Anne Hewitt

Annie Hewitt received a BA in philosophy from Vassar College and a PhD from the government department London School of Economics. Her work began in classical Greek political philosophy but is increasingly interdisciplinary, exploring the intersection of literature, history and philosophy. 

She has taught a range of courses in the humanities at universities in NYC, Hanoi, London, Rome as well as at an art academy in Florence. For a number of years, she has been a member of the faculty of John Jay’s Prison to College Pipeline Program, teaching classes at a prison in upstate New York. Her prison teaching continued abroad at a correctional facility in Italy.

She has published articles on a number of topics, including epieikeia and justice in Aristotle and the on relationship between poetry and political theory. Currently, she is working on a translation of a book about nonviolence in the classical world.


  • Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

  • From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.

  • Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action.