Huawei R&D Campus
The proposed R&D campus for Huawei draws strongly upon the geography and culture of the project site and it’s location in the wider Yangtze River valley. A desire to reinforce this unique sense of place has led the design team to a solution based on a sensitive integration of architecture, topography and landscape.
Structured around a central valley form, the campus offers an environment that is highly secure, efficient and above all, focused upon the creation of a strong sense of community and the well being of it’s inhabitants. With over 270,000m2 of accommodation, the facility incorporates a holistic mix of research offices, specialist IT laboratories, staff training and canteen buildings and will house over 9,000 employees at its peak. Based upon a detailed understanding of the client’s operational needs, the planning is driven by a modular building typology that is repeated throughout the site. This offers a cost effective and flexible architecture that is completely adaptable to the ever changing requirements of future technology research. Whilst resonating with the historic gathering of communities along the Yangtze River, this 21st century campus will now provide a platform to cultivate successful and innovative telecommunications technology.