Notes of Congratulations to the Class of 2024

Notes of Encouragement

Marshall R. ChE'63

Congratulations to all of Cooper's 2024 graduates. As a Trustee of Cooper Union it will be my distinct pleasure to witness your graduation ceremony on May 22nd. I look forward, too, to welcoming you into an exclusive club of Cooper Union Alumni. My particular focus is the Cooper Union Climate Initiative (CUCI) an alumni affinity group focused on this topic. I hope that some of you will join us in this initiative.

John M. ChE'83

Congratulations on joining the ranks of Cooper Union alumni While the degree you earned no doubt prepares you well for the career you've chosen, it has also given you another hidden advantage: NO graduate degree program you may decide to attend in the future will ever challenge you the way Cooper did! Best wishes to all!

Richard K. AR'76

As part of the class of 1976 School of Architecture I know that you have great potential to make a significant positive impact on our global community. Take what you have learned and apply it to our world with a passionate spirit of joy. Work at scale to have the greatest impact on our culture. Reach out and build teams, to collaborate on projects that will benefit humanity. Learn from the multitude of disciplines that it takes to create a memorable and sustainable architecture. Architecture is not limited by the plot of land it resides upon or a single discipline but is a mix of art and science that has a ripple effect upon its context and community. It is up to you to inspire humanity to evolve our culture and build a better world for all life on earth. We live on a very special planet in the heavens so build something beautiful and memorable! It is time to evolve paradise! 

Lionel G. CE'23

Wishing you all the most success! Take risks and follow your gut, and if things are still foggy, ask for help! You are not only a positive impact in the world around you, but you represent the best possible opportunities in your own future. Go and make change!

Sol G. ME'62

Congratulations on completing your academic years at Cooper. But try to remember the dedication of your teachers and the comradeship of your fellow graduates. The friendships you made and the studies you put in will last you a lifetime.

Birdette G. – Cooper Parent

Congratulations class of 2024!! I am so proud of your accomplishments and hopefully excited about your future. For four years I have been blessed by your creativity and amazed by your ability to transform the world through your individual and collective vision. I wish you continued success on your journey. Blessings always. 

Wynnie L. – Cooper Parent

Congratulations...! This is such a prestigious achievement, and we are incredibly proud to watch it happen. You've made it to the end of this chapter and the beginning of something new. Congratulations and best wishes for all the exciting things yet to come. 

Cooper Union Library & Archives Team

Cooper students are absolutely fabulous, and it has been our honor and pleasure to assist you in your research over the years. You have lifetime access to the library with your alumni ID, so don't be a stranger!

Wayne A. – Cooper Staff

Dear Class of 2024, Thinking about you all making the step from Cooper Union into the next phase of your lives, whether directly to jobs, careers or further education, I am, myself, encouraged and hopeful—as I think you should be also! You will be peppered with so many questions about what the future holds for you, which you may or may not have a clear picture of, but just remember: you have come this far by living each day as it came to you in the present moment, working with and among your peers at such an historic institution as Cooper Union. Surely, you can approach the future with the strength and courage that brought you to where you are now, moment by moment, until you can look back with amazement at how far you have once again traveled. And, as a seasoned IT professional, I encourage you to never forget the value of knowing when to turn it off and back on again! Congratulations!

Daniel R. – Cooper Faculty

To my former biochemistry students, Congratulations on all of your accomplishments; you should be so proud of yourselves. You’ve got a plethora of options in front of you; now is the time to explore and figure out what you enjoy. I can’t wait to see what sort of difference you make in the world! All the best! 

Svetlana G.

All of your hard work has finally paid off - Congratulations on graduating from Cooper! We are incredibly proud of your truly outstanding achievement! Stay true to who you are, chase your big dreams & goals and never stop believing in your own magical powers. Best of luck in the next chapter of your lives!

Carl S.

Congrats on staying the course and accomplishing so much at Cooper Union! Your class has gone through a lot because of the pandemic, and I am so happy that you have an opportunity to have a graduation ceremony. Time to celebrate you! I know you'll be leaving a place and there may be some sadness because of that, but your lives are just beginning and there is so much ahead of you. Congratulations again!

Margaret D.

You are you and you alone. You are the future. You are loved.

Gabby S.

Class of 2024, you did it! What a huge accomplishment. Whether you’re ready for the “real world”, or anxious for what’s to come, know that you are prepared, you are able, and you are worthy of good things. You may not land your “dream job” right out the gate, but every season of life teaches us things, and you’re on your way to greatness. Not to mention, you can make a huge impact no matter where you are. When it all feels like too much to bear, look back on this time with fondness, remind yourself you’re capable of hard things, and keep going. Keep trying. Just take the next right step and you will get to great places. Congratulations!!!

  • Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

  • From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.

  • Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action.