Urban Sustainability in the Age of Climate Justice: Lessons from Metro Phoenix
Friday, November 18, 2011, 5 - 6:30pm

the Institute for Sustainable Design invite you to a lecture by
Urban Sustainability in the Age of Climate Justice:
Lessons from Metro Phoenix
free and open to the public
Thoughtful people look to cities for evidence that progress is being made in the fight to avert climate change. The “sustainable cities" movement is thriving all across the world. Mayors compete for the title of “greenest city in America.” Drawing on his own research in the metro Phoenix area -- what he calls "the world's least sustainable city" -- Andrew Ross shows that the key solutions are more social than technical.
Andrew Ross is Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University. A contributor to the New York Times, Nation, the Village Voice, and Artforum, he is the author of many books, most recently Bird on Fire: Lessons from the World's Least Sustainable City (Oxford University Press, 2011).