does ecology have to say to urban design? What ecological principles underwrite ecological urban design? How do the ethics of sustainability shape ecological application in cities?
Does Aldo Leopold’s ethical viewpoint apply to cities? Is there a problem with our contrast between wilderness and “urbanness”? How do we facilitate the benefits of cities and incorporate them into ethical urban thinking?