Cara Di Edwardo

Director of Continuing Education
Director of Typography Programs
Adjunct Professor

Cara Di Edwardo received a BFA from Cooper Union in 1985, studied printmaking at Kyoto Seika University and École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris; biology, chemistry and foreign languages at NYU & Hunter College, and traditional goldsmithing at Cecilia Bauer’s school. 

She is an adjunct professor at The Cooper Union where she has taught hand papermaking since 1991 and calligraphy since 2001. In 2010 she spearheaded and co-founded Type@Cooper and has been organizing it ever since. In 2015, she co-founded Type@Cooper West in San Francisco forming the partnership between The Cooper Union & the newly established Letterform Archive, where she sits on the advisory board.

She is co-founder and director of Typographics, an annual international type festival  and conference at The Cooper Union that brings speakers from all areas of design where typography is key and an array of events surrounding the main stage days.

She was president of the Society of Scribes in New York City from 2008 to 2010 and served on the board of the Type Directors Club between 2014 and 2017.

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