Electrical Engineering -- Undergraduate Program

The following describes the undergraduate electrical engineering program for students who enter Fall 2021 or later. For those who started the program before Fall 2021 see the previous undergraduate program.

Basic engineering courses along with core math, science and humanities courses are taken in the first and second years. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with a departmental faculty advisor as early as possible, preferably in the first year.

The foundation of electrical engineering in the curriculum is based on these three courses:

Gateway Courses: (9 credits)
ECE150 (F/S) Digital Logic Design 3 credits
ECE240 (F) Circuit Analysis 3 credits
ECE211 (S) Signal Processing 3 credits

In particular, students take ECE150 Digital Logic Design in their first year. It provides an introduction not only to the subject matter but also an early laboratory and design experience. Also, EE students take a C based programming course (ECE160) in their first year. Both ECE150 and ECE160 run in the fall and spring semesters.

From the second through the fourth year, students take a sequence of projects courses totaling 12 credits. Students following either track take these projects courses together, in order to foster interaction and multi-disciplinary work. The Electrical Engineering curriculum does not contain standard laboratory courses- these are project courses. That is, students do not perform prepackaged, rote experiments, but instead develop innovative designs, solve open-ended problems, and investigate topics not covered in required courses. The EE senior design courses are open only to students majoring in Electrical Engineering. Students in other majors may work with electrical engineering students on interdisciplinary projects, but they register for the capstone design project courses in their major, or EID362/363 Interdisciplinary Projects.

Sophomore, Junior & Senior Projects Courses: (12 credits)
ECE291 (F) Electrical Engineering Sophomore Projects 1 credit.
ECE393 (F) Electrical Engineering Junior Projects I 2 credits.
ECE394 (S) Electrical Engineering Junior Projects II 3 credits
ECE395 (F) Electrical Engineering Senior Projects I 3 credits
ECE396 (S) Electrical Engineering Senior Projects II 3 credits

In addition to the courses listed above, the following courses are taken by all students, regardless of the chosen track. These courses (with the exception of the general studies electives noted below) should be completed during the first two years of study:

Basic Math, Science & Engineering Courses: (32.5 credits)
MA110 (F) Introduction to Linear Algebra 2 credits
MA111 (F) Calculus I 4 credits
MA113 (S) Calculus II 4 credits
MA223 (F/S) Vector Calculus 2 credits
MA224 (F/S) Probability 2 credits
MA240 (F/S) Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations 3 credits
CH110 (F) General Chemistry 3 credits
CH111 (S) Chemistry Laboratory 1.5 credits
PH112 (S) Physics I (Mechanics) 4 credits
PH213 (F) Physics II (Electromagnetic Phenomena) 4 credits
PH214 (S) Physics III (Optics & Modern Physics) 3 credits
PH291 (F) Introductory Physics Laboratory 1.5 credits
EID101 (F) Engineering Design & Problem Solving 3 credits

Technical Electives: (15 credits)

Most courses offered by the School of Engineering, other than those required for the EE degree, can be taken as “Technical Electives.” The term “Technical Elective” elsewhere may appear as “Engineering and Science,” but regardless this category includes courses in mathematical, computer science, and even other subjects such as entrepreneurship and finance, as long as the course is offered by the School of Engineering. Students in one EE track can take courses from the other track as technical electives. There are certain courses, however, that can be used free electives only (described below), not as technical electives. Other courses offered by the School of Engineering may count towards the Bachelor of Engineering degree, at all. These exceptions are found on Technical and Free Electives.

General studies: (24 credits)
HSS1, HSS2, HSS3, HSS4 Core Humanities & Social Sciences 12 credits
Electives in Humanities and Social Sciences 6 credits
Free electives: 6 credits

Most courses offered at The Cooper Union, including Art, Architecture, Humanities & Social Sciences as well as courses offered by the School of Engineering, qualify as “Free Electives.” There are a few exceptions, specifically courses that cannot be used towards the credits needed for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering. These exceptions include courses with significant overlap with required courses, and most math and science courses offered outside the School of Engineering.

Details about courses that cannot be used as free electives can be found at Technical and Free Electives.


  • Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

  • From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.

  • Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action.


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